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Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
07 Feb 2013, 22:18
Thanks guys for the congrats!!

For me, the 4:3 is good right now - I only have myself to worry about really... my husband is in Jeddah waiting for us to join him, and so I only have to feed my children, which, is pretty easy.... I have my meal with them in the evening, they have cooked lunch at school.... and breakfast is done and over before we know it in a morning before school!! but I know what you mean eckat......

So,... breakfast today on my food day, small serve of porridge, half a banana, toasted english muffin with scrape of butter, green tea.
Lunch was at a gorgeous restaurant and I didn't hold back(!) starter of wild mushroom gnocchi, main was fillet steak stuffed with gorgonzola wrapped in parma ham, few chips & veg, then the 3 of us shared a warm chocolate brownie with toffee ice cream!!!! WOW, it was absolutly the most delicious meal I have had in a while (ok, a week since harvey nichols last saturday!)
Then, tonight, I've had a finger of fudge, some olives, saucisson sec,....

Looking forward to my fast day tomorrow, I might see if I could do ADF, or perhaps I should wait a bit to add that to my repertoire if/when I hit a plateau??......... yeah, I should just enjoy eating shouldn't i as long as I can still have a weight loss of 1 lb a week. That's all I want, just 1 lb a week please :)

night x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
08 Feb 2013, 07:35
I like's not all about the eating, is it? Quite a lot goes on mentally on a fast day as one questions ones feelings of hunger and need. And WOL is a funny word...WOE is definitely not!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
08 Feb 2013, 15:02
Ok.... so today is my 4th fast....week 2.

For the first time, I've broken my fast at lunch time - I usually go right through till my evening meal. (I tend to have my calories all in 1 meal, haven't tried splitting over 2 or 3 meals yet) I decided to do this simply as later this evening, after school pick up I will be 'out and about' with the girls going into town and I just know I will be hungry and probably less likely to stick to my fast so, I'm getting on top of my hunger upfront!!
I wasn't particularly hungry right before eating it, and felt satisfied by about half way though, but I tell you what - it was tasty!!
I decided to make a massive batch of homemade soup to have on fast days... red onion, leeks, butternut squash, sweet potato, red chilli, parsnip, red & yellow pepper... just using the bits and bobs left in the fridge. Lots of seasonings, cumin, ground corriander, smoked paprika, fresh lemon thyme, garlic, white pepper and one beef and one chicken 'stock pot' stock thing-y.
Blooming gorgeous!!
I also added 200g of king prawns to my bowl. so, 132 cals for the prawns plus what ever the soup would be - not too worried about the calories as its only veg. Its not going to be 400 cals for a bowl is it?

Oh, I've also done 40 mins mix of front crawl & breaststroke in the pool this morning!!

So, rest of the day is black coffee and green tea :)

Have a good day all!

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
08 Feb 2013, 23:09
yey! about to go to bed, but just checking in - had a good day. Had my soup at 2:30, had a cup of tea and some dried pineapple & mango for 86 calories (from my graze box) about 10pm..... looking forward to eating day tomorrow...

See you tomorrow!!

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
09 Feb 2013, 11:35
Sounds like a really good day.... You're doing so well every time you post
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
09 Feb 2013, 22:24
Hi :)

Ok, so food day, and you know - to say I was looking forward to it, I actually feel a bit 'yakky' tonight and i'm sure its because I've eaten!!
I had 2 slices multigrain toast with almond butter for breakfast, then a white baguette with prawns & marie rose sauce, shared a bag of crisps with the girls, tea was just homemade rice pudding which i had been fantasising about on my fast day yesterday!! but now I've eaten it I just feel the all to recognisable 'stuffed with carbs overload' feeling....
Think I'm also tired and overemotional today.... missing my husband.
Its not an 'official' fast day tomorrow, but will see how i feel in the morning and might have a fast...not much on socially tomorrow so could do.....or, I'll just have a 'simple' food day with more protein.
hhhhmmmm.... off to bed to read some more of the book!


jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
10 Feb 2013, 23:12
Hi :)

Sunday,.. went swimming first thing with the kids, so can't really claim to have done any REAL swimming, but it was good fun for the hour and a half we were in the there....
Just had half serving of a herbalife protein shake for breakfast and a small banana. then had bag of cheese & onion crisps for lunch followed by some fresh fruit salad I made (pineapple, blueberries, grapes & pear)
Went to a friends, had a cup of black coffee and a cup of tea.... came home and had some scrummy roast veg and 2 chicken thighs that I put in the oven before going to my friends.... then had 2 muller fat free greek style and a single portion 'angel cake' by.... ooh, I've forgotten the name, but him that makes 'exceedingly good cakes'!! LOL
Just had a cup of tea and off to bed. So, not a fast day, but IMO not an over the top day either.....
Tomorrow, I would normally fast (MON/WED/FRI) but I have a lunch date so this week I am fasting TUE/THUR/SUN - this years valentines day won't matter that I'm fasting as my husband isn't here :( so I won't eat to make myself feel better!! hahahaa!!

