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Group Challenges

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First time I'm failing a challenge. Weight has creeped back up to 69.3kg so I've only lost 400 gram since starting this challenge. Too many dinners outdoors and with a long weekend coming up it won't be much better news next week I think.
This is my report.
I think I've lost about 100grams since last week, but my BMI has gone to the 2.5 side of things, so that is something.
Why is my weight loss so slow??? Now??? :frown:
Hi all. A couple of days late here.

Starting weight (2-10-16): 137.8 lbs
2-17-16: 137.4 lbs
2-25-16: 138 lbs
3-2-16: 139.4 lbs (this is a weight gain challenge, right? :-P )
3-9-16: 138.4 lbs
Goal weight by Easter: 135 lbs

So I'm just losing the weight that I gained this month, but at least I have the scale moving in the right direction again! I'm feeling much better. The hunger monster is at bay and I have been feeling pretty satisfied and full after meals. No crazy snacking binges this week. I also have not eaten out much so that's helping a lot. It seems like a lot of you are also on the struggle bus with this challenge. I don't think I will reach my goal. But I suppose we just have to give it our all and see what happens! There will always be more challenges to kick butt in!
Thanks to those who have checked in. There seems to be a recurring theme of eating out = slow weight loss. I struggle with the weekends when we regularly socialise with friends and some weeks it seems that all the good work I do Monday to Friday is undone between Friday night and Sunday evening.
I encourage you all to give this challenge a really good go as we enter the final two weeks. I am looking forward to a hot cross bun as my post challenge treat.
Still maintaining. :cry: My actual weight is down .4 lbs from last week, but my trend weight is only down .1. It is not looking good for my challenge goal, but I'm just going to keep trying.
Good morning everyone! ADFnFuel here. Pilchards has been very, very busy and so missed last Fridays summary. I (foolishly) offered an early draft PM just to see what might be involved in that process. All errors below are mine so feel free to throw darts as you see fit. She'll be back this Friday.

We're just under two weeks to go in this challenge so a good time to review where we are all at and approach the next half with renewed determination. If nothing hurts, you're doing it right.

1 @Pilchards --2.1 kg/ - 1 cm/ 5/7 Aiming for - 2 kgs, - 2.5 cm 5/7 days fitbit goal.

March 9: -3.4kg from the start. Chasing the wily carrot.

2 @Juliana.Rivers 30 minutes/day studying digestion and food - thanks for sharing your learnings @Juliana.Rivers

Busy reading...

3 @WarriorPrincess currently on holidays - back on 3rd March - welcome back! @WarriorPrincess

Back from holiday.

4 @BeautyNovice 5:2 - let us know how you are going @BeautyNovice

Currently on holiday from posting on (!?)

5 ADFnFuel --

March 8: -9 pounds from the start.

6 @loversghost Aiming for 3.2kg loss and giving up chocolate - how are you doing @loversghost?

Also on holiday from posting on (!?)

7 @cblasz Aiming for 4.5 lb loss and 8500-9000 steps per day - trending downwards (on the ski slopes @cblasz?) and renewing goals for next week.

March 7: Holding with a down trend.

8 @Margotsylvia aiming to reduce bmi - smashing it @Margotsylvia with - 2.8 kg loss so far and a bmi of 23

March ?: -3.3kg from the start. !! Approaching perfection...

9 @ravingkiko Walk 2 miles every day Eat Whole30 - up and down - looking forward to a good week ahead @ravingkiko

March 8: Meeting the plan.

10 @katkin No carbs Monday to Thursday and no chocolate Hope you are enjoying your weekend carbs @katkin

Also on holiday from posting on (!?)

11 @pamie123 Giving up sugar - aiming for weight loss - Weight the same but holding strong on no sugar.

February 28: -500g.

12 @SammyIAm Giving up candy and losing 3 lbs - Holding steady and renewed determination for next week.

March 11: -.6 pounds.

13 @Flic Aiming for a 5 lb loss. Cutting back on coffee. Down 1 lb, still managing on one coffee per day - keep it up @Flic

Also on holiday from posting on (!?)

14 @carieoates Giving up white bread

March ?: Wine over nuts or is that nuts over wine, CarryOh?

15 @Maggiee Aiming for a 2 kg loss. Sugar free and dry Feb - quite a challenge

Also on holiday from posting on (!?)

