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Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 15:47
Oh look at those little sweeties! Oh bless them brings a tear to my eye they're so cute xx

Bean :starving:
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 16:08
WestLondonChick wrote: They are soooooooo cute carieoates :heart:

Westie @WestLondonChick you have to write the persons name within the tag brackets to tag them duck. Get @madcatlady to show you later. :oops:
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 16:11
Somebody I know is not very subtle when it's time for dinner! How funny :grin:

Bean :starving:
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 19:46
Oh i love this tent! Cute chicks and gorgeous dogs all on the one page! X
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 20:17
...and lovely slippers too! :grin:

Bean :starving:
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 20:40
Hehe yes! They are rather lovely slippers @nursebean
My two friends Edna Barky and Sebastian wanted to show you the slippers my friend passed onto me today! They are actually a lovely bright pink tho they look red here x
Hi Aunty Nursy! X
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 21:08
Er...Edna Barky and Sebastian?! :shock:

Bean :shock: :shock:
Re: The WAGS tent!
01 Apr 2014, 21:11
Er..yes! your point being ? :bugeyes:

Ooh just remembered..@PennyForthem how did you get on at the bank with the chewed up ten pound note! X
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 00:14
ooh I :heart: your dogs Beany - maybe we could arrange a WAGs meetup! (I'm on a roll now!) Don't think the cats would like it much mind you - best leave them at home maybe! :lol:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 03:31
Oh I dunno @matcatlady the girls just LOVE poody cats!!

Poor Poppy is up tonight with a bad tummy. I really don't know what it is. She's bean on her new food for a while now, but I do change the flavour quite frequently so maybe it's that. Poor little soul, she does suffer. And so does mummy as I can't sleep now :frown:

Roll on the morning

Bean :sleepy:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 07:14
CandiceMarie wrote: Er..yes! your point being ? :bugeyes:

Ooh just remembered..@PennyForthem how did you get on at the bank with the chewed up ten pound note! X

They changed it without quibble, @candicemarie!!
I'd been in a couple of weeks earlier with the chewed 'gizmo' and she laughed at the £10 note. Said puppy must be 'quite a character'; understatement!

@nursebean how's poorly Poppy?
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 07:43
nursebean wrote: Oh I dunno @matcatlady the girls just LOVE poody cats!!

Poor Poppy is up tonight with a bad tummy. I really don't know what it is. She's bean on her new food for a while now, but I do change the flavour quite frequently so maybe it's that. Poor little soul, she does suffer. And so does mummy as I can't sleep now :frown:

Roll on the morning

Bean :sleepy:

Oh Been - hope your baby feel better now. Changing food can be tricky, even the flavors can set it of.

Diego has been know to nick 1/2 long red chili and I almost had a wake - I mean, chili and a little JR?? Reminded me when Sam was round 1yr got to taste a rather garlicy tzatsiki and spend over 1 hr running round and round in the apartment we then lived in, in severe tummy pain, refused to let us catch him..., :cry: :heart:
Diego was fine though, not even his bowl movements was affected :smile:
Last week Arwen rescued two fefferoni from the sink. But it didn't affect her one bit I'm happy to say.
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 08:10
Ooops sorry @carieoates :heart: - I must have been having a moment! :doh:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 08:28
Hi @nursebean :heart:

Hope Poopy is feeling better now? :clover:

Love the pic :like: :heart:
Re: The WAGS tent!
02 Apr 2014, 10:48
Poopy?! Don't you just love corrective text?!!
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