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Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
07 Jan 2016, 09:18
Exploring a change of routine to keep things fresh.
I've been eating a small bowl of gluten free porridge made with goats milk for an early breakfast with a mug of Clipper Rise and Shine lemon tea. Added a teaspoon of coconut oil and 3 squares of 99% chocolate today.
Lunch will be a protein drink only.
There'll be a few nuts late afternoon, then dinner of fish and vegetables followed by a Fage full fat Greek yogurt.
Drinks through the day are a couple of coffees with double cream and tisanes of varying herbs.
My weight has remained at 77.5kgs for 3 days, not risen at least :0)
Going to give MM's exercises a go at BBC2 Trust Me I'm A Doctor ... to-the-gym for post-Xmas toning.
So many good intentions ...
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
07 Jan 2016, 13:46
Well done, everyone, for putting weight gain behind you and getting back to a moderate way of eating. If I had stuck to my original target of 147 pounds, I would be feeling happy but who in their right mind declares a new target of 140 pounds a month before Christmas and two weeks before a cruise?!!! :shock:
I managed to get back down to 143 pounds after the cruise and before Christmas but once the family arrived with cakes from Madrid and chocolates from Belgium then any attempt at sensible eating went right out of the window. I over-indulged every day - and continue to do so! :pig2:
I have set next Monday as my first post-Christmas fast so I am hoping that my extra eight pounds will soon be behind me and not on my behind! :oops:
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
07 Jan 2016, 14:15
2 kg gained in 3 weeks for me :frown: Mind you, in those 3 weeks I didn't exercise a single scrap of restraint with regards to food and drink! So I'm optimistic that about half of what I put on will come off fairly quickly now I'm back at work, simply because of less drinking (I only drink at weekends normally) and fewer opportunities to overeat. Oh, and MUCH less sugar in January methinks!
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
07 Jan 2016, 16:10
I vowed that this would be the first year that I wouldn't gain holiday weight, and I technically haven't. I say technically because I was doing this 3-week weight loss challenge at my gym and I managed to lose 4 pounds, but then I regained them at the end of the month :bugeyes: I was so good in November, but last month I just couldn't stay away from the sweets! Nonetheless, I haven't gained any extra weight so there's that. I usually gain around 5 pounds this time of year so I'm pretty proud of myself. I got a FitBit for Christmas and I love it. I'm horrified to see how the calories that MFP was giving were so overestimated. That probably explains why I haven't been able to get out of the darn 140s. But now I have a better estimate of how many calories I'm burning and I'm super motivated to get to my 10,000 steps daily. I'm getting out of the 140s, dagnabbit!
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
07 Jan 2016, 17:30
Blah. Without really doing anything much different my weight has gone up 2.4 pounds. Thought at first it was Christmas bloat, but happily weighed in after New Year's still realizing my .5 pound loss. Then after the next fast up 2.4 pounds and again after yesterday's fast, still there. Disgruntled! I sure hope my earlier first four months of success with 5:2 continues...
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
07 Jan 2016, 21:40
I had my second fast of this week yesterday and felt pretty much right on target. This morning I solidified my downward turn on the tracker and am definitely (I hope) headed south! :grin: One area I need to work on, besides moving more, is getting to bed earlier and getting more sleep. I tend to be a night owl, and that is not a good thing. :frown: Oh well, small steps. I plan to squeeze in another fast tomorrow to really feel like I'm back. I can't tell you how much better I feel about myself since beginning this Way of Eating/Living. I never get that sinking feeling that I'm not going to be able to control my eating and weight. If I overdo, I shrug my shoulders and tell myself that I will be back at it the next day--and I am! :victory:
Have a wonderful day/evening everyone!
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
08 Jan 2016, 12:27
I've not eaten hardly at all this week and lost 2.75lb. Blinking sore throat and head cold. but my tracker looks good ;)
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
08 Jan 2016, 13:13
awww, I hope you feel better @Brand-ie!!
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
11 Jan 2016, 15:35
Well, I have actually put on half a pound before even getting as far as my first post-Christmas fast, meaning that I now have nine pounds to lose before I am back to my target of 140 pounds! Having said that, I fasted yesterday (Sunday) instead of today (Monday) and am down to 145.8 pounds, so at least I am heading in the right direction - even if most of that is water-weight! :frown:
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
11 Jan 2016, 15:50
I thought I had persuaded the next pound to go on extended leave, but it showed up again this morning, Official Weigh In Day, as large as life and twice as ugly. Onwards ...
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
11 Jan 2016, 18:33
Aargh, I've been doing worse since the holidays than during, so yes, I'm with you! We've been eating up various goodies and meeting with friends, which carries on this week. Oh well, we know what to do, it's just so hard to motivate myself in this gloomy weather. Come on gang, we can do this! Snap out of it!
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
12 Jan 2016, 06:39
I've finally had the courage to step onto the scale yesterday, and I'm relieved to see that I've only put on a kilo over the holiday period. I guess all those crazy walks hubby and I did up and down the granite mountains in Girraween National Park paid off! Party is over, though... Time to get back into routine. ;)
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
12 Jan 2016, 08:54
Almost all of my excess weight is away, but I'm afraid that part of it is muscle mass. I haven't been at the gym for almost 3 weeks.
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
12 Jan 2016, 13:25
I'm about to post my shameful tracker number, which is a tiny bit less shameful than it was last week. During December I managed to gain about 7lbs. Today's number is 162lbs :frown:
Re: The Tracker Entry of Shame
12 Jan 2016, 22:04
@SianS we've missed you! What's 7lbs between friends, a @Stowgateresident who knows how to. x
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