16 @Wmr309 Aiming for 2 kg Week 1 - 0.3 kg - off the plateau - 1.2 kg so far.

March 10: -400g from the start.

17 @BrissieGirl Aiming for 2.5 kg loss - how is it going @BrissieGirl?

March 6: -600g from the start.

18 @skinnyli Aiming for 2-3 kgs and giving up chocolate

Also on holiday from posting on (!?)

Please get those updates in by Thursday this week if at all possible. Thanks!
Made me chuckle. I'm nuts and I know it. How about you?
Hurrah! My weight has finally shifted! On Sunday - I think - I was 57.5 kg with a BMI of 22.46. That is a total loss of about 5.8 kg.
I was away from home and hubby over the week end and ate very little in the evenings. It seemed to help. Then I came back home on Monday and ate very little with Hubby. And now my weight is up again to 57.8. Does Home and Hubby make me put on weight I wonder. I honestly did not eat much!! A couple of more weeks of this struggle to go on... Good luck everyone! :clover: :clover: :clover:
#5 checking in. Morning weight shows I'm -12 pounds (-5.45kg) from the start.
#9 checking in
7 for 7 on the 16:8 front - it's not enough for weight loss for me, but I find the compressed schedule a relief in general :victory:
6 for 7 on the Whole 30 front - Sunday was a planned family-style Chinese restaurant meal - no regrets :smile:
6 for 7 on the walking front - Missed the goal yesterday by just a little bit, back and joints all achy and just could not go any further :oops:
Next week no excuses - 7 for 7 across the board :like:
#12 here with my (on-time!) weekly weigh-in:

Starting weight (2-10-16): 137.8 lbs
2-17-16: 137.4 lbs
2-25-16: 138 lbs
3-2-16: 139.4 lbs (this is a weight gain challenge, right? :-P )
3-9-16: 138.4 lbs
3-16-16: 137 lbs
Goal weight by Easter: 135 lbs
UGW: 130 lbs

I've had a pretty great week. I have finally managed to get below my starting weight for this particular challenge. Hooray! I attribute that to being religious with the 16:8 eating window and by keeping below (if only slightly) my MFP calorie goal. Also another week of not eating out other than 1 night of pizza and cookies and wine debauchery (which I worked off in my cycling classes). Other than that, the hunger monster is still at bay. Now that I am 2 pounds and 2 weeks away from my goal, I have changed the MFP goal to lose 1 lb/week. It's going to be rough sticking to 1200 calories daily, but I keep telling myself that it's only 2 weeks. I REALLY want to see that 135!
Morning all, as we enter the final week of our Lenten Losings challenge it would be great to hear how you are all going.

I have only lost 100g this week which is fine as I have already achieved more than the 2 kg loss that I wanted for this challenge. I have maintained my waist measurement as - 3 cm and again did 7 out of 7 days of my fitbit target of 13,200 steps per day. It is a bit harder getting up now that the mornings are dark but I gamely put on my highviz vest and stomp round my local streets for at least 45 minutes every morning. Add to that a lunchtime walk most days and I only need a quick once round the block after dinner to get my target done.

This will be a slightly longer week as we will officially finish this challenge on Friday 25 March so let's all give it a good push at the end and get the results we deserve!
I am not sure which days we're reporting now. But anyways. I might have cracked the problem I had - too large suppers!!! Blääh!
I have now tried NOT TO EAT much at all in the evenings and it is working. This morning my weight had gone down again :grin: .
I am now 57.3 kg. BMI is 22.3 and I have lost 6 kg on this challenge. I am feeling a lot happier over all. Not least because the end is in sight. :smile:
I'm not quite a complete non-starter on this challenge, but I'm Not Doing Well. Had a wonderful holiday, during which I ate as I wanted to because I'd be joining the challenge part-way through when I returned. Unfortunately the super-slim holiday bod returned almost half a stone heavier at 11.5.5 and since then I've managed to drop an unimpressive 0.75lbs.
Weigh-in today 11.4.75 :frown:

I'm trying, really I am, though my son arriving home with a large box of chox on the fast-day also known as Mother's Day didn't help in the slightest. :grin:

I'm cranking up the exercise & fastdays scheduled for Sunday, Tuesday & Friday next week. Verdict so far - must try harder.
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