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Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 08:23
Wow, some people are having amazing results - congratulations!

I've not updated my progress on here for a few weeks because having been to Glastonbury and over-indulged my weight went up, but I was confident I would get things under control again and it looks like I'm getting there:

Starting weight: 150lbs
End of week 1 (05/06): 148.5lbs
End of week 2 (12/06): 148.5lbs
End of week 6 (10/07): 148lbs

So very slow progress, but 148lbs is my lowest weight so far, and as I went back up to 150-ish lbs for a couple of weeks I'm happy to be heading back in the right direction! Although I think my summer challenge goal of 143lbs is going to be tough for me to reach, it doesn't feel like a completely impossible task.
Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 08:33
Target weight 120 lbs, start weight 120 lbs
05/06/2015. Week 1. 120 lbs
12/06/2015. Week 2. 120 lbs
19/06/2015. Week 3. 121 lbs :frown:
26/06/2015. Week 4. 121 lbs :frown:
03/07/2015. Week 5. 122 lbs :frown: :frown:
10/07/2015. Week 6. 121 lbs :frown:
Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 09:35
It is Friday and my weight reporting time.
52.3 kg I was a bit upset that it wasn't any lower, since I have guests and cake coming next week. But on the other hand I am a bit amused, that it is precisely on my GOAL weight for this summer challenge. One more fast day before they come. I have found the last two fast days hard for some reason (?). They stay for ten days, then after a fortnight, the next most important lot are coming for 9 days.
I know there are only 3 more weeks left, but I would like to extend my challenge to the end of August. That would be the end of 'summer' as well. Here in the North we have summer June, July August.
Happy summer to all in the Northers hemisphere! :clover:
Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 11:49
Yes I wonder whether to extend my challenge too @Margotsvylia. There's nothing like a good challenge to keep us on our toes is there!
Anyway, weigh-in today and I have lost a pound. Doesn't sound like much but I've just had a two-week holiday on the Isle of Wight! I am super happy with that...and at last I am now 11 something...hooray!!
11:13.5 :grin:
Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 13:56
I am up this week :frown: It's to be expected since I was eating carelessly all week. I'm not going to let this get me down though. I start a 2-week weight loss challenge at my gym on Monday and I am beyond ready for it! :grin:

Start: 156.6 lbs
Week1: 154.4
Week 2: 153.8
Week 3: 152.8
Week4: 151.4
Week5: 150.4
Week6: 151.8
Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 15:41
Oh well done @nursebean..i interrupted my mini break on the Wirral to come and see how you had done
Thats excellent post a two week hol!
I agree with you and @margotsylvia
Can we extend the challenge to the end of summer ( end of Aug ) pls @pennyforthem? X
Re: Your super summer challenge
10 Jul 2015, 18:14
Oh yes, please do lets keep the Summer Challenge going through August. I only really lose the odd ounce between the challenges but they really motivate me somehow. If it's extended I might even get to be 10 stone something by the end of August (little pink piggies are flapping their way past my window as I type!)
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jul 2015, 06:06
Thanks Candy @Candicmarie although you really didn't have to interrupt your hols on my behalf!! ;)
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jul 2015, 07:08
wow it was good to hear from all that everyone has loose their weight. :oops: :like:
Re: Your super summer challenge
11 Jul 2015, 11:21
I'm in for as long as it runs for lol. We could always start a Pledge to lose 1lb or 2lb a week thread after the summer?

Ok so last week I 'was' doing really well... Got back down to my pre holiday weight of 217lbs.... But then went to the races and a big night out and went back up to 219lbs :cry:

I'm happy to say this week I weigh 215lbs.... (Does a little victory dance). I'm ecstatic to finally be below my pre holiday weight. I feel like all I was doing was gaining, losing over and over . I've lots of goals within my sights and a few long range ones to work for which are:
3lbs off losing 4 stone and another 7lb goal ticked off.
4lbs off being under 15 stone, not been that weight for about 5 years.
7lbs off losing 60lbs.
I always have goals to tick off, I celebrate it all lol. But not with food. I celebrate every 7lbs, every 14lbs, every big number in lbs, 10lbs, 20lbs etc. Also when my BMI is reduced by 5, it's now reduced by 10 :grin: since I started.

So all in all a good weekend. I am out tonight but it will be steak and salad and and Prosecco keeping within my TDEE of 1845. Through the week I knock 500 minimum off my daily cals so I shouldn't gain weight going to full TDEE for one day.
It's my brothers wedding on the 1st August. I haven't seen him and his fiancée for a while, I have lost at 20lbs since then. Also lost quite a few lbs since I bought the dress so it's got a little loose around the bust. Can anyone say 'chicken fillets'!! :bugeyes: I haven't seen my other brother at all since I was 19 stone 2lbs so will be great to see him. Lots of fun stuff coming up in August for me so I have to be very good in between.

Good luck everyone and well done on the losses and maintaining. X
Re: Your super summer challenge
12 Jul 2015, 15:40
I said I would join this challenge but don't think I ever really did............
I got back to fasting this week and lost 7lb although it has gone up a bit after an eating day (London meetup - say no more!)
So - count me in from now please - we'll say 15st 10 as that's what I was this morning (15st 8 was lowest this week)
Fasting today so hopefully down a bit in the morning!

Well done everyone!
Re: Your super summer challenge
15 Jul 2015, 03:32
MaryAnn wrote: I'm in. I'm at 67kg now, but would like to maintain in the 63-65kg range. Also, I'm trying to get to the gym 4-5 times a week.

Thanks, Penny, for starting this!

Well, I don't quite know how it happened but my weight went up to over 68 kg! I feel like I'm back on track, though, with a 67.2kg weigh in this morning, and renewed commitment to sorting out my non-fast day issues.
Re: Your super summer challenge
15 Jul 2015, 08:43
:like: Wow this is really amazing. I also want to take participate in this programme.
Re: Your super summer challenge
15 Jul 2015, 20:08
Lost apound and a half this week..13 lbs in just under six weeks! Hopefully i'll have lost a stone by next week and will have reached my re - set goal.
Are we going on to the end of the summer Pens? @pennyforthem x
Re: Your super summer challenge
16 Jul 2015, 07:10
@CandiceMarie that's great news, well done! :like: Are you keeping an eye on the measurements too? First weigh in tomorrow for me .... post the London meet up treats :wink:
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