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bofa45 wrote:
bofa45 wrote: #43 checking in........
Hi everyone. Well a 2 lb loss this week taking me to 13 st/ 82.5 kg. 9lb loss since I started back in Sept. My goal was 80kg for Christmas..... which I don't think I'll reach but very happy with where I've reached. :)

Hi Juliana, you're doing a great job with all our posts! Can this one be added to my updates? Many thanks.


oopsie. Updated now @bofa45
Hi, I'm also waiting to update my latest weigh-in with an "Oh My Goodness I really really hope I see a loss from the last time I weighed in on the 7th November" weigh-in on the scales on Friday.
On it like a car bonnet since my fast on Sunday, counting every single calorie going in and sticking to 1600 or less on my food days (TDEE is 2045) I WANT TO GET BACK TO LOSING 2lbs A WEEK!!!

I'm revising my goal to lose 12lbs by the last weigh in on 19th Dec for me - think I'm at 8lbs lost so far.......................................................
I have already put in my planned fast days into my diary right through into January. I do still intend to fast TWICE a week (I normally have 3 fast days a week) over the Christmas Holidays. More to just even out the damage!! NOT that I intend to go wild - but when you haven't had PORK or ALCOHOL for 4 months I KNOW its going to be a pig fest!!!! LOL

jb x
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Keep the progress reports in. With only 2 weeks to go I am expecting some people to know if there is a slim chance they will make it to their goal.. keep going even if you dont as its a better start to the new year if you are xxxx pounds/grams lighter.

now i would post and update everyone on post 1. but ive run out of room .. your allowed 120,000 characters (i asked for it to go up from 60k... been deleting some of the longer posts and its actually easier if i can just copy and paste without thinking. i put out a shout out to @Moogiebut if any moderator here has access to the BB forum system and can give me even an extra 10,000 characters i can get this show back on the road. Im sure it wont break anything. i think 10,000 characters is like 1600 wordes which should see me right to the end of the challenge including challenge post mortems.

Thanks Moogie.... loving the extra 80,000 characters. Hopefully will have Post 1 updated with week 9 results soon.

So feel free everyone to give me very detailed last progress reports in the weeks to come. If you didnt make your goal or was smaller in weight loss that you feel you should be, see if you can see what it was so that you can take that info on board for next challenge or for 2015 generally. Theres a good 20 active people in the challenge now but hoping more will return to let us know how you go. If you havent posted since introducing yourself to the challenge, dont worry its all about the fun here (i nearly wrote its all about the Bass haha) so i wont hunt you down or anything.

Cheers all and enjoy the Christmas preparations. Exactly 2 weeks to go!
WarriorPrincess wrote: 109 reporting in at 11st 13.25. 1.75lbs lost this week, 8.25lbs in 7 weeks.
I just submitted a post which seems to have gone astray, so apologies if this turns up twice! My target is 11st 12 - which would be BMI 25 & me not overweight. Everything would be looking great if it wasn't that Xmas begins in earnest for me this coming Friday, with 4 parties in 7 days. I can think of only one way round this - I'm aiming to achieve target this coming week! I've planned my first ever 4:3 and 2 trips to the gym, & I'll declare diet-over on the day I weigh in at 11st 12 or less.

I'm not intending to put it all back over Xmas(!) I'll still weigh-in daily & might have the odd fast-day if things are getting out of hand. The plan is to return on 12th Jan, weighing no more than 12st 2, & to join all you lovely people in the next diet challenge.

Good luck to anyone else who's on the home straight this week.

Hi @WarriorPrincess sorry for belated replies on your posts. You seem so so so close. Looking forward to seeing you as the 5th person to reach target.
Lizbean wrote: 1.8lb loss this week, 1lb to goal, lost 1.4lbs on this challenge. I have a plan. As I have been bumbling around the same few pounds for months and have yet to reach the elusive 124lbs, if I have not reached it come 30 Dec my Fastiversary I will call it a day, announce the weight and go into maintenance.
Good luck everyone :clover:

that sounds like a positive plan for you @Lizbean. Sometimes that "elusive number" may indeed not be the right number for us and we should move into maintenance earlier. Theres tonnes of discussion about how to determine what indeed is the level for maintenance for anyone but I think we know it in ourselves when its time to declare maintenance. I still have to lose at least 2 kilos of trend weight before i can feel comfortable about saying im in maintenance. Though wondering now if it should be just 1 kilo
juliebulie10 wrote: Hi, I'm also waiting to update my latest weigh-in with an "Oh My Goodness I really really hope I see a loss from the last time I weighed in on the 7th November" weigh-in on the scales on Friday.
On it like a car bonnet since my fast on Sunday, counting every single calorie going in and sticking to 1600 or less on my food days (TDEE is 2045) I WANT TO GET BACK TO LOSING 2lbs A WEEK!!!

