The FastDay Forum

Not losing weight?

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Remember, we're not here to judge, we're here to help.

65 posts Page 3 of 5
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 07:37
Thats really useful. I've just completed my first week, and gained a pound, so I need to think about how to tweak it this week. I think I've got to watch my feed days more closely, despite a very active week, I've eaten very fully this weekend, and drunk a fair bit of wine
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 07:48
I'VE LOST 4 POUNDS !!!!!!! woopwoop!! a friend said yesterday that I should weigh after a fast day so I weighed this morning and yeaah !!!! What a relief to see that things might actually be beginning to happen..Yes Caroline you are so right I do love my carbs and I know that I eat them almost every day but the whole thing that I found attractive about this diet is that it is only 2 days of hell and then relax for the other 5..I am excited but quite grumpy on fasting days but I just look forward to tomorrow on them and try to keep busy by emptying cupboards all over the floor and tidying them up but worried am going to run out of cupboards..I used to have sweeteners in my coffee but all the bad press about them has made me go back to sugar after about 40 years...I drink lots of water. I am not a huge eater but I am a picker but have now finished all christmas goodys and realise that picking has got to end for ever..sigh..Thank you so much I am thrilled to have found all of you on this forum!! Dentist at 11am aaaaaaaaaaaargh!! Life can be so cruel!! x x x
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 08:01
Well done, instead of sugar :? try this ... ar&rdcnt=1
It's sweeter than sugar, so you dont need a lot, I haven't tried it yet but bought some, after hearing great reviews about it....and it can be used in baking.
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 08:02
Ah, I'm glad you have seen some progress at last. I love carbs too but I keep clear of them on fast days. One expert in intermittent fasting says that even a tiny bit of carbohydrate during a fast can stop the fat burning.

Something to bear in mind if you experience another plateau.

Good luck at the dentist!
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 10:51
Yes :(

I lost loads the first week (5.5lb) a fair amount the second (1.5lbs) and have now put the 1.5 lbs back on.

Try to focus on the 5.5 lbs....Think water weight.... ommmmmm......
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 14:55

As Minumonline, I too gained a pound in my first week. I fasted on Monday and Thursday and didn't find it as hard as I thought it would be. My week wasn't a "normal" week though as I did go away for the weekend and drank more alcohol than I usually would. I tried to prepare beforehand by eating sensibly on my non-fast days. I was hoping to have stayed the same weight so a disappointment for my first week.

Let's see what week 2 brings - no weekend away this time!
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 15:02
I've got a quieter weekend planned too, so I'll see if it makes any difference, and I've got 2 gym sessions planned before next weigh-in, so we'll watch with interest !
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 15:09
Good luck!
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 17:36
Looks like a few of us have put ON weight! Glad I'm not alone. :)

It's great you've seen a loss Tarty - thank goodness! :D You sounded fed up!

I hope to have lost about 3 pounds over the month which is not bad. The problem is we were all expecting to lose 20 pounds in a short time like MM on Horizon! :lol:
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 18:36
I expected to lose 2 lbs each week...maybe I set my goal for loss of 50 lbs in 25 weeks to high but do you know weight loss is not the only thing that this is giving us is teaching us about food and how much stuff we shove into our mouths without even realising it so it is now UP TO US,,,it is a great diet because you honestly don't feel that you are on one.. I am going to keep going and see what happens in 42 weeks time....I know I wont get my figure back from when I was in my 20's but I just might be able to see my reflection and not wonder who that fat old lady is...........yeah!!..let's just DO IT !!!
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 18:51
If you work out the maths, the calorie restriction is about 3000 cals per week (based on having 500 cals twice a week instead of 2000). A pound of fat is worth 3500 cals, so in theory the average weight loss should be a bit under a pound a week, which I think is what the progress tracker is showing.
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 19:10
Ok so I am going to stop snacking..(so easy to stop..just don't buy them!!)and if I have a blow out day do a fast day on the next..then hopefully I can keep below 10,000 calories on the feasting days of one week so will loose more..right? with me girls? (oh and chaps!!)
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 19:38
Wow, I am normal, I have put on weight but I don't feel so bad knowing that I'm not the only one.

I fast Mon & Thurs. Since I started on 7th Jan I have stopped 'dieting' so no more diet food, I now buy whole milk, real butter, proper yogurt. The reason for this is my concerns over the chemicals that are added to diet food to make it taste good. Non diet foods taste amazing and I don't feel the need to eat too much.

The other thing I wanted to do was cook more food from scratch so came across The Hairy Dieters recipe book. I have never bought a recipe book that I want to make so many (calorie counter) meals from. I aim to make recipes from it on Sundays and Wednesdays and make enough for meals the following days which are my fast days.

I guess these changes might account for my weight gain and also the bad weather means I've been using the car to go to work instead of walking. It will come off but unlike the usual diets it will be slower and for real this time.
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
05 Feb 2013, 22:35
Wildmissus I have been following a spookily similar path to you. :o

Put on 1.5 pounds last week but still around 3 pounds down overall, 3 weeks in and week 4 weigh in Friday.

I have also been having real bread, butter, yogurt.

I have ordered the Hairy Dieters book from the library (everyone was going on about it so wanted a look!) and now awaiting collection.

I have also not been exercising as weather pants and very busy working at my desk not moving an inch.

I have walked a mile in your shoes!

Hope things look up and we can exercise and lose some weight while eating all that butter! :D
Re: Anyone PUT ON weight?
09 Feb 2013, 13:14
Caroline, what does this mean?
If you find them hard to get through it is a sign your body is not burning fat for fuel.
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