Anyway, I did ok on vacation with eating. I manged to fast until lunch most days and didn't really indulge too much. I did have some sweets, that I wish I hadn't. I wish instead I'd avoided most of the junk except for the night we went out to dinner and ice cream afterwards. The ice cream should've been the one "sweet" I indulged in. But I went in without really having any kind of plan as to what I was going to try to do or not do. I did get two 3 mile walks in and the other 2 days I got my exercise by playing with the kids!
I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 169, which I'm sure is a little high due to flying, etc. But, I'm ready to get back on track. I didn't get to go to the grocery store yesterday, but I have enough to get by today. (Although no milk for my tea and I really am not enjoying it this way!!)
Anyway, now that I'm back and my birthday and Easter and vacation are all over, I'm hoping to really focus on my eating/exercising. I need to work on keeping it up 7 days a week, not just 5. I'll be back posting my stats again tomorrow!