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Re: Your super summer challenge
26 Jun 2015, 08:18
Target weight 120 lbs, start weight 120 lbs
05/06/2015. Week 1. 120 lbs
12/06/2015. Week 2. 120 lbs
19/06/2015. Week 3. 121 lbs :frown:
26/06/2015. Week 4. 121 lbs :frown: down from 122 though.
Re: Your super summer challenge
26 Jun 2015, 08:20
Hazelnut20 wrote: Ah, thanks for explaining!

I have an inherited Fitbit.....but keep putting it down & failing to find it, I've yet to give myself a good talking to about getting out for a daily walk........ho hum!

It works better if you can find a friend to walk with or you borrow /have a dog. I have a friend and we go together although saying that this week we couldn't fit a walk in too much going on with the different school functions.
This week I have stayed the same. At least it's not gone up!
Also this week I have discovered I my Abs are stronger and I can actually feel them when I tense. I think I have fat being replaced by muscle which might explain the scale numbers.
Re: Your super summer challenge
26 Jun 2015, 10:10
Congratulations on your abs @Brand-ie! That sounds like a good achievement.
After being a bit disappointed last week, this week I'm 71.1 kg. Down from 72.8 kg last week!
Hell knows how this works as I didn't eat less - I was more 'active' than last week I guess ... Anyway I'm happy! :smile:
Re: Your super summer challenge
26 Jun 2015, 10:52
CandiceMarie wrote: @jayegirl growin old aint for cissies! But its better than the alternative!
I wonder would taking,hemp, starflower lubricate? :?:

Haha it sure isn't!

There is no real evidence about fish oils to be honest and if it does work it's preventative not a cure. Exercise is the only way to increase any lubrication so that's what I'm going with. The injection should help with pain which in term should mean I can do more. The more you move and rotate the joint the better, but it's a catch 22, it hurts so you move it less, you move it less and it stiffens more lol. At the moment it gives when I walk and I'm limping a bit and don't get very far. I'm continuing to improving on that though :smile:
Re: Your super summer challenge
27 Jun 2015, 16:02
Hey guys. I didn't want to post yesterday because I wasn't sure if my weight was accurate as I had weighed myself right after my workout. I am still on the downward trend :) I'm down 1.4 pounds from last week and have lost some body fat, too. Woot woot!

Starting weight : 156.6 lbs
Week 1: 154.4 lbs
Week 2: 153.8 lbs
Week 3: 152.8 lbs
Week 4: 151.4 lbs

5.2 lbs overall. I already reached my goal for this challenge so I'm going to change my goal weight to 147 lbs by the end of July. I am in shock that I lost this week as I had a crazy work week and didn't get a chance to work out until yesterday and I also did 3, 1000-calorie fasts instead of the 2, 500-calorie ones. Maybe that shocked my body or something.
Re: Your super summer challenge
27 Jun 2015, 16:12
It's a Saturday Weyhey day so um, biscuits and um, flapjack, and curry for dinner :0D
75.5kgs today (76kg start) :0(
Be back on track tomorrow, honest
Yes I will
Re: Your super summer challenge
28 Jun 2015, 11:42
Well done to all those who lost this week :star:

Here to give my weigh in...
Wow it's been an Up and Down week lol.
So I weighed 217lbs, my lowest to date pre holiday :smile: I came back from holiday with an overall weight gain of 8lbs. :doh: The first lb I gained the day before I left lol. I came home early hours Monday and weighed 225lbs. :bugeyes: By Thursday I weighed 219lbs after 2 great fasts and 1 very lowcal day. After having such a great loss on Thursday I went out to dinner and had lots of wine and a half rack of ribs... Yum! I went out to eat and drink so I don't mind gaining when it's a conscious decision to eat and enjoy. I gained a lb! Then Friday I fasted but really found it hard. Probably because I was hungry. Although I had the ribs and wine I had very little else to eat all day. Lesson learned here, don't reduce your calories too much for too many days it brings on a need to binge. And I'm a binger! I didn't manage to wait til my evening meal, I had a banana and peanut butter for lunch, had a good lowcal meal at 6 at my sisters but when I got home I couldn't stop eating :starving: I had.... 4 rivita with 2 LF laughing cow cheese triangles. Didn't sufice, although not hungry I was craving sugar so I had strawberries and grapes.... Still not happy, I had 4 crab sticks.... Still not happy :cry: so I had 4 more crab sticks and 100g of prawns ..... STILL NOT HAPPY! So I had a weetabix with a tap of sugar and hot milk and went to bed!!!!!
Gained another lb! Go figure lol. But yesterday I managed a low cal day, though high carb as I choose quick and filling things I enjoy. Today I weigh 218lbs. Well a crazy week really but all in all it ended up being a good week. I have gained and lost but have still come out winning :star: with a loss of 7lbs in a week. Geez just think what it would have been had I behaved all the time lol.
Re: Your super summer challenge
28 Jun 2015, 16:00
JayeGirl wrote: Geez just think what it would have been had I behaved all the time lol.