night y'all x

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
11 Feb 2013, 16:36

Just want to say I was morbidly obese now I'm obese gone down from 41-42 to 34 so keep going it will surprise you. Had to go buy new undies this week as I was getting called drop em for anyone at work :)

Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
11 Feb 2013, 19:55
WOW Jacqui!! well done you, that's awesome! and defo an inspiration to me!!... Just wondered how long that had taken you? thanks for posting :)

Had a food day today, 2 slices multigrain toast with almond nut butter...planned lunch out with a few friends... was nice, chicken breast and bacon in a baguette, side salad and we all shared a bowl of chips... was nice, again, not to have to be the one that has a plain salad!! Then, had some sri lankan chicken soup (tesco finest) 2 slices toast, now just having a 'rocky' biscuit for supper/desert.
Am really looking forward to my fast day tomorrow, am only planning to have a bowl of my homemade soup which will be way under the 500 cals... but I would like to get round to actually having nothing other than green tea/black coffee on my fast days because I'm finding that even having this small meal triggers thoughts/feelings of 'what else can I eat!!!' rather than just working through the hunger wave and having nothing....... we'll see...
Good night!

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
12 Feb 2013, 20:12
Good evening!!
Well,... fast day today... survived till 5pm on green tea/black coffee until I was making pancakes for the children.... I had 2 which according to the bottle (ok, don't tell my mother I bought a pre-mix!!) they were 114 cals each and the bottle said it made 6, well, I got more than 6 out of is suggesting that mine were a bit smaller in size. I'm not going to have anything else because I gave in and had these - the homemade soup has gone back in the fridge!!
One big difference is that I CHOSE to eat these and that's ok, I haven't failed, I will not continue to eat. :)

Roll on bedtime!!

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
14 Feb 2013, 21:25
I did't get round to posting yesterday on my food day as it was just such a busy day and in the evening i had my friends from the Book Club round - so all day I'd been cleaning or cooking! I had an ok day, I say 'ok' as I didn't have any breakfast as wasnt particularly hungry plus i thought it would save me some calories. I baked some cherry chocolate cupcakes and a pork mince dish, I nibbled on this around lunchtime and i had 5 chocolates from a box. I had a cupcake.... then in the evening I had some pasta, salad and savoury mince....... then later another cupcake........... I went to bed feeling really full and a feeling that 'i had eaten too much'...............I haven't eaten as much carbohydrate as the last 2 weeks for YEARS!!!
It seems that after only my second week, my bubble has burst :(
I got on the scales this morning and I've gained, just shy of 1lb. Still got through my fast today though telling myself that its not too much of a problem as it was following a food day, and I ate late on AND I was -pre-menstrual on my first weigh in.....
I think I will try to 'watch' a bit more my choices on food days.......
don't want it to carry on like this...


jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
14 Feb 2013, 21:39
I think this is just a phase, I certainly had the uber-munchies to start off with and it's now worn off.

Hang in there and just enjoy the ride. Try not to overthink...the body gets to what it needs somehow...
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
14 Feb 2013, 23:59
Hi JB10

I think that you may find that you have only put on 1lb very temporarily! When you eat quite a lot of carbs then your body also hangs on to more fluid too. Once you cut down slightly on the carbs again the extra 'weight' will go too!

I am so impressed that you were able to only eat five chocolates from a box! - I certainly am not yet in that happy place where I could do that!

I am enjoying reading about your 'journey'(wretched word!)and wish you well in the future.
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
15 Feb 2013, 06:55
Hi JB, I sympathize with your experience on Wednesday because I had a similar one on Tuesday. I think that for me (and you it seems) it is not the fast days that are the challenge, it is the feed after the fast.

Right now it is the morning after a fast day for me and I feel fine and not hungry - but I haven't had any food yet. I just read this at 'starchy foods, such as wholegrain bread, pasta etc, are rich in fibre, which is essential for digestive health and helps control appetite so you don't feel hungry'. So I'm going to have some complex carbs + protein for breakfast (oats + egg), keep away from the sweetened stuff all day, and hope that I can ease back into feeding better than I managed last time....

Good luck and thanks for keeping us all updated on your progress here!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
15 Feb 2013, 10:18
Hiya, just read your post and wanted to give you some words of support. I am sure it is just the fact that you may have eaten late or water retention.

Take the weight loss over a month rather than just week to week as it will give a more even reading.

I am a bit like you in that I have little problems on fast days but it is the eating days where I have to rein myself in a bit, as I could be like a kid let loose in a sweet shop :lol:

I wake up the day after a fast and start fantasizing about what I can shove in my mouth all day lol, and then realise that I mustn't go mad :oops:

I am sure after a month it will even itself out.

Angela xx
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