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Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:02
Me ?????? I am pure innocence..... :cool:

Just one thing, one day, it was a fast day, and we saw each other. I was hungry and we were fooling around before going to the restaurant, it was getting a bit late and......... I bit him...... :shock: :razz:

True story

Fasting can be dangerous for the skin of your partner :grin:
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:04
Partner as 'hors d'oeuvre' ?? That must be a first! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:06
when I was 2 years old I broke my leg. I really smashed it. after a month in the hospital here in Greece, my parents took me to a hospital in London because doctors here were incapable of fixing my knee.
When we went to see the doctor, my legs were covered in bruises. My mum tried to be apologetic for this but the doctor told her "ah, well used legs indicate a happy child".
Not the perfect example, but I'm sure you know what I meant with this story.

Also, let's face it, no one likes their body. Men, women, young, old they all find 100 flaws in less than 2 metres of skin.

Look around you, you will see lots of women with worse bodies than yours. You will also see lots of women with better bodies. All of them hate what thy see in the mirror. It's really not a big deal, it is just that life is easier when you carry no hatred. Towards your body or anything/anybody.
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:06
Partner as "amuse bouche". And it seems really appropriate :grin:

Edit to answer to TML : I know that it's irrational and I learn to be kind to my body. It's not really easy at times because I am looking at it as it is for the first time in years... You must understand, it was so bad I used to take my shower only at night and with no light on. No I can take my shower during the day and I can even go around the appartment naked from time to time so it's much better....But I still need to work on it
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:08
And why not? Anything is better than going to work, night, night my lovelies xx :heart: :heart:

Ballerina x :heart:

I shall dream of us all laughing the night away in that lovely Sottish hotel, ah...... :sleepy:
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:11
You lot moved on behind my back, how did that happen? Biting, worn out children's legs, blimey, things move fast on this forum and I am struggling to keep up,

Ballerina x :heart:

Actually, I am struggling to stay up, so, I'll try again, night night :heart:
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:14
Our bodies are difficult for us to see with any sort of objectivity.

I used to have severe hang-ups about mine, stemming from some abuse I went through. Best thing I did was to start taking sexy photos (a challenge my partner gave me to do) which eventually led to a few years of fetish modelling part time. Loved it and helped me to accept my body a bit more. I haven't done any since moving back to the UK but am periodically tempted to take it up again when my self-esteem dips. :) Not everybodies cup of tea, I know, but getting some professional and beautiful photos done (or done by a loving partner) really is beneficial to the psyche.
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:16
Me too :shock:

I reply and, when I come back, there's even more to read and to answer

I am not as quick as I was in my young days :lol:

Goodnight to all, my babies (with a fur coat) call for a cuddle and I must obey :heart:
Re: After 6 months
18 Aug 2013, 21:38
Just a quick note to say thank you for your honesty and frankness, Manderley.

I was sexually abused as a child and I've only recently been able to talk about it. My friends are aware, but I've not yet felt able to tell my sisters.

However, I consider myself a survivor, not a victim - and I'm getting the message that you feel the same, Manderley!

About your body issues - if you look at how far you've come over the last few months, well, I think you'll overcome these as well!

Best wishes, B&W
Re: After 6 months
19 Aug 2013, 06:28
Thank you so much Breadandwine for you kind words

I am so sorry for what you've been going through. I didn't talk about my rapes to my parents, they wouldn't understand, my mother is wierd in the way she would probably say I made it up. Because why didn't I told them long ago if it's true ? Well.... Because I knew she would react that way, that's why.... And, also, it took me quite some time to admit I was raped.

I don't know if I am a survivor but I am not a victim anymore, for sure. I don't want him, well them, to win. Being in a healthy relationship where the sex is great and where I really enjoy it is a revenge in a way. It took me 20 years to be at that point in my life, but it's here and it's wonderfull.

About my body issues, I am working on it, it will just take time. I try to massage it after my shower with oil (olive oil as I can't find baby oil here) and with a lotion. It'for the moisturizing factor but not only, it's to know and tame it.

