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Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
15 Feb 2013, 10:58
Hi - thanks for the messages of support guys :)

I really do like the control I have on fast days, and my food days happen to be socially active days that tend to involve either a lunch out or a tea, like tonight for example, its last day of term for the kids so a few of us are taking the kids out for tea.... so, my food day involves eating out - again!... yes, I plan my week of fast/food days around if I will be eating socially - I've yet to have a fast day and go out and just have a coffee!!
I am looking forward to a quiet week where even on my food days, Im not going out so that I can just have 'normal' food at home and hope to choose just healthy protein and salad/veg... not get into the habit of having bread, pasta rice & potatoes again.... I haven't really eaten these foods for at least the last 4 years while I've been trying to follow one low carb diet or another..... its just seems so good to be able to enjoy these foods again with the 5:2 way of eating? Or should I continue to avoid them?? I have to agree that omitting them I do feel less sluggish, more energy and have less 'sweet' cravings...
Ah well... food day and already had 2 cups of tea and the last cherry chocolate cupcake!! :/ planning on just simple soup for lunch and then tea at the pub!! - I'll let you know what I have later!!!

Thanks again for taking the time to post - I like reading your feedback xx

Have a good day everyone!

jb x

hahahaa - look what I've just spotted! :fat: :lol: :lol:
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 00:12
OMG its been daaaaays since I last posted.

The weekend and half term has really taken up my time!!

I had a fast on Saturday and its the first time I have done it on a weekend with the kids around - boy was it tough!!.... really tough.

Usually, I have the time on my own to drink, drink and drink and not go near food... but with the kids around - it nearly broke me!! LOL
I need to make a not to self to NEVER try to FAST on a weekend ever again!! lol

I'm guessing I probably ate over the 500 cals... not by much, but still a tad more....

Then... really cross with myself as old 'binging' habits comeing back :( took the girls to Alton Towers on Monday and I'm actually disgusted and ashamed to admit - I ate 8 sugar donuts!!! 8! no, not 1 or 2 or 4 but 8! 8! 8!...

I really need to have a word with myself, and get off this destructive 'binge' thoughts and binge eating.... I'm fasting and eating twice as much on my food days I bet!! (I haven't worked out the calories)

I need to defo go back to high protein, low carb on my food days WITH the fasts for this to work for me I think.
One difference can be that occasionally, occasionally its 'ok' to eat potatoes/chips/pastry/cheese/cake/biscuits/sweets - not to think about eatin them on my food days to et throuh my fast days!!

There, I've been honest with you - and myself - back on the chicken and roast veg for me.

Done another good fast day today with only fluid and homemade veg soup about 3pm.

Not looking forward to the scales this Thursday morning....... :oops: :roll:

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 03:30
Don't weigh yourself this week! Give yourself a break! This is meant to be much gentler WOL. If you are bingeing, it sounds like 4:3 is a bit much at the moment. 5:2 is a bit easier mentally and fits into the week more easily.
I have tried to fast twice this week, but abandoned it due to heavy cold. I have decided not to worry until I have had a good nights sleep ....
Look after yourself!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 08:02
Hi Juliebulie, take it from an expert binge eater...drop the guilt and stop referring to any part of yourself as disgusting etc.
Once you give yourself permission to look at food and say "okay, I can eat that if I want to" then you know your beating the binge.
I tell you with all honesty there is such a good good feeling when you can do this.
Be GENTLE with yourself and you will NOT fail. x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 09:49
If you don't beat yourself up about having the doughnuts, novelty of being able to have them will wear off. Ask the time you tell yourself that you can't have them, they will become more desirable! By fasting you are improving your health. If you relax about food on feast days your appetites will settle.

Also, I wonder whether the desire for the doughnuts was partly fueled by your body feeling that 3 fast days is too much? My OH who doesn't need to lose weight but wants the health benefits found that fasting twice a week was ok at first, but then he started to feel really really hungry on feed days, even after upping his fast day calories. I think you should go down to 2 days fasting.

Forget trying to get to any particular target weight in a particular time, get your body adjusted first, then see if month by month you are losing weight on 5:2. I expect you will be and 2 days fasting will result in moderation on feed days without you having to exercise control.

