The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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Well hello everyone! Just popping in to let you all know that Candy @Candicemarie and I are beginning our 8-week journey today - following BSD! I can't believe it, but here we are!
Actually, like you Nutty @Hazlenut20 I have lately found breakfasts to be a faff (I used to love them!) and so I think it'll be easier to concentrate on lunch and an evening meal. It should be a lot easier than it would be for somebody who hasn't fasted before. After all, we've got a whole 300 extra calories to play around with. I'm not sure I can cut out carbs completely but I will certainly try and keep them low. Today I am having a pork chop (with fat!) and as many veggies as I can squeeze into 300 cals! My mum has made a gooseberry crumble which I was excited about - until I worked out the calories! Oh boy, think I'll give that miss!
Anyway, thank you SO much my nutty friend, Hazlenut. Without your challenge, I wouldn't have thought to try this. I really hope it works!
Good luck to my fellow 800er, Candy! xxxx
Good luck with tomorrow's weigh in and start of the next challenge folks, it's so encouraging to read this thread.
I'm downed by a nasty flu type bug, OH is 4 days behind me with it, so we're keeping very quiet, apart from the bronchial coughing :0(
Hoping for the best as ever :0)
@Azureblue I hope you are feeling better

@Nursebean and @CandiceMarie Great idea! I will love to watch your progress and may even get inspired myself when I get to the eventual plateau that always happens on a diet plan. After all, I still have plenty to lose. I hope you have great success just like Pernelle and Dee! They really are an inspiration, aren't they.

@JustDee great news about the boss being nicer! I'm so impressed you were able to say no to that cake and that you refuse that chocolate basically every five minutes at work. That's fabulous -- I'm really impressed :-)

@Hazelnut20 did you ever think that not only you'd lose two stone, but that you'd re-energize and motivate so many people? You are such an inspiration to all of us - thank you so much for starting this thread and sharing your journey with us :heart: :victory: :heart: :victory: :-)
Thanks @Tracieknits! I sure hope we have similar success as the others did! Thanks also @Hazlenut20 You are a big inspiration!
And poor @Azureblue? Hope you and your OH are feeling better soon. xx

Well, I've had lunch - but I over did it a tad so only have 470(is) calories left to play with - doh!! Its going to be a loooong evening!
Bean :starving:
:victory: :victory: :rose: :rose: :rainbow: :rainbow: :drink: :drink: First of all I want to give a HUGE shout out to the lovely Pernelle @Hazelnut20. It's your last day of the 8 weeks, I know not the end of the story but a massive well done for sticking with it to the end. What an achievement and an inspiration to us all. Can't wait for your weigh in result tomorrow, to see what the total loss was in 8 weeks. I'm so proud of you, it's such a massive thing you've just done. :victory: :victory: :victory: :like: :like: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Next is my weigh in result for this week. I've done low carb and around 1000 cals for most of the week, so not really BSD but still better than not doing anything. Happy to say I've lost just over 2lbs this week. That's the 1lb gain from last week and another. I'm 168.4lbs (12st .4lbs) today. I'm going to make sure I get under 12st next week.

So happy we have new BSDers. This is such a great thread for support. The more the merrier I say. Good luck ladies. :clover: :clover: :clover:

@Tracieknits the chocolate really isn't tempting to me, I don't know why because in the past I would have been thinking about it all day long, but now I really don't. I think it's because these days I only eat on my terms. If I want chocolate I'll have it (I had 2 squares of 73% cocoa the other night, yum) but I like to eat it very slowly, eating on the go at work just isn't good enough to really enjoy what I'm eating.
Looking forward to hearing yr result @hazelnut20 you must be soooooo pleased with yrself!
You really turned things round! Will be here tomoz to hear the end result!
@azureblue get well soon and OH too X
Very well done@nursebean on yr first day!
My first day was ok tho i didnt count cals or carbs but ate soooo much less and far less carbs than usual,and no sugar. I doubt it was over 800 tho...toast ( that was a big mistake!) for late brekky,then buttery scrambled eggs followed by raspberries and greek yogurt fir dindins
Will be much more careful tomoz checking cals/ carbs ..@justdee will bear in mind what you said re slower more mindful eating
Aching legs now as i had quite a good walk by my standards! X
Hi Everyone: I started the BSD on July 1st so today is my 3rd day on it. I hope you don't mind if I join you here. I weigh in everyday and after day two days I'm down 4.8 pounds so far this week. My official weigh in day is Sat.
I hope this link works it show that there are actually 3 options to the BSD. Incase anyone finds 800 calories to hard to do. I hope you don't mind me posting this.
Welcome to this thread and the BSD @loveswalking, looks like you're off to a flying start and all set for an amazing result in week one. Thanks for posting the link, very helpful to new BSD-ers. Wishing you an easy BSD journey. :clover: :clover:

How are the rest of you getting on? Hope your week is going well Shelley @johns, pop in when you can.
Can't wait to hear from @Hazelnut20 Hope all is good hun. Drop us a line :smile:
:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

Hello everyone!

A momentous day today - the end of my following the 8 week Blood Sugar Diet!

Apologies for the delay in posting....I've had a very busy day and when I got home, I was so tired, I couldn't keep my eyes had a snooze on the sofa. A couple of hours and coffees later, I'm now good to go....

The marvellous thing about this thread is that this is not the end! We now have a number of members having a, strange things are happening to me (more of that later!).

Well, my friends, the final weigh-in today brought a loss of 2.4lbs! Last week was difficult for me - as I've documented on this thread...but I've "ended" on a high, so to speak...

