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#10 checking in - down to 14st 2 now so a stone gone since the challenge started and 2lb to my revised goal...............
#94 here 6th Dec 58kg (lost 900g) Down 2kg in total.
Fasted Mon & thurs as usual, though both were hard. Seeing family for a few days this week for present exchange and festive food, so I need to be mindful before we go. (I've started using my WiiFit for the first time in ages- ok it's not much, but I've done enough to get warm and a bit puffed!)
#38 checking in with a surprise 1.5lb loss this week. So the half from last week plus another pound. Now 4lb loss for the challenge and 2lb to go. Wont make it at this rate, but oh so close.
The reason for the loss was the fabled 'wooosh', one non fast night spent weeing for England. Next morning one and half pounds down and it stayed off. So now I believe, sorry that may be too much information , but for all the non believers it does exist.
Good luck everyone for the last couple of weeks.
#96 here.. this week another 1.5kg weight loss.

This result is surprising for me. I haven't worked out for an entire week now (I was very disciplined prior, 5 workouts a week and very healthy meals). This week has been a mixture of not eating, or eating some junk food. My daily walking has dropped from 6km/day to 0.6, plus surely a significant increase in cortisol levels from stress. I am torn. As stupid as it sounds, this forum (the weight loss) and my relationship seem intrinsically linked. I always knew how much she hated the weight that i'd gained, that I let her and us down - I was ashamed too, as a result I ducked and dodged photo opportunities for years. So many amazing holidays, travelling and moments, there's no memory of "us", no pictures of me. As much as for my own health and self confidence, I wanted to give her "me" back, give our relationship the real "me" again.

Now it all feels in vain, and in my head the weight loss is linked with a doomed 10 year relationship. That's something I have to get my head around, I worked so hard to transform myself, I must not let it regress

I'm sorry for hijacking the thread with my personal crisis. I'm still not comfortable talking about my weight with people in real life. Even with my significant weight loss I don't like telling people what I currently weigh since it still feels so enormous
I have lost 4 & 1/2lbs this week since getting back from Japan last Monday from where I gained 8 lbs in weight. I am back on track now with two fasts last week but there is no way that I can meet my Xmas Challene now. Could the challenge be extended to include January to help us all deal with the Christmas aftermath?
I'm having one of my varicose veins injected on Monday that I suspect will also involve me having to walk for at least twenty minutes each day which may help on the exercise front but may prevent me from cycling on my exercise bike. I will try to stick with 4:3ing & hope I can keep reducing in weight but I don't regret my unavoidable weight gain in Japan because we had a fabulous time & learnt much :grin: :like:
Dear mas54321 it is I who should apologise to you because I unthinkingly added my post without reading yours first!
Don't worry about high jacking posts because this forum is the place that you can express yourself & your feelings without feeling embarrassed or guilty! I'm sorry that you feel your relationship is rocky & that you feel this is linked to your weight. Everyone on here I think must have felt their self worth is linked to how they look, myself included, but actually who we really are & our values are not! It is our perception of ourselves that changes & that can affect our behaviour & confidence. You are gaining health benefits from losing weight & will feel fitter & more energetic but please continue to lose weight for yourself not for anybody else & continue to post on the forum to let us know how you are getting on.
Member 26 106.8lbs - still within the 105-110lb range which is :cool:

I've been useless with the challenge. :(
#102 checking for week 9!

Last week: 121.1kg
This week: 120.2kg CHALLENGE GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!
Loss: 0.9kg (8.8kg total loss)

Yay! Reached my goal for this challenge! A long way to go still but I'm happy with this start :) Now let's see how far I can get until the challenge ends :)
#12 checking in.

Last Week: 79.3
This Week: 80.2
Up: .900

I missed my Thursday fast, life got in the way. I have gotten so used to my regular fasting routine, Monday and Thursday; that to miss one really makes me feel out of sorts. That with the humidity this week and I'm up on the scales, which is how my body reacts to humidity and heat.

In the past that would have really upset me, but now I know that the scales are only one indication of what is happening to my body. Body measurements and how clothes fit are truer indicators of what is really happening to our bodies. So, less stress about what the scales read. I can't believe I actually feel at peace with this after so many years of being an emotional prisoner to my scales.
109 reporting in at 11st 13.25. 1.75lbs lost this week, 8.25lbs in 7 weeks.
I just submitted a post which seems to have gone astray, so apologies if this turns up twice! My target is 11st 12 - which would be BMI 25 & me not overweight. Everything would be looking great if it wasn't that Xmas begins in earnest for me this coming Friday, with 4 parties in 7 days. I can think of only one way round this - I'm aiming to achieve target this coming week! I've planned my first ever 4:3 and 2 trips to the gym, & I'll declare diet-over on the day I weigh in at 11st 12 or less.

I'm not intending to put it all back over Xmas(!) I'll still weigh-in daily & might have the odd fast-day if things are getting out of hand. The plan is to return on 12th Jan, weighing no more than 12st 2, & to join all you lovely people in the next diet challenge.

Good luck to anyone else who's on the home straight this week.
:star: @Panda_Po :star: that's great news, congrats to you for reaching your challenge goal :star:
@mas54321 so sorry to hear you are having a tough time, hang in there, with us! You are doing so well, do you have a plan for next week?
1.8lb loss this week, 1lb to goal, lost 1.4lbs on this challenge. I have a plan. As I have been bumbling around the same few pounds for months and have yet to reach the elusive 124lbs, if I have not reached it come 30 Dec my Fastiversary I will call it a day, announce the weight and go into maintenance.
Good luck everyone :clover:
Panda_Po wrote: #102 checking for week 9!

Last week: 121.1kg
This week: 120.2kg CHALLENGE GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!
Loss: 0.9kg (8.8kg total loss)

Yay! Reached my goal for this challenge! A long way to go still but I'm happy with this start :) Now let's see how far I can get until the challenge ends :)

.. Big bows to the Panda
Keep the progress reports in. With only 2 weeks to go I am expecting some people to know if there is a slim chance they will make it to their goal.. keep going even if you dont as its a better start to the new year if you are xxxx pounds/grams lighter.

now i would post and update everyone on post 1. but ive run out of room .. your allowed 120,000 characters (i asked for it to go up from 60k... been deleting some of the longer posts and its actually easier if i can just copy and paste without thinking. i put out a shout out to @Moogiebut if any moderator here has access to the BB forum system and can give me even an extra 10,000 characters i can get this show back on the road. Im sure it wont break anything. i think 10,000 characters is like 1600 wordes which should see me right to the end of the challenge including challenge post mortems.
bofa45 wrote: #43 checking in........
Hi everyone. Well a 2 lb loss this week taking me to 13 st/ 82.5 kg. 9lb loss since I started back in Sept. My goal was 80kg for Christmas..... which I don't think I'll reach but very happy with where I've reached. :)

Hi Juliana, you're doing a great job with all our posts! Can this one be added to my updates? Many thanks.
I haven't reported a weigh-in this week. Been away this weekend and now need to repair the over indulgence. I did however notice that my food and drink choices are not the same as they used to be, so not quite so much to repair after all. Back to it this week,

Shhhh don't tell anyone but I did see an all time low last week. :doh:
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