Remember, the lifestyle must be sustainable long term. I don't think 4:3 is sustainable so my plan is to stick to 5:2 for life and see what happens. If I never reach a normal weight, at least I have lost some and kept it off!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 10:51
I also wanted to eat a lot on feeds days and let myself do this for months even though I knew the baking and licking the bowel weren't doing me any good. I haven't lost any more weight - I lost 5 kg's near the beginning and still have 4 to loose BUT I HAVEN'T PUT ANY WEIGHT ON! after 6 months I'm slowly starting to treat feed days like "normal" days. I find that I look for comfort elsewhere for example I bought a foot spa and try to use it while I go on line to check my email, etc and this forum. I love the foot spa and today I haven't had breakfast because I know I can eat what I want when I want. I have no doubt that this is a life style change for me. I feel far more sociable as I can enjoy eating and drinking freely with friends.
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 10:56
JoanB wrote: I also wanted to eat a lot on feeds days and let myself do this for months even though I knew the baking and licking the bowel weren't doing me any good. I haven't lost any more weight - I lost 5 kg's near the beginning and still have 4 to loose BUT I HAVEN'T PUT ANY WEIGHT ON! after 6 months I'm slowly starting to treat feed days like "normal" days. I find that I look for comfort elsewhere for example I bought a foot spa and try to use it while I go on line to check my email, etc and this forum. I love the foot spa and today I haven't had breakfast because I know I can eat what I want when I want. I have no doubt that this is a life style change for me. I feel far more sociable as I can enjoy eating and drinking freely with friends.

:shock: licking the bowel??!!! :lol: :lol:

Seriously, it's fantastic to know that without making a conscious effort the fasting has naturally improved your eating habits. I think your attitude is exactly right and we should all emulate your approach to 5:2!

Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 11:43

I recommended this book a while back and it's probably a good one for you to read, Julie.
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 18:14
Thanks. ha ha I wonder what Freud would have to say about that!!!!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
20 Feb 2013, 22:16
Thanks so much guys for taking the time to post, that's why I love this forum - such helpful people all on the same journey and supporting one another!!

You know what - I think I have been putting too much pressure on myself to try and lose as much weight as I could in a short space of time (before meeting up with my husband again) so thanks for helping me realise that Caroline, I think I will drop it to 5:2 and see if things improve in my approach anyhow.
I don't think I'll be trying to lick my bowel though JoanB ;) lol although, if it guaranteed 3lbs a week loss, who knows?!?!?! LOL

Today, as food day, I am actually pleased to say I've felt ok around food and after reading your comments first thing this morning I have been kinder to myself. I let 'doughnut gate' be what it was and leave it in the past. I missed breakfast as just not hungry following fast yesterday, just had black coffee. went to Nottingham to my old work for a quick catch up and to take my girls in.... then met up with another old work friend, we had lunch at a lovely Chic Cafe and I had a yummy goats cheese salad and a slice of carrot cake, pot of tea. Later we called into Ikea and I had a small meatballs, mashed potatoes & peas - this was a good feeling, as, I would have had the mentality of "I can have the chips if I want to as its ok on this WOL" - but, I actually prefer mash to catering chips if I'm honest and had and enjoyed the mash :) (ok, both carbs but chips way more cals) was too full for anything after that.. again, not eating 'because I can' and listening to my real 'hunger'.....
So,... thank you, thank you, thank you for your lovely comments that has helped me make good choices today and decide to relax into this WOL a bit more....

cup of tea and bedtime

jb x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
21 Feb 2013, 09:24
That's sounding a lot more realistic! Thanks for you honesty, it's v helpful when one also struggles with the joys of self realisation!
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
28 Feb 2013, 23:10

Well, thought I'd drop by and let you know I'm still living 5:2, trying not to obsess about it and I guess that includes being on here 24/7 ! LOL

I have to say, it feels indulgent not fasting 3 days a week, but i'm trying to enjoy it. I am also pleased to say that ive been managing my 'overeating/binging' on food days quite well too....

Have decided to also stay away from the scales, as ultimately, I want to fit into my old clothes as my measure of progress rather than what the scales say,..... and, as we all say/agree, that this WOL is forever for the health benefits as well as associated weight loss.... so that is my attitude/approach for now. I want to lose the fat I can 'see' and feel wobbling, just want it to go and wobble less!!! who cares what the scales say!!??

Hope everyone else is getting great results and feeling better!!

JB x
Re: JulieBulie10's 4:3 report
03 Mar 2013, 22:30
Hi ya'll......

Just wanting to check in and say, I'm feeling a lot more relaxed around food these days.... am laying off the 'oooh I gotta bake something' thoughts and actually taking the time to cook just healthy, tasty food.
I ordered a sandwich in a pub (tea with the girls and a friend) that said came with chips & salad - old me would have said 'no chips thanks, extra salad' but the new me just let it come as it was intended. I am so pleased to say, I prob had about 6 of the chips, but they were so 'crap, catering standard chips' that I left them. I figure, if I'm going to eat food i 'like' then this does not extend to 'crap' food!! just for the sake of it.... !!

Anyone else become a 'food snob' ?? lol

JB xx

I might, just might even get on the scales on Thursday morning.............hhhmmmmm?
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