But we each have to find something that works for us, not some ideal person with perfect willpower and no dark tendencies to self-sabotage. And despite your holiday and some wey-hey you ended up only a pound heavier. Good luck for this coming week :clover:
Re: Your super summer challenge
28 Jun 2015, 17:04
I've been a bit naughty, and even though I'm always mindful of what I eat now, I know that I've over done it a bit.
Such a nice busy hectic socia, life at the moment has prevented my from keeping my weekly cals down. Because even though I can fast well I'm not so great at being disciplined 7 days, and that's when I lose weight well.
I'm not far from goal, so am cruising in gently to port.
Re: Your super summer challenge
29 Jun 2015, 00:01
Not doing very well I'm afraid. Must try harder..... :frown:
Re: Your super summer challenge
29 Jun 2015, 03:37
Pilchards checking in with last week's weigh in.
SW 73.3 kg
Week 1 - 0.5 kg
Week 2 - 0.7 kg
Week 3 -0.0 kg
Week 4 - 0.6 kg
CW 1.5 kg
Loss so far 1.8 kg
Goal at end of July 68.0 kg
Happy with loss last week. Going in the right direction! I am really results motivated and once I start to see a bit of movement on the scales it keeps me on the straight and narrow. I hope to be in the 70's this week.
Re: Your super summer challenge
29 Jun 2015, 09:23
75.8kg this morning *slaps wrist, settles down to a disciplined week*
Ate lovely real foods all weekend, just rather too much of them ;0.
There may be some strawberries and double cream for dinner as its Wimbledon starting day :0D
Oooh missus!
Currently at about 600 cals, 20g protein, 19g carb today, and it's sunny.
Come on folks, keep fasting/mindfully eating/walking and SMILING :0)
Re: Your super summer challenge
30 Jun 2015, 11:36
Geeeeeeez what's slower my weight loss or this forum? It's been going on a week now that either I can't acceess it, it dead slow or it clogs up my iPad and I have to turn it off. It needs fixing as I don't like how it keeps crashing my iPad.

Anyhow.... rubbish start to the week. I desperately wanted rid of that last pre holiday weight lb plus another gone to be honest. I was VERY good this weekend and didn't eat any treats or alcohol, had pretty low cal days plus a good fast. I'm the same today as I was Saturday!? So still at 218lbs :cry: :cry: :cry:

None fast day today but will keep cals to 12/1300 from my allotted 1940ish. I'm tired of being at this weight now and feel huge! 19 days now since my 10 day holiday started and I'm still not on the real losing side. Need to push on though!

Going for my second walk alone today, not been walking for the sake of a walk for 18mths! I know this doesn't help weight loss but does help fitness and my mobility wich is increasing and is equally as important.
Re: Your super summer challenge
30 Jun 2015, 13:06
Sometimes @JayeGirl however good you've been the scales are grumpy, but inside you changes are happening. DON'T STOP NOW!!
Keep fasting and mindfully low carbing and standing and moving and smiling for AT LEAST another month, measure your body everywhere, keep a record of it. I promise it will change :0)
Re: Your super summer challenge
30 Jun 2015, 17:37
Nicely on schedule for the summer, decided to have a first fastfree week in three months as the bottom of my maintenance range is in sight. :cool:
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