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juliebulie10 wrote: Hello :)little 'hungry' grumbles that I actually like as it reminds me that I'm making my fat melt!! H
JB x

love those grumbles @juliebulie10 makes you feel like your dieting is working. and boy did i feel them and hear them yesterday with my new plan
MaryAnn wrote: I thought I wasn't going to join this year, but I really want to get back to goal weight (63kg), so why not. I got to my goal weight originally last year during the Xmas challenge, but that was the last time I saw the number. I'm about 5kg over goal just now (some of which is sure to be water weight from half-marathon related inflammation), which is about where I was when I started the Xmas challenge last year. I'll put an official start weight in later this week (I can't remember exactly what the scale said this morning, and would like to start with a more realistic weight; i.e., after the inflammation goes down).

For an extra challenge, I would like to minimize alcohol intake. I overdid it in the last month with a lot of leaving parties, etc., for some friends who left Okinawa about a week ago. I won't say zero, since it would cut out my social life, but I'll try for zero on my own at home, and low amount at parties, dinners out, etc. I really need to minimize sugar, but my previous attempt at that was a disaster so nothing official there...

I'll stick with 4:3 and reintroduce modified 16:8 on non-fast days (my modification is to allow a soft-boiled egg the morning after a fast outside of the 8h window). I was doing quite well with that before I went to Italy in May. I had almost gotten back to goal.

Why not indeed.!
Come on in MaryAnn. ill update post 1 later today to give you a member number. I got too involved in my new plan thread yesterday and neglected this one.

great plans you have @MaryAnn

Well my Christmas challenge has so far had mixed results.

I seem to have lost two lbs in the two weeks so far is good.
My exercise has been very good.
However, my challenge to minimize sugar has been an EPIC FAIL.
I hardly touched sugar in any form before. but since making it a goal to limit it further, I've been eating so much sugar on my non fast days!! argh, psychologically messed with myself.
How frustrating for you @nznicole! :(. But since you have still lost weight, maybe you needed that sugar to help you handle fasting? How much makes an epic fail??!

I am sure you have reflected on the situations that led you to eat sugar, to see if you can find ways to avoid these or ways to handle them. If we can help with this, just ask! :)

I was wondering what the reasons were for you deciding to minimize sugar when it wasn't a problem for you before?

Anyhow, best wishes as you continue with this way of eating. :D
Start of Week 3 weigh-in.
Week 1
56.7kg (was inflated due to water retention)
Week 2
Week 3
Estimated total fat loss - 500g

Continued same eating pattern as previous week, ie "healthy" mainly non-processed foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, home made baked (carby!) dessert, some fruit/dried fruit and nuts as snacks, only apple and piece of bedtime choccie after dinner. Did have 3 fasts.

So all continuing well, tho I am hungry today (fasting, cos I know I will eat over TDEE on the 4 day caravan mini-break starting tomorrow!)
Hello #48 checking in!!
WWAaaahhhooOOOOooooo!!! 4.2lbs (1.9kg) lost :) I've eaten well, I've eaten carbs, I've been on a weeks holiday!! SO SO so so so pleased today - I'm in such a good mood....
Weight this morning: 192.4lbs :) thanks Juliana x

According to my tracker, I'f I continue like this at an average of 1.5lbs lost a week, then I should reach my (ultimate) goal by the 9th July!! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!!

Am at work now so need to get on, but this has defo spurred me on - feeling good!

