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Panda_Po wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: All up to date as at November 30 with progress updates. phew.. let me know if i have missed an update from you.

You've missed me again :(

omg I did too. You must think i aim at you.... i did catch your Nov 24 entry... so sorry .. andyou are doing so marvellously and post with straight to the point, succinct progress reports.

Only 100g i see .. whoooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo.. i shall pay special attention in the coming wee @Panda_Po. You may indeed be the fourth member to goal point.!
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Panda_Po wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: All up to date as at November 30 with progress updates. phew.. let me know if i have missed an update from you.

You've missed me again :(

omg I did too. You must think i aim at you.... i did catch your Nov 24 entry... so sorry .. andyou are doing so marvellously and post with straight to the point, succinct progress reports.

Only 100g i see .. whoooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo.. i shall pay special attention in the coming wee @Panda_Po. You may indeed be the fourth member to goal point.!

Thanks :)
Well, I seem to have missed a couple of months of this challenge! I had a stressful October so stopped and then have only just climbed back on the wagon...

I fasted yesterday so will weigh myself after my second fast :smile:
#96 here

I already met my goal of 12.5KG last week, but I'm not done yet!
This weeks weigh-in (Saturday): -1.9KG

However, having just had a rather sudden and unexpected breakup to a 10 year relationship this weekend... the real challenge lies ahead. My routine is broken, and i'm already missing my daily gym visits - I won't be able to get there at all this week, maybe for the foreseeable future. On the 'plus' side, since i am not really eating anything (just not hungry) at the minute.. I at least shouldn't gain any fat

oh man :(
Rbrum wrote: Well, I seem to have missed a couple of months of this challenge! I had a stressful October so stopped and then have only just climbed back on the wagon...

I fasted yesterday so will weigh myself after my second fast :smile:

good to see you back in the challenge @Rbrum. a good 3 weeks to go so see how you go.
mas54321 wrote: #96 here

I already met my goal of 12.5KG last week, but I'm not done yet!
This weeks weigh-in (Saturday): -1.9KG

However, having just had a rather sudden and unexpected breakup to a 10 year relationship this weekend... the real challenge lies ahead. My routine is broken, and i'm already missing my daily gym visits - I won't be able to get there at all this week, maybe for the foreseeable future. On the 'plus' side, since i am not really eating anything (just not hungry) at the minute.. I at least shouldn't gain any fat

oh man :(

Firstly @mas54321I applaud you on your determination to achieve even more!

and secondly, stay strong at this time in your life. Eat healthily and focus on the positives of your new life ahead. Been there.... the sun will shine even stronger from today.
I just want to say I'm ssooo sorry to hear about the breakdown of your relationship, you must be feeling very broken right now and have a head full of thoughts..... take time for yourself xx I also think you have made amazing progress with your weightloss and I'm actually very envious of you for having consistently done such a great job!
I'm sure as you are so determined, things will start to brighten up for you as Julianna says and you will go on to achieve your weightloss dream xxx

I'm waiting until my offical weight in day on Friday to get back on the scales, I thinks its been 3 weeks since I have been on as I've had a couple of up and down days over the last few weeks. Nothing bad, but swapping fast days, going over slightly on my fast days, eating to TDDE and over a bit some days 'just because'.... hhmmpphh...... Since Saturday though, I'm pleased I seem to have things back under control. I fasted both Saturday and Sunday and Tuesday, food day today and then fast tomorrow ready to weigh on Friday. I need to see a loss again to keep my head in the game.
I hate getting up in the morning and having to wear the same 5 outfits for work each week, simply because i can get my fat arse and massive boobs in my other clothes STILL!! It really makes me hate myself.
I seemed to be doing so well in the beginning with about 2lbs loss a week.... I guess I got a little too confident, started eating more carbs then I usually would, eating a few more 'treats' that I usually only saved for once a week... it tells me that this isn't good for me and my weight loss mission.... So this week, I'm back on it. I'm tracking every morsel that goes into my mouth, even the sugar-free breath freshners that have 5 caloires!!! I'm also trying not to eat food I don't know the caloric values of and saving meals like this for only my 'cheat' day on a Friday or Saturday, then it doesn't matter. Back to 1600 cals on food days and 500 cals liquid only on 3 fast days.
I need to get back the:
"nothing tastes as good a remembering how happy I was when I was slim" feelings from the spring of 2012.

Keep going everyone, I love reading all your comments/stories they really do inspire me to keep going!!

jb x
juliebulie10 wrote: I just want to say I'm ssooo sorry to hear about the breakdown of your relationship, you must be feeling very broken right now and have a head full of thoughts..... take time for yourself xx I also think you have made amazing progress with your weightloss and I'm actually very envious of you for having consistently done such a great job!
I'm sure as you are a determined lady, things will start to brighten up for you as Julianna says and you will go on to achieve your weightloss dream xxx

