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Hi Moogie Team
I'm just fine! Hope you are too and you had a good cuppa tea and rest today. Just wanted to thank everyone :heart: for fielding the help desk for members who needed help.

Thank you for making the 'Top' of page button work and moving the Forum Menu. I have missed it! Now I just have to get used to using it again, instead of all that interminable scrolling! Perhaps it's been working for a while and I had just given up on it - now I'll never know!
Working just fine on my iPad. Thanks to the team! :like: :like:
Hi @moogie, I like th new look, but how do I access my signature as I seem to have lost a word or two from my tag line

I found it :oops:
Riel wrote: Hi @moogie, I like th new look, but how do I access my signature as I seem to have lost a word or two from my tag line

Click on the cog symbol at the top of the page.

Depending on the size of your screen and whether you're in mobile or responsive view your signature may not show up (they are omitted to save space in some views as some signatures are really mine fir example :grin:)
Getting overwriting on posts, to the extent they are unreadable. On an iPad. Have refreshed and cleared cache.

(Edited to add) sorted now.
I'm liking the look of it but the signatures are still showing on my phone a Samsung galaxy S5 and are all over the top of the text so it is very difficult to actually see what's written :(
Also, when I'm typing now, my keypad obscures what I'm trying to type so i have to keep closing it and opening it to carry on writing :(
Also, my menu buttons are only showing half of the text. I mean like i just need to drag it all to the right to be able to read it. ......

Its also not possible to pinch the screen to make it all fit on, even when i turn my phone to landscapes.
Other than that, it's great! !!!!!! I'M HOPING TO STILL KEEP CHECKING. ...OOOPPPSSSSS, caps lock! keep checking in on here while I'm on holiday. Fingers crossed there will be wifi!!!

Hi All,
If you're having problems with the new forum, can you help us by either posting the URL of the page you're looking at or a screenshot of the page. If you're on a desktop, copy and paste the URL from the browser into your post, or if you're on a tablet take a screenshot and then attach it to your post. Because we all have different devices, browsers and versions of software it's really helpful for us to be able to see what you are seeing so we can sort out any problems.

Many thanks.
Hi Jason,

That's wonderful, thanks I will do. Here's my first one. This is on my laptop/desktop :


this is also jumbled text with the body of the message where the signature should be and the signature a little bit lower yet covering the text......

thanks :)

I'm on a regular desktop computer and everything is jumbled and horrible - been like this all day and I'm about to give up on the forum.
@carorees but does that not mean I will lose my automatic login to Facebook as well - I would have to go searching round looking for my Facebook login details - is there not something less drastic?
Right, well I cleared out my cookies and my cache. I shut down the Kindle and started it up again. I still have the wretched mobile view even though I am supposedly in the full view - because I,have the Switch to Mobile view at the bottom of the page. I cannot resize text. I cannot get to my Facebook Groups unless I login, which I have not had to do for months. I am thoroughly cheesed off and going to bed.
Hi juliebulie10.

Can you tell me what device you're using (computer / tablet / phone), the make and the browser (eg Apple / Safari).

Many thanks.
So sorry about that barbarita, my kindle is working fine with it. I wonder if you change to mobile and then back it might work? My mobile is fine too. I wonder if yo should uncheck the enable instant page loads in the silk settings too. I haven't but it might make a difference maybe.
Mine fine now. Thanks Moogie. Anything new takes awhile to adjust to, we'll all get used to it soon enough. My only gripe? I hate yellow LOL
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