DrLCH, about the pictures, I don't let anybody, and I mean anybody take a picture of me with clothes on for nearly 20 years so you can imagine that taking a picture of me naked is out of the question. You have to understand, I couldn't take a shouwer during the day, with some light on last year, it was that bad. I still can't look at myself in a mirror naked. I need time to stop not liking it. I am in the fetish scene as well for quite some time now but only in my personnal life and, if with my partner it's great, I couldn't do it with anyone else and being photographed would be a disaster.
Re: After 6 months
19 Aug 2013, 18:44
Breadandwine, thanks so much for sharing your story with us!
Re: After 6 months
21 Aug 2013, 12:55
So... I did 2 fasts in a row at the beginning of this week. Monday as it is my usual day and yesterday as I knew we would go to have a pizza in the evening. We could have a pizza for 2 as we were like 2 adolescents, in the restaurant (well outside as it was a wonderfull evening) sitting next to each other, cuddlng, talking, watching pictures of his trip in the Mont Blanc... I know I sound strange but I realise it's my first real relationship and I am still amazed how strong it makes me... :heart:

As for the weight loss, it's amazing. As it's my only summer skirt, I had to wear one I have for years now. When I began my diet at the beginning of the year, it fitted me but there was no more space. Now, I have to be careful to not lose it and be butt naked and I can put my fist in it, you know, on the side of the skirt, the big side of the fist. It's amazing.... It's even more amazing as it's pain less. In fact, as my mind is great, the weight loss is easy. I always knew that my weight gain was, in part, stressed related. Not because I ate a lot, just because I am not a lucky one who loses weight when they feel stressed....

I wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I know that the conversation we had this weekend could have seemed foolish and immature and without purpose but it really helped me to realise that, yes my body is not the best looking one ever but my man loves it as it is, even with the saggy skin (he makes silly jokes about it like how he can grab me now... :grin: ) and he was delighted when I took off my usual babydoll after 2 minutes............After I even walked in the appartment naked, which I never does and we even had a little challenge outside, and it was my idea.... And OMG how much more flexible I am !!!!! I can do the splits now !!! :razz: :shock:
Re: After 6 months
21 Aug 2013, 18:45
A pizza for two? I could do that, when they discover a gigantic box to put in the gigantic pizza that I have in mind. ;-)
Re: After 6 months
21 Aug 2013, 20:14
Oh Manderlay I'm so glad your fast days went well and you enjoyed your partner on his return from the mountains, you must have looked like a pair of teenagers staring into each others eyes and looking at all hi beautiful photographs. And on the subject of having your photograph taken I think I've shared with you before that I never allowed mine to be taken for probably the same amount of years, because I didn't want to have to admit how much weight I'd gained!!! Perhaps now we can relax a little when a camera comes out, well for you sooner than me.
I'm really pleased with my results on this WOL but I'm a long way off the camera stage, shame because both me + my hubby share the same hobby of photography. Thank-you for sharing all your stresses with us because. ''a problem shared is a problem halved '' :heart:
Keep practicing your English with us its good for you and your progress has been noted. Enjoy Yourselves :clover: :clover: Sue
Re: After 6 months
22 Aug 2013, 08:26
TML, the pizzas there are crazy good but crazy big and full.... I mean wa, in mine, there was tomatoes, minced meat, ham, an egg, mushrooms, and cheese.... and it was one of the light ones (in one there even is foie gras....) so you can understand that, after 2 fast days, it's nearly impossibile to finish it..... and even more when you are with a wonderfull man.... :grin:

Thank you, Sue, when I am busy, fast days go really really well and I even enjoy the second day more. I think I'll try to do that for now, monday and tuesday, monday liquid fast (with soup in the evening) and tuesday "normal" fast. That way I seem to lose more.

We looked like a pair of teenagers alright, all lovey dovey, cuddling, me kissing his neck between pictures and I know everybody looked at us (he is 16 years older than I am and people can't help looking at us when we are affectionate) and I don't care. I am just not ready for photographs. I think we are the hardest judges on how we are supposed to look and we see what others don't see in us; And, I agree with you, it's a shame. I would love to have pictures where we are together with my partner...

Thanks for my English, I try to be carefull, even if sometimes I make silly faults. I didn't write as much in English since I was 20 ! :wink:

I have a question, when you make soups at home, how do you make them without potatoes and cream for them to be lighter ?
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