I'm waiting until my offical weight in day on Friday to get back on the scales, I thinks its been 3 weeks since I have been on as I've had a couple of up and down days over the last few weeks. Nothing bad, but swapping fast days, going over slightly on my fast days, eating to TDDE and over a bit some days 'just because'.... hhmmpphh...... Since Saturday though, I'm pleased I seem to have things back under control. I fasted both Saturday and Sunday and Tuesday, food day today and then fast tomorrow ready to weigh on Friday. I need to see a loss again to keep my head in the game.
I hate getting up in the morning and having to wear the same 5 outfits for work each week, simply because i can get my fat arse and massive boobs in my other clothes STILL!! It really makes me hate myself.
I seemed to be doing so well in the beginning with about 2lbs loss a week.... I guess I got a little too confident, started eating more carbs then I usually would, eating a few more 'treats' that I usually only saved for once a week... it tells me that this isn't good for me and my weight loss mission.... So this week, I'm back on it. I'm tracking every morsel that goes into my mouth, even the sugar-free breath freshners that have 5 caloires!!! I'm also trying not to eat food I don't know the caloric values of and saving meals like this for only my 'cheat' day on a Friday or Saturday, then it doesn't matter. Back to 1600 cals on food days and 500 cals liquid only on 3 fast days.
I need to get back the:
"nothing tastes as good a remembering how happy I was when I was slim" feelings from the spring of 2012.

Keep going everyone, I love reading all your comments/stories they really do inspire me to keep going!!

jb x

You sound like one motivated lady @juliebulie10! That was lovely advice you gave
If you are not doing too well in the weight department dont be hard on yourself. But have a good plan of action to change things. Which it sounds likeyou have.. So... you go girl!
No 17 here at the end of week 9

Weight: on 01/12/14 123 lbs, no change, 1 lb over target
Wheat-free: Yes, grain-free yes, added sugars tiny amounts in salad dressings etc

Reflecting on my wheat-free experiment I am amazed by how much more energy I have and how much better my mood is these days, even in the gloomy pits of November. This switch from my usual tired, gloomy, doomy and anxious has come about in stages since I began fasting, but the grain elimination has definitely given it a boost. Of course more consistent exercise and dumping other types of junk food will have played a part, but I think I will continue being mainly grain-free after the challenge ends.
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
juliebulie10 wrote: What trips me up is if I eat out I don't know what to guestimate the calories are if there isn't an 'exact' entry to choose. If I eat at a friends house... how do I know the calories??..... restaurant portions and ifnot is hit and miss.....

I know what you mean juliebulie10, how to calorie count on non fast days especially if not at home can be difficult. Ideas anyone?
It depends on the restaurant - some of them now have 'hidden/secret menus' if you ask for them or search online (the chain restaurants sometimes do and these can have dishes that are calorie counted, lower sodium etc. - the US is particularly good for this so it's possible to use some of their info).

In a different restaurant style - it's easier to stick with something that is (say) a protein and 2 vegetables that allows you to estimate rather than ordering a 'made' dish such as a pizza or casserole. Order food that you can eyeball. If I'm stuck, I eat a tapas-bowl or plate sized portion of something and stop there. Similarly, at a friend's house, I'd eat a similar portion and stop.
SSure wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
juliebulie10 wrote: What trips me up is if I eat out I don't know what to guestimate the calories are if there isn't an 'exact' entry to choose. If I eat at a friends house... how do I know the calories??..... restaurant portions and ifnot is hit and miss.....

I know what you mean juliebulie10, how to calorie count on non fast days especially if not at home can be difficult. Ideas anyone?
It depends on the restaurant - some of them now have 'hidden/secret menus' if you ask for them or search online (the chain restaurants sometimes do and these can have dishes that are calorie counted, lower sodium etc. - the US is particularly good for this so it's possible to use some of their info).

In a different restaurant style - it's easier to stick with something that is (say) a protein and 2 vegetables that allows you to estimate rather than ordering a 'made' dish such as a pizza or casserole. Order food that you can eyeball. If I'm stuck, I eat a tapas-bowl or plate sized portion of something and stop there. Similarly, at a friend's house, I'd eat a similar portion and stop.

Yes you are right... simply cooked foods or spiced up simple foods is the best and maybe something which provides lots of salads or bbq'd meat. Some cuisines are easier to eat "light" than others. e.g. id avoid Chinese, Thai or indian if fasting.

and definitely avoid the all you can eat buffet style meals which i love.
No. 109 - interim report! I weigh in properly on Sundays & will probably have put some back by then. BUT I began this challenge 6.5 weeks ago at 12st 7.5lbs - and on two days so far this week my scales have recorded a number beginning with 11 :grin: :grin: :grin: (11st & a lot of lbs, obviously ... but nonetheless, I now weigh 11 stone something!) And its looking like I'll make my 11st 12lb target - can hardly believe it!
Oh delighted to report that I have lost 2lbs this week after my big gain on holiday last week. Phew!! I'm now back in the black.
Overall loss after all the ups and downs is now 1.6lbs.
I actually can't believe it's only three weeks until Christmas. TBH now I'd just be happy to see a new low on the scales, I'm not going to lose 6lbs. I am going to try to stick to 4:3/ADF though to minimise damage from upcoming nights out!
Progress reports are definitely slowing down

is everybody still keen on achieving their challenge goal>?. 3 done, 109 to go..

kidding i guess... hoping to get at least another 10 or so meeting target.. some are sooooooooooooooooooo closeeeeeeeeeee

let us know how you are travelling in the leadup to the close of the challenge, less than 20 days away.
Number 5 checking in. Not run this week again due to breathing problems with this cold that's still hanging around. Hopefully I cam start again next week.
Loss of 2.75lb this week. I am really pleased with this. That's 7.75lb overall in this challenge so far. After a slow start it seems to be back to losing again.
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