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Thank you for the boost @StowgateResident and thank you for the number @Juliana.Rivers. Will report in after a week of fasting and better control of non fasting days :oops:
Hi @Juliana.Rivers and everybody

Three fasts this week - three sessions at the gym and lots of walks - down .200gm. :smile:
I do know I have a slow metabolism due to meds I am taking, but I know what I am doing is working - SLOWLY!
Still better down than up - I feel great. Will take my measurements next week.

Keep up the good work everybody. :like:

Maggie. :smile:
May I join? I started 5:2ing at the beginning of the week. Sunday I was 156, and today after the second fast of the week I was at 152.6.

My goal for the challenge is to drop 8 more lbs, which hopefully will be relatively easy. I train for strongman, so I do need to be careful to fuel properly for that as it can be quite taxing.

Thanks, looking forward to following along and seeing everyone have success (including me).
I've stayed the same this week - trying not to be disappointed!
Maggiee wrote: Hi @Juliana.Rivers and everybody

Three fasts this week - three sessions at the gym and lots of walks - down .200gm. :smile:
I do know I have a slow metabolism due to meds I am taking, but I know what I am doing is working - SLOWLY!
Still better down than up - I feel great. Will take my measurements next week.

Keep up the good work everybody. :like:

Maggie. :smile:

Excellent re your 200 gram losss! well done you! @Maggiee
Loulou51 wrote: Thank you for the boost @StowgateResident and thank you for the number @Juliana.Rivers. Will report in after a week of fasting and better control of non fasting days :oops:

@Loulou51hope you are doing well. I was updating the first post with goals and realise that I dont think you advised goal for the challenge period. Let me know what you would like to set it as.
tkinsley wrote: May I join? I started 5:2ing at the beginning of the week. Sunday I was 156, and today after the second fast of the week I was at 152.6.

My goal for the challenge is to drop 8 more lbs, which hopefully will be relatively easy. I train for strongman, so I do need to be careful to fuel properly for that as it can be quite taxing.

Thanks, looking forward to following along and seeing everyone have success (including me).

thanks @tkinsleyfor joining. You are MEMBER 32 on the challenge and wish you all the best.
Madcatlady wrote: I've stayed the same this week - trying not to be disappointed!

Hi @Madcatlady.. dont despair.. keep going strong on the fast days.
How are you doing fast days, typically .. and in case its the non fast days slowing down the weight loss... how are you handling non fast days?
Member #27 reports huuuuge loss of - wait for it - 200 g over two weeks :D
(I went up one week due to TOM and then down the second week)
But I take it, better than gaining, I would say.
Hi all, on 19th Oct last year I joined the 2014 Xmas Challenge at 12.7.5 and started a journey. Today I'm on the 2015 Xmas Challenge and reporting in at 11.2.5. So it's been a year, I'm 19lbs down, I'm at the lowest weight I've been any time this millennium - and I've been maintaining close to it since I reached it on 31st August. And during the year I met lots of lovely Forumites at the amazing Fortnum & Mason 5/2 tea (5 cakes, 2 cups of tea!) and, despite a continuing issue with cake, I've got much fitter too - yesterday I ran my first timed 10k. Wonders will never cease!
I've an autumn packed with travelling about which makes maintaining a challenge for me, let alone losing weight - I'm aiming to continue to maintain through the next 2 weeks at work, then on holiday for a week and through 2 early Nov weekends of meet-ups with old friends. Despite the best of intentions, I probably won't begin the actual losing weight bit of this year's challenge until mid-November.
But I'm a year in, 19lbs down (& probably close to 19lbs left to lose) - amazed and delighted at the changed body shape and people's reactions, and determined to continue the journey as soon as possible. So thank you to everyone who organises this forum & its challenges and makes it such a supportive & positive place to be.
Number 29 reporting in!
I think I'm going bonkers because I felt sure I had posted a message yesterday but probably previewed it & forgot to complete the process :confused:
Anyway I can report a slight loss of 10ozs due probably to not eating breakfast so back to 16:8ing! I very obviously need to get much more control over my eating days because fast days are not a problem. I'm going through my old problem of enjoying food & trying to balance that with losing weight!!
Well done everyone in the challenge for sticking with it we will get there in the end :smile: I'm still shocked by how easily I put weight back on when on holiday & not fasting then. If only I could lose weight as quickly as I put it on :frown:
Well, I bumped up 2 lbs after my low of 152.6, but am trending down from there. TOM is messing with the scale for sure, should be here tomorrow, hopefully. I expect to see 152s again after my fast day tomorrow, but with fluid retention and hormonal fluxing, we shall see.

Feeling pretty good so far and not deprived, most importantly. Performance isn't suffering, either. I check a fasting glucose every now and again; before I started 5:2 my glucose was running high for me at 105-115 in the AM; on the morning after fast days, it's 89-92. I like those numbers much better.

Thank goodness I DON'T need to make weight for this competition on the 24th. They combined all the women except the 181+ lb women into one group, so I can just not worry about it.
Number 4 again, another 9 days have passed ...

Chunk 2, average deviation from goal = +2.56 lbs :unlike:
No of days at < 10000 steps = 0 :like:
Only dairy products consumed at home = butter, cream cheese, brie. :like:

63 days to go.
I'd love to join this challenge, if it's not too late?
I'm loosing and gaining the same pounds and could really do with some motivation
raggy wrote: I'd love to join this challenge, if it's not too late?
I'm loosing and gaining the same pounds and could really do with some motivation

@raggy not too late to join. you have plenty of time to make a goo start. What is your goal loss.

You are number 33 for the challenge.
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