The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

91 posts Page 4 of 7
Re: before/now
29 Jul 2013, 05:31
You look fantastic and so happy. And defiantly like Jamie lee Curtis. I'm so happy for you.
Re: before/now
29 Jul 2013, 06:17
Wow from me too!
If Jamie Lee Curtis needs someone to do publicity shots I'm sure you would delight her- and you'd be much younger! :wink:
Re: before/now
29 Jul 2013, 11:49
Thanks to all of you from the buttom of my heart. :smile: . And about the the Jamie Lee Curtus look-a-like... maybe I have a new carreer there :lol: ...

I can't explain how good I feel - inside and outside, more healthy and so much slim. :smile: :cool: A couple of kilos more and I am done I think... First it was very important for me to be under a BMI of 25 to call myself "normal weight" and of course it is still my goal, but no so much important for me if it should be like I am 25,1-25,5 - as long as I am feeling as I do now :smile:
Re: before/now
29 Jul 2013, 11:54
If you had a younger sister, you look like a younger version of yourself ! :) Wow ! Amazing and inspirational for everyone !
Re: before/now
02 Aug 2013, 17:17
Down to 76,1 kg - still loosing weight and happy but.... holiday starts for me now,and I really want to focus and enjoy at the same time :smile: .. Hope not gaining too much weight... Maybe I should try either 6:1 or 16:8 eating...

See you in 3 weeks... and soon going for Malta :cool:

Good luck to all of you :clover:

Pia :heart:
Re: before/now
02 Aug 2013, 23:52
From your pics it is proof that bmi is really just a guide as we all come in different shapes and with your shape you look really slim and like you are in the middle range of your bmi.
I love Malta, everyone is so friendly and it is just a great place to be, have a wonderful holiday :heart:
Re: before/now
02 Aug 2013, 23:59
Well done!
You look great!
Re: before/now
03 Aug 2013, 07:43
Thanks a lot to all of your for your support and sweet comments :smile: - and yes you are right about BMI "Chipmunkcheeks". I should be down to 70,1 to hit under 25 - I am not sure I will go that far, but we will see :like: .

Todays weight - another drop - 75,5 kilo ( minus 600g ) :victory: .. after a fasting day but I guess it still counts :razz: . At least I enjoy this 75... number, I have not been there the last 20 years :heart:

Pia :rainbow:
Re: before/now
03 Aug 2013, 15:15
Well done Pia, you look amazing! :victory:
Re: before/now
09 Aug 2013, 09:40
Thanks a lot Jemima :smile: .

I really can't believe that I finally have found a WOE which is working and still loosing weight. I just love it :like: .

Re: before/now
09 Aug 2013, 09:48
Well done Pia, enjoy your holiday. Looking good :smile:
Re: before/now
28 Oct 2013, 11:10
I am really struggling with the last ones... My weight now is 73,8, and I just want to be under 70 :razz: ..

My goal is still to hit the target before 31st of December 2013 :like:
Re: before/now
28 Oct 2013, 11:33
So have you joined the Christmas Club???
Re: before/now
28 Oct 2013, 11:39
You look awesome! Good on ya!
Re: before/now
28 Oct 2013, 11:42
rawkaren wrote: So have you joined the Christmas Club???

Yessssssssssssssss - I have joined the Christmas Club :like:
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