I'm revising my goal to lose 12lbs by the last weigh in on 19th Dec for me - think I'm at 8lbs lost so far.......................................................
I have already put in my planned fast days into my diary right through into January. I do still intend to fast TWICE a week (I normally have 3 fast days a week) over the Christmas Holidays. More to just even out the damage!! NOT that I intend to go wild - but when you haven't had PORK or ALCOHOL for 4 months I KNOW its going to be a pig fest!!!! LOL

jb x

hi @juliebulie10 Have revised your target in post 1 and with only 4 lbs to go... you can do it.

wow putting in fast days into your diary.. now thats good planning!

All the best for the next few weeks , and Christmas of course JB
Ive updated everybody on post 1 to Dec 8.
we can almost count Christmas in days and sleeps.. bit scary as im not really ready and a bit slow on the old weight loss program.. but it's all sweet. Very mindful every day whether fast day or not and that just feels "good for me"
I certainly never fear fast days and indeed as ive said on many occasions I even look forward to them. I have an appointment tomorrow with a client so feel i best not do my normal no eating before 2pm (dont want to faint in front of him.. kidding.. its more a case of something I prefer not to do if i am in a business appointment situation as food helps feed my brain I think, if that makes sense.)
A quick shout out to those that have submitted progress reports since Oct 1 but have stopped in say the last month. - let us know how you are going. with only 2 weeks to go, do you think you will achieve your goal? Perhaps you have opted out of the challenge, in which case hope all goes well in the new Year for you.

@Wiltshire Jo
I'm opting out of the challenge. I'm still fasting but as I'm not losing, I don't want to put pressure on myself. Good luck to everyone else.
Hey Juliana,
Many thanks for the reminder. I am still on board and this weekend I reached my Christmas target :grin: I have since lost a few more grams. I am feeling FAB!
I hope that everyone else is doing well x
Christmas club member 69
#11 here.

I am maintaining within the range of 139-141 lbs, with no further weight gain, despite Thanksgiving festivities, but 2 lbs of what I gained at my conference in October seems to have become permanent.

Nevertheless, maintaining this time of year is quite an achievement, especially as I have been enjoying quite a lot of holiday food and OH has filled the house with expensive, very delicious, mail order candies, French cheeses, and artisanal sausages. I was 152+ this time last year.

So I will continue my plan which is just to keep on fasting 2 days a week, though in January, I might have to go on a candy and treats diet. OH is one of those unemotional Yankee men who expresses his love by fixing things around the house and bringing home food he has hunted--in his case, mail order candy. Twice a year he says, "I love you" but he brings home an awful lot of candy and yesterday he presented me with a compact phone charger, which, since I am always letting my phone run down, is yet another of those Yankee expressions of romantic love.
rawkaren wrote: I'm opting out of the challenge. I'm still fasting but as I'm not losing, I don't want to put pressure on myself. Good luck to everyone else.

No worries Karen... all the best
Kelly25-tr wrote: Hey Juliana,
Many thanks for the reminder. I am still on board and this weekend I reached my Christmas target :grin: I have since lost a few more grams. I am feeling FAB!
I hope that everyone else is doing well x
Christmas club member 69

whoohooo challenge achiever number 5!!!! well done. and you look fab too@kelly25-tr!
109 here - I made it!
Began on 19th Oct at 12.7.5 - weighed in this morning at 11st 11.25. That's 10.25lbs down in 7.5 weeks, Xmas target made and me at BMI 25!!

Have to admit yesterday was a fastday, so a little of that weightloss will probably have disappeared by tomorrow morning. But .. I've done it! :grin: :grin: :grin:

I'll see you all & resume in January, but for now I'm signing off for Xmas. And couldn't be a happier bunny!!!
Good luck with the end of the challenge - & Happy Christmas to all on the FastDay forum!
WarriorPrincess wrote: 109 here - I made it!
Began on 19th Oct at 12.7.5 - weighed in this morning at 11st 11.25. That's 10.25lbs down in 7.5 weeks, Xmas target made and me at BMI 25!!

Have to admit yesterday was a fastday, so a little of that weightloss will probably have disappeared by tomorrow morning. But .. I've done it! :grin: :grin: :grin:

I'll see you all & resume in January, but for now I'm signing off for Xmas. And couldn't be a happier bunny!!!
Good luck with the end of the challenge - & Happy Christmas to all on the FastDay forum!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S @Warriorprincess I knew you could do it. - 6TH OUT OF THE CHALLENGERS

Would you believe about 8 hours ago in Sydney, Australia , the other side of the world I was driving home from an appointment and asked myself... i wonder if WarriorPrincess will be shouting out here goal achievement. truly

well done!!!! :like: :like: :like: :like:
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