Thought you might like some statistics:-

Starting weight 09/05/16 213.6lbs (15st 3.6lbs) Cumulative

Week 1 16/05 207.8 -5.8lbs 5.8lbs
Week 2 23/05 201.8 -6.0lbs 11.8lbs
Week 3 30/05 197.6 -4.2lbs 16lbs
Week 4 06/06 194.6 -3.0lbs 19lbs
Week 5 13/06 192.4 -2.2lbs 21.2lbs
Week 6 20/06 187.6 -4.8lbs 26lbs
Week 7 27/06 184.8 -2.8lbs 28.8lbs
Week 8 04/07 182.4 -2.4lbs 31.2lbs

Finish weight (old money!) = 13st 0.4lbs

Sorry this chart is so tightly packed - I wrote this post in notes on my iPad - with lovely spaces to make it easy to read.....copied and pasted it onto here....and it's gone like this. Won't let me change it either....

I've been measuring the over-vital statistics every fortnight and, whilst they still don't make very pretty reading...they are much improved in a short space of time. I've lost 1.5" from my bust, 4.5" from my waist, 3.5" from my hips, 3" from my ginormous thighs and 2" from my arms......yippeeeeeeeee!

As useful as these measurements are to see how far I've come...they are only half the story. I've measured my waist...but really, the bulk was in the area between the waist and the hips...the old spare tyre. I could hardly bear to look at myself, such was my disgust at the state I had got myself into. Now I can face the mirror and very nearly like what I see - in a "work in progress" kind of way. For me, that is a huge achievement. I know we shouldn't measure our worth in terms of our outward appearance, but I wonder how many of you reading this can relate to the feeling of somehow being second-class due to how much you weigh/what you look like. I like to think that I live my life in a good way, doing no harm to others, being kind and so on....yet I have allowed myself to measure my worth based on my size for all of my adult life. Maybe I'm coming into my own as I approach 54! I do hope so....for I have wasted many years.

Today should have been the start of a "relaxed" week food-wise - because I promised myself that after sticking rigidly to the BSD for the past 8 weeks, it would be. I was really quite brassed off with all the calorie counting last week, so was looking forward to not thinking about it this week. So, what have you eaten today...I hear you ask! Well, despite catering a funeral tea at lunchtime (if that makes sense!)...with eclairs, cream meringues, cakes, flapjacks and all manor of tasty sandwiches & savouries...I found my mind saying "Don't do it....think of the carbs!!" And guess what????? I actually listened to me!!!!! Absolutely unheard of in the past......At around 4pm I broke my fast with a bowl of tuna & sweetcorn in mayo and lettuce & tomato - all fillings left over from making rolls and sandwiches. I even turned down the offer of fish and chips this evening ("Carbs! Carbs! Your tummy will hurt!!") and have eaten nothing since the tuna. What's that about???!!!

I'm conscious that this post is already really long - well done if you've made it to the end! Am going to sign off now, but will be back tomorrow to see how everyone is getting on and to offer my support to our brave new recruits...

Meanwhile, can I just say how utterly amazing you have all been with your support and encouragement along the way?! I appreciate each and every one of your lovely lot! You'll never know what your kindness has meant to me - though I'm going to stick around to make sure you have an idea! Thank you so very are some gold stars for you all:-
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
@hazelnut20 have visited here all day several times awaiting yr message! How wonderful to have completed 8 wks BSD! And lost so many pounds and inches. You are an absolute marvel!
I think most of us feel happier and somehow a better person when our clothes fit right and we feel lighter.
Outward appearance shouldnt really matter but we all want to look least not so awful we frighten the horses! :frown:
So pleased for you and so glad i caught this news before i went to bed!XXX
Gee whizz,you lost an average of almost FOUR yes almost FOUR pounds per week * steps back in amazement!* xx
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats on doing so great on your 8 weeks. :like: :like:
And that is a lot of inches to lose in 2 months time. Hope I can lose that many inches too. And I know what you mean about feeling like a second class citizen. You should feel really proud of yourself.
WoWWW!!!! A massive CONGRATULATIONS Pernelle @Hazelnut20 That's :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: :fat: or 66 packs of butter, in 8 weeks :shock: Are ya kiddin???? :shock: I'm bursting with pride for you. What an amazing achievement and results on the tape are fantasic too, you must feel like a different woman. You've set one hell of an example for us all to follow. You've made great changes and have inspired so many of us along the way. Thank you so much, I wouldn't be where I am without your support. Loved reading that today you didn't really feel like eating any differently, even though you chose to relax a little, isn't that the best? Very wise of you to avoid the meal of fish and chips,,, carb overload really does = stomach ache from hell for BSD-ers. A little bit pinched off hubbys meal would have been ok, may be next time. It's fantastic that you didn't even want any of them.

I'm going to bed now, very happy after reading your post. Sleep well Pernelle :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: One for every week :)
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Oh my word!! I'm speechless! @Hazelnut20 you have done AMAY-ZING!! You must be over the moon. And now you are in a completely different mind set, aren't you. Avoiding all those pastries?!! That's just incredible! I am SO pleased for you!
Thank you for inspiring us all on here. You've given us a new boost! WELL DONE!!
Bean xxxx :heart: :geek:
:victory: :victory: :victory: You did it! What a pity online forums don't give out a Certificate of Achievement you can frame and hang on the wall; you have definitely earned one.

And just as important is the fact that you did not immediately have a carb binge to "celebrate" the fact it was over - this bodes very well for the future :heart:
@Hazelnut20 you are FABULOUS!!
Huge hugs and congratulations, you've changed your brain to save your life and I'm so proud of you :heart:
Over two stone and all those inches gone, I'm in awe and inspired :lol: :geek: :grin:
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