Have a good day ya'll,
Good morning
member 37 checking in.
No weight loss this week.
I am guessing that its down to very little sleep too many painkillers and the resulting side effects of that.
Hopefully all will calm down next week.
Had a really bad feed day yesterday.
I've been doing so well on my fast days, always under calories. Yesterday though I made the massive error of going shopping the morning after a fast. Oh my, I bought cheese, bread, crisps, chocolate, pastry, bloody all kinds of junk. I also had a homemade cake and chippy chips (kids treat for after the school Halloween dance). What a mess. I'm thinking today's fast will now be damage limitation again instead of weight loss.
Also, I have been doing 4:3 on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays but this weekend we're going out for dinner on Sunday. I was going to leave it this weekend and do my next fast on Monday and shift next week's around a bit but now I've decided to fast on Saturday instead. Saturday fasts normally bug me as I like to cook nice stuff and have a drink etc but I'm sober for October anyway so I'm going to suck it up and do it. This will mean I'll have done ADF all this week, we'll see if that shifts any of this lard at next week's weigh-in I suppose!!
Hi. I am new to the 5:2 diet - I just started this week. I would love to be part of the Christmas challenge. I would like to lose 8kg by Christmas. My starting weight is 130Kg. I have a lot to lose and I am hoping that with some diligence some of this will drop quickly - I may need to reassess my weight loss goal according to my early results. I plan to add in regular exercise and I am working to cut most non-fruit sugar from my diet as I know that this is a trigger for me.
Hi - member #10 checking in - I have stayed the same this week - somewhat frustrating but at least no gain!
Keep going madcatlady!! the scales will catch up!! xx
I fell off the wagon a few months ago and I'm so ready to get back on it, I hope I can still join, the challenges really help me stay committed and all of you inspire me to continue when I'm feeling down even if I'm only reading your messages :)
I weighed this morning, I'm on my period so it's probably a little less than this but my start weight is 67.6kgs
My goal for December is 62kgs.
Thank you!
P.S. Editing to add that my method is 5:2 and I'm doing salsa dancing for 1 and half hours 3 times a week.
MaryAnn wrote: I thought I wasn't going to join this year, but I really want to get back to goal weight (63kg), so why not. I got to my goal weight originally last year during the Xmas challenge, but that was the last time I saw the number. I'm about 5kg over goal just now (some of which is sure to be water weight from half-marathon related inflammation), which is about where I was when I started the Xmas challenge last year. I'll put an official start weight in later this week (I can't remember exactly what the scale said this morning, and would like to start with a more realistic weight; i.e., after the inflammation goes down).

For an extra challenge, I would like to minimize alcohol intake. I overdid it in the last month with a lot of leaving parties, etc., for some friends who left Okinawa about a week ago. I won't say zero, since it would cut out my social life, but I'll try for zero on my own at home, and low amount at parties, dinners out, etc. I really need to minimize sugar, but my previous attempt at that was a disaster so nothing official there...

I'll stick with 4:3 and reintroduce modified 16:8 on non-fast days (my modification is to allow a soft-boiled egg the morning after a fast outside of the 8h window). I was doing quite well with that before I went to Italy in May. I had almost gotten back to goal.

@Maryann I have allocated you member number 106.. all the best!
happymama wrote: Hi. I am new to the 5:2 diet - I just started this week. I would love to be part of the Christmas challenge. I would like to lose 8kg by Christmas. My starting weight is 130Kg. I have a lot to lose and I am hoping that with some diligence some of this will drop quickly - I may need to reassess my weight loss goal according to my early results. I plan to add in regular exercise and I am working to cut most non-fruit sugar from my diet as I know that this is a trigger for me.

Welcome to the challenge and welcome to the board @happymama
I have allocated you member number 107 and have added you to post 1 of this thread.
I am sure you will settle in well to the forum as we are a really friendly and supportive group and the challenge will really help you to focus. Keep us up to date as how you are going. Any questions, there are plenty of ladies (and men) willing to help.
Matillian wrote: hello,
I fell off the wagon a few months ago and I'm so ready to get back on it, I hope I can still join, the challenges really help me stay committed and all of you inspire me to continue when I'm feeling down even if I'm only reading your messages :)
I weighed this morning, I'm on my period so it's probably a little less than this but my start weight is 67.6kgs
My goal for December is 62kgs.
Thank you!
P.S. Editing to add that my method is 5:2 and I'm doing salsa dancing for 1 and half hours 3 times a week.

Hello @Matillianwelcome aboard. Not too late. I have made you member number 108. wow.. i wish i had time to do dance classes and salsa dancing sounds like so much fun. Do you ever get to dress up in those fancy dresses in a performance?
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