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Well done everyone that met and exceeded their challenge.. Sadly I have only lost 1 kg an epic fail, but at least its still downward... :like:
Hello, number 95 here. I'm afraid I'm going to be dropping out of the challenge for 2 main reasons, well 3 really.

1. We have decided that in the new year we will be trying for a Little Monster, and being in my mid 30s, I want to make sure my body is as well nourished as possible to maximise chances.

2. I have also decided to train for a half marathon in May. Obviously should I conceive during training (well not technically DURING, that would be some feat!), I will consult the docs to see if it's ok to carry on, but I really want to give it a go. I know many folks train and fast but I know I will function better if properly fed all the time - it's going to be an intense few months, esp as I hope to be working more hours too!

3. I wasn't really losing any weight and, quite frankly, I don't need to or even massively want to any more. I have a good healthy bmi, I do lots of activity and I get hungry! I felt dreadful when I fasted on Mondays (the only one I was really doing properly) and I just realised I was punishing myself for a few vanity pounds- not to mention pigging out on feed days as my body was just tired and hungry. I have gone back to eating healthy real full fat scratch cooked food 90% of the time and you know what? I feel great and have gained 1lb in 2 weeks which, with quite a few meals out recently, seems not that shabby.

Sorry to bow out, I don't like to quit, but it seems pointless for me to carry on. Thanks to Juliana.Rivers for keeping us all motivated and, you never know, I may be wanting to fast again come baby-weight-shifting time. It worked for me when I was feeling a little tubby before, so maybe again. I'll keep popping on here to see how you're all doing but can't promise I won't be eating while I do so... :wink:
No 17 reporting at the end of week 10
Weight: on 08/12/14 125 lbs, up 2 lbs, 3 lbs over target. Sigh!
Wheat-free: I think I managed to eat the filling of a quiche without ingesting any crust, and avoiding the little sponge bits in a trifle, but a few molecules may have got past! Also a more sugary week with creme brulee and madagascan vanilla cream.
question : Do you all count it as goal reached after you've maintained that weight for a certain period time, or just when reached on a non-fast day? Or if you weight after a fast day?

I mean, I have reached the goal twice, if I count my weight after a fast day :)
However, sadly, using my Monday am weight, after a weekend of normal eating, I don't think I will make goal, unless some miracle occurs. I have been really struggling this week with fasting for the first time. I think I am hitting a bit of diet/exercise mental fatigue

Current weight 142.8 (lowest weight recorded during challenge : 138.7)
Congratulations to all of you who made your goals!

And the rest of us who didn't, well if we've done our best we have nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't think I joined up to this, but just to say huge congratulations to everyone who has.
Looking back at my weight spreadsheet, I see I am 10lb lighter than I was this day last year (and I thought I was at target then!!).
So, to all losers, keep going and you will get there x
nznicole wrote: question : Do you all count it as goal reached after you've maintained that weight for a certain period time, or just when reached on a non-fast day? Or if you weight after a fast day?

I mean, I have reached the goal twice, if I count my weight after a fast day :)
However, sadly, using my Monday am weight, after a weekend of normal eating, I don't think I will make goal, unless some miracle occurs. I have been really struggling this week with fasting for the first time. I think I am hitting a bit of diet/exercise mental fatigue

Current weight 142.8 (lowest weight recorded during challenge : 138.7)

good question @Nznicole

There's actually 2 approaches in the challenge and im letting the challengers decide their personal rules and when they feel they have reached goal.
Method 1) When people see a target goal weight on the scale even once .. regardless of if after feast or fast day they will say they have made goal. No need to wait if your new low weight holds
Method 2) You use some kind of moving average trend line, like that offered by Libra app you can use on a mobile or theres others floating around or you can just average you last 3 or 4 daily weights and this will indicate that removing daily and hourly fluctuations, your real trend weight is x. Now if x is your goal or lower then you will then be able to declare a win on the challenge.

I aspire to method 2 though i think the majority adopt method 1 cause
a) its kind of simpler and b) its so exciting when you see the lower weight on the scale even once.

I use Libra religiously though these days only record it two or three times a week. I do use the progress trend bar on the forum but i suggest dont use that in any way for a challenge as its just a line of best fit, nothing to do with current trend.

So i guess it depends on yourself. personally i would disregard what kind of day, fast or otherwise you weight at and try to see the weight at least once or twice in the last 3 or 4 weigh ins.. then you know its not some abnormal blip.

If method a) is followed we congratulate you just as much and really ask no questions. Its only a number anyway and we have to be true to ourselves as to how we feel we have gone

Do others agree how i put that ?
# 12 checking in.

Last Week: 80.2
This Week: 78.8
Down: 1.4
Actual Loss: 500gm

I was surprised and pleased to discover the 900gm I held at last week's weigh-in is gone plus 500gm.
Loss so far: 2.1kg

:clover: to all! It's been exciting to see all the losses! Even more exciting to see how we all tally up at the end
of the challenge.
My challenge loss is: 2.75, so I still have 650gm to lose; in two weeks. Will I do it?
Hope so!
NO 5 checking in with a 1lb lose. Yay Plus I have gone jogging this week as well again. :grin:
So I am only 1.25lb off target. Even if I don't make it I think it's been great.
Juliana.Rivers wrote: I aspire to method 2 though i think the majority go to 2) cause a) its kind of simpler and b) its so exciting when you see the lower weight on the scale even once....

Do others agree how i put that ?

@Juliana.Rivers, I agree overall but think this might need an edit as you mean "majority go to 1)" rather than 2 as you have it now.
SSure wrote:
Juliana.Rivers wrote: I aspire to method 2 though i think the majority go to 2) cause a) its kind of simpler and b) its so exciting when you see the lower weight on the scale even once....

Do others agree how i put that ?

@Juliana.Rivers, I agree overall but think this might need an edit as you mean "majority go to 1)" rather than 2 as you have it now.

THANKS for picking that up @Ssure! fixed
#43 checking in. Down to 82.5 kg this morning. Just under 13 stone so I've achieved what I set out to do before Christmas! :)
Will continue after the festivities to shift another 10 lbs.
Sure there will be a New Year challenge started!
One more week to final check in so trying for 2 good fasts this week coming. Good luck to everyone still on the wagon before Christmas. X
Yey! Yey! Yey!! #48 checking in!!!

Down 2.2lbs...... taking me to 10lbs 6...... after a 'proper' week again! 1600 on food days, 500 or less on 3 fast days of veg soup/liquid only..... So pleased, 1.5lbs left to lose over next week to my (revised!) goal!!

2 meals out, 1 food day and 2 fasts to go before my final weigh-in on Thursday morning!!


JB x
Yeah, I'm in the camp of "if I see the weight, that's enough for it to count" :wink:
I saw a new low this week. 9 stone 4lbs. Total loss of 4 lbs since starting this challenge and the lowest I have been in over a decade since before I had my children. I'm really happy as I knew I wasn't going to lose the full 8lbs but I wanted to see how close I could get. It's the most I've lost all this year (despite having a big gain during the challenge due to a holiday) and people are commenting on my weight loss again.
I am going to carry on fasting 4:3 as much as I can over Christmas and I feel a renewed sense of appreciation for IF and I have a gut feeling I'll get to my target in 2015 (one stone and 4lbs to go) :grin:
#106 (I think) reporting. I'm at 65.4 kg today. I'll never make goal, but that's ok. I'll keep plugging along until I get there. Those last few lbs are so difficult. I'm happy with my progress.
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