The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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91 posts Page 1 of 7
28 Jul 2013, 14:01
Just before and now photos - difference so far is 21,6. Starting in feb. 2013 on my own diet and then 5:2 the 6 of April. On 5:2 I have lost 14,6 kilo :smile: .

very pleased even though I still need to loose 7 kilo - I think :wink: .
Now - still have to loose 5 kilo more.jpg
Today - 77,0 kilo
In January 2013 - 98,6 kilo
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:05
What a difference! You're a knockout, you look great. Are you sure you need to lose more? Very well done. :like:
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:07
You look fantastic, well done! :like:
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:08
Wow! What a difference, you look gorgeous. Well done, I bet you feel fantastic :victory:
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:11
That's a great difference, you certainly look stunning. Very inspirational, thanks for posting and congratulations! You must be very happy indeed!
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:28
Wonderful! Very inspiring testimony for the success this WOE can produce.

Are you still losing fairly consistently ? Do you find this still easy to cope with?

Keep up the great effort.
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:31
Wow you look great. Well done, it's lovely to see people before and after.
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:34
Thanks a lot everyone :smile: - And yes I am feeling fantastic and almost slim :wink: .

About loosing more Dhana, my goal was from the beginning 70 kilo, but my friends, family and boyfriend say I will be too slim on the upper body like face and so. maybe I will adjust my goal weight. I do still have big ass and thights though :lol: .. but I will will never be the skinny type.

Maybe 75 kilo will be better. I am starting to use my bike to work every day which is 12km, maybe it will make my ass and thights looking slimmer :razz: .

I am still on 5:2.. the first couple of months I was on 4:3, and now this last month doing 5:2- Loosing slowly but steady still. I find it very easy and always looking forward for my fasting day. But since I have thyroid problems I am counting calories all days.. and it has been very difficult for me to loose weight before.. My problem is underactive thyroid. :smile: . But this WOL is just working perfect for me :like:

My BMI by now is about 27 ...

Thanks again for all your sweet comment :smile: .

Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:35
thank you SO very much for posting this! You look amazing and happy! This is just the inspiration I need to start my new WOL. I am inspired!! :)
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 14:43
Hi Pia - what a fantastic photo! You look absolutely fabulous!! Well done on your journey so far, and especially with the thyroid problem, it will be so inspiring for others to read!

It looks as if we might need to start an 'Absolutely Fabulous' before and after photo thread ...

:victory: :victory: :cool: :cool: :like: :like:
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 15:01
What a great weight loss! You must feel great! The difference in your body language between the two photos says it all! Good luck in your onward journey to reach the weight at which you feel best!
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 15:02
Let's do that Silverdarling :like: :lol: :like: :wink: :razz: ...
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 15:10
Wow pist Thanks :like: for posting your photo, what an amazing difference in your features well done, and Good Luck with the remaining weight you hope to lose :clover: Sue
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 15:29
You look beautiful and happy. Well done, and thank you for this inspiring proof of success!
This is true motivation for us all. :smile:
Re: before/now
28 Jul 2013, 15:31
Wow! You look fabulous. Well done Pia :)
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