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I had hoped for 10 lbs but I am satisfied with the 5lbs I've lost. It is very slow going for me, Happy Holidays to all!!
Hello all.......and a very Merry Christmas to everyone!

#7 reporting in with my final weigh in for this challenge. It hasn't been as straightforward as the other challenges for me, as I have lost my way quite a bit over the past few months. The comfort eating urge has been strong.....and I have, as usual, gone with it. There's loads of work I need to do with myself and I am doing what I can, when I can.

My final weigh in was 12st 1lb - which is a loss of a pretty miserly 2lbs overall. I'm not saying I'm pleased with that, but taking all my situation into account, it's a wonder it isn't a 10lb I will grab my 2lb loss very gratefully thank you very much!

We have all read it here time after time - but we really are on a lifelong journey of getting to grips with our relationship with food. Some will get there quicker than others...and sincerely, very good luck to them. I am not in a competition with anyone else, in fact the only person I am at times fighting with, is me! Old habits die hard, but die they must.....Since the start of my journey on 25/11/13 I have lost 49lbs.....a jolly lot! I have "failed" this particular challenge, but I have also learned valuable things about myself which will be helpful for the next one. See you on the other side!

Big congrats to everyone for taking part in the first place and very good luck all for the future!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Member 26 reporting that I've maintained within my 105-110lbs range for the whole challenge so I'm pleased. I was 107lbs today which is fine.

:clover: over the holiday period to fellow challenge participants. :)
Well done everyone who reached their goal!! That's no mean feat. Now you can celebrate over Christmas...but don't go too mad...2015 is a comin!
Bean :heart:
I am within my maintenance weight range of 62-64 kilos, and weighed in on Saturday at 63.5, so I'm happy with that.

Thanks Juliana for running the challenge and helping me to keep on track this winter, maintenance hasn't been that easy this year so I'm pleased I have managed to avoid weight gain!

Well done to everyone who got to goal!!
# 12 checking in.

Last weigh: 78.8
Same as last weight 78.8
Neither up nor down. Even though I didn't meet my challenge goal I'm still down 2.1kg...Happy/lighter me! Thank you @Juliana.Rivers, for hosting this challenge.

Merry Christmas 5:2ers
Hello number checking in.
This is my last post in this challenge, I wanted to lose 12 lb to get to goal and even though I started with great gusto it was difficult to keep up momentum and achieve the 12lb.
So i lost 6lb and my true weight app is showing 12.3.6. I'm very happy with that.

My next challenge will be to get to goal before Easter as we are going to Florida and I wish to be maintaining by then.
Thanks Juliana R. For being a great host and well done everyone no matter how much you lost. Above all lets remeber what we've learnt and put it into practice in the future.
Happy Christmas everyone.
carieoates wrote: Hello number checking in.
This is my last post in this challenge, I wanted to lose 12 lb to get to goal and even though I started with great gusto it was difficult to keep up momentum and achieve the 12lb.
So i lost 6lb and my true weight app is showing 12.3.6. I'm very happy with that.

My next challenge will be to get to goal before Easter as we are going to Florida and I wish to be maintaining by then.
Thanks Juliana R. For being a great host and well done everyone no matter how much you lost. Above all lets remeber what we've learnt and put it into practice in the future.
Happy Christmas everyone.

@carieoates 6lb's is not too shabby at all. Happy dancing for you. Congrats to everyone else who lost during the challenge whether you met goal or not. Nice job @juliana.rivers :heart:
#38 with a final check in. A surprising 1 lb down this week. That makes a 4.5 lbs loss for the challenge and 1.5 lbs off target. I think for january I will go to maintenance, a challenge in itself I think. I am very happy with where I am now, I feel better than I have in long while and I am at a weight not seen for a few decades.
Well done to all the achievers and thank you for keeping the challenge going.
Merry Christmas everyone.
#2 here,Heartfelt congratulations to all of you who achieved goal, just wonderful, we all know the effort involved! :like: Soldier on those who didn't :clover:
My report is really good given the constraints we had. I am back to the weight I started the challenge with, and the higher plateau shows a little downturn even. I feel fine, still buy my size 12 off the peg and that's the treat of a lifetime!!
1) OH had heart surgery 2 months ago and even though I felt mindful, eating outside my regime was a comfort, joining in with those around me. Weight went up 4lbs and I didn't like feeling bloated. Wine and lush food in the evenings after unhealthy daytime snacks had helped to ease stress...( My sensible self now asks why is all that a comfort?)
2) I am back on 5:2 track as a matter of course and without neurosis. It works - along with exercising in the Gym 3x weekly plus HIT on the bike when I remember, only takes 10-15 mins a day never mind all the rushing about, "fetching and carrying". OH is now fit to drive, it's miraculous. All set for a quiet steady Christmas but not without treats!
3) Very unfortunate I had to draw back from my Challenge but it has helped without doubt to follow the forum and thanks to @Juliana.Rivers for all that hard work efficiently and encouragingly done! :heart:
I will reach my goal in time.
Happy 2015 to all! :smile:
#96 here. Forgot to add my final weighin. -1.7kg.

I had already made my xmas & yeah end target, so this is both a holiday buffer and an early start on 2015. Next aim: lose 13kg by April (holiday to Australia).

In 2014 i've had to throw away my entire wardrobe, going from waist size 40 to 34, and teeshirt size XXXL to L being loose.

I've been so embarrassed about my weight for a long time now - been losing for "years" (you know how it is). Any time I lost weight and people complimented me, I didn't take it as a compliment - just unwelcome attention to the rest of the fat still there!

When delivering presents this christmas I saw a lot of family that I haven't seen for months - many compliments from them, but the biggest change was me - how I handled them. Hell yes I look fantastic, I feel it too, and for the first time in a long time I'm not ashamed to hear it.

Merry Christmas all
barbarita wrote: No 17 reporting a day early because I have to get up early tomorrow to get to the Liverpool meet and won't be able to weigh myself at my usual time:

Weight: on 21/12/14. 120 lbs, 3 lbs down, on target and at my goal weight for the first time since 15 September!
Wheat-free, grain-free and sugar-free.

Thank you @Juliana.rivers for all your work, and congratulations to everyone who made their goal or just gritted their teeth and carried on anyway. I have learned a lot doing this, which I will detail on the maintenance thread, but one thing is that formal challenges do not work for me, they make me try too hard in ways that are counter-productive. The last 2 weeks I basically gave up on everything except bog standard Fast-5. Paul McKenna may have helped too!

Hi @Barbarita... I didnt read your post properly and realise now that you have made target so you are the 12th member! well done.. and wheat free and sugar free too.. A Star performance!
zenzone wrote: Made my goal today

Congrats and apologies for late reply @zenzone.. what was your goal and what was your method?
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
TripHOPmamma wrote: #35 checking in for probably my last weigh in, after the marriage crisis and this week being in hospital for 4 nights with 2 of my babies I'm weighing in at a surprisingly low 83.5 I had in my head to maintain around my original goal before all the drama hit so I'm very pleased with this weight. Right now, getting my girls well and keeping my marriage is the priority if I manage to lose of maintain this year's loss whilst achieving that I'm putting down as a win

Well Done to all those who lost, maintained and especially those who reached their goals x

special shout out to you @triphopmamma Glad you are pleased with the weight and sincere good wishes for this difficult time for you and especially just before Christmas. Take care

only just realised you have made goal so CONGRATULATIONS @Triphopmammaand hope all works out well for you.
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