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Member 77 checking in for the first time and a waste of time :cry:
Fatdog's vary fairy is taking the p*** big time.
This is my stats since last few monthly weigh ins.
Aug/2nd 90.0kg
Sep/6th 90.8kg
oct/4th 90.9kg
Nov/1st 92.2kg
today's weight 93.3
going the wrong way. :curse:

Chris x
Number 29 checking in, a loss of just over 1.5lb so still heading in the right direction! Don't know if I'll hit my Christmas target now but don't really mind :wink: according to the tracker I should hit my target weight by the end of January anyway :shock: Which after Christmas is not likely - LOL! No rush though :smile:
Member #145 checking in

Another 1.2lb off this week, better than I could of hoped for.

Might have to revisit my target for Christmas. :-)

I've stayed the same at 11 stone (69.85kg).
In order to lose the extra 4lbs, I've had to tell myself I'm not yet 'maintaining', so I've altered my tracker goal to 10 stones 10lbs and changed the status from 'maintaining' to 'losing'.
I think it's psychological, as I'm pretty happy with my current weight, but could be VERY happy with another 4lb loss.

Every day, my lovely hub says, 'Gosh, you're looking trim, my darling!' (isn't he sweet?)
chriso57 wrote: Member 77 checking in for the first time and a waste of time :cry:
Fatdog's vary fairy is taking the p*** big time.
This is my stats since last few monthly weigh ins.
Aug/2nd 90.0kg
Sep/6th 90.8kg
oct/4th 90.9kg
Nov/1st 92.2kg
today's weight 93.3
going the wrong way. :curse:

Chris x

Oh @chriso57, sorry to read this, but in the context of what you have already lost, I'm sure it will go in the right direction again soon.
Happy to check in this week with another lb lost :) I seem to be losing a pound every week now which is quite steady, hope it stays that way!
chriso57 wrote: Member 77 checking in for the first time and a waste of time :cry:
Fatdog's vary fairy is taking the p*** big time.
This is my stats since last few monthly weigh ins.
Aug/2nd 90.0kg
Sep/6th 90.8kg
oct/4th 90.9kg
Nov/1st 92.2kg
today's weight 93.3
going the wrong way. :curse:

Chris x

oh dear. any thoughts on what is causing the wrong way.? maybe the peeps in the tent have ideas
PennyForthem wrote: I've stayed the same at 11 stone (69.85kg).

Every day, my lovely hub says, 'Gosh, you're looking trim, my darling!' (isn't he sweet?)

Lucky you!
Good Morning campers.
I have achieved my Christmas club goal this morning. I did set it low for various reasons.
1. A long weekend away.
2. Operation on 4th dec.

So now I am thinking that I could set a new lower Christmas goal, but don't want to put extra pressure on myself. My cervix and womb will be removed so will be interesting to see how much they weigh!

Therefore I aim to lose another lb, and then hopefully maintain over Xmas given that I won't be as active for 6 weeks.
Good luck everyone, off to lunch today for my friends birthday. But 16.8 will take care of that.
carieoates wrote: Good Morning campers.
I have achieved my Christmas club goal this morning. I did set it low for various reasons.
1. A long weekend away.
2. Operation on 4th dec.

So now I am thinking that I could set a new lower Christmas goal, but don't want to put extra pressure on myself. My cervix and womb will be removed so will be interesting to see how much they weigh!

Therefore I aim to lose another lb, and then hopefully maintain over Xmas given that I won't be as active for 6 weeks.
Good luck everyone, off to lunch today for my friends birthday. But 16.8 will take care of that.

A big congratulations Carieoates! aiming even more is a splendid idea. but for your achievement thus far. a big well done. enjoy lunch.
Woohoo, I appear to finally be off my plateau with a loss of another 1lb this week. Having been stuck at around 128/9lbs for about three months I am so very pleased to have actually noticed a drop in the last two weeks. My scales now read 126.8lbs. This morning I changed from lbs to stones just so I could see the dial read: 9st 0.8lbs.
NO. 94 reporting. Still maintaining--now a pound under my goal :smile:

However, my waist measurement went up half an inch--hope that doesn't turn into a trend.

Great idea for this club, Juliana. Thanks for all your work on it.
119 here, I haven't checked in for a couple of days.

It was my birthday on Wednesday, my daughter made me a cake and my son bought me chocolates. I shared them round - son, daughter and partner and three of my grandchildren all came to see me but I still had loads left after they had gone home.

I've been an absolute pig! Not only did I scoff the lot yesterday but it led to a massive binge, so I didn't weigh today. I'm supposed to be having a fast day today but after a sleepless night I didn't feel like cutting down on food so I dread weighing tomorrow. I hope this doesn't go on any longer.
:heart: :heart: Member # 105 checking in with a loss !!!
of 200 grams :shock: whatever that is :shock:

Now time to pull my socks up because I Will make my
Christmas goal yes I will :clover: :clover: :clover: Sue :clover:
69.7kgs and that sounds about right after Thursday's fast.
Must keep carbs below 150g a day, and protein about 55g.
Hahahaha that didn't pan out today AT ALL! Already on 209g carbs and 26g protein. Good grief. I'm useless.
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