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Hello, I'm here. Doing okay, but not great. About 1000cals a day at the mo and under 50 carbs. I never feel hungry these days Shelley @johns. It's strange really because I'm around food all day and I used to sometimes get hungry on 5:2. It must be low carb that's keeping hunger at bay. I'm going over the 800cals at the moment, I don't even know why. Yesterday I had a small ice cream at the water park with DD. The day before it was nuts I had in the evening. Today it was 2 rashers of bacon and a spoon of beans at work.

Work's not going great. The boss doesn't believe in employment laws so I don't think I'll be staying. No breaks, no days off, a contract for less than half the hours worked and he treats us like dirt. Thank god I can manage without the money, unlike some of the other staff. The extra money would be great for me and DD, but I can't work for a guy like that. I'm looking for a new job.

It sound like you're doing great Shelley. Not sure about the chippy sorry.
@Hazelnut20 I hope you're enjoying week 8.
The finish line is right there.... :arrow: _________________________________
Ugh, so sorry to hear about your boss, @JustDee I wonder if that's part of the reason the chef feels compelled to give you lunch - because he knows you're getting a bad deal. I hope you are able to find a better job soon.
dee, Im loving pernelles finishing line :) made me smile :)
but sorry you arent really feeling it at the mo. food choices still sound good though :like: you must still be losing weight me thinks only eating about 1000 cals a day. Im taking my hat off to you. your mindset has definately changed & in a good way. a little bit of what you fancy cant be all bad.
your boss sounds pants. hope you manage to find something else soon. nothing worse than dreading work. It always seems easier to find another job when you have one already so fingers crossed it wont be too long. will you look for the same type of work? is there plenty of work around?
Im feeling bloated today. eyuck. have had vegetable overdose I think & belly cant cope. hubby decided that due to my loss last week he would give it a try too. being a former chef he made ratatouille (had to look up how to spell that for mfp) in bulk in the slow cooker & it is just so moreish. had it last night with 2 quorn chicken burgers. yummy. then today with 5 quorn southern fried chicken bites. yummy too. except I am now sporting a 5 month pregnant belly look, that moves aswell :) as the air is finding its way out hehe. went over to see grand-daughter today & she was awake. yay!! apart from when she was born this is the first time Ive been over & shes been awake & I havent had to poke her to try & wake her up. made my day :heart:
Im not hungry during the day either. tummy rumbles but Im not reaching for food. have only eaten at dinner time yesterday & tonight. think tomorrow Im back on eggs during the day if I get time. taking grandad to hospital to have another skin cancer removed with auntie so not sure how long we will be there.
I have a fish & chip date in the evening. thanks for the advice @tracieknits & @barbarita have decided that I will order a small cod & pinch a few of hubbies chips as hes watching carbs too. the batter is the best bit but will only eat the bit on the top. that way I get fish & chips with the family without pigging out.
dee, hope things get better for you soon. take care. shelley xx
Thanks ladies, yes boss is a real moron. I'll look for another bar job, I love it, seeing all the people on holiday. Not sure how much work is out there at the mo. People leave jobs all the time here. Unlike myself most people here like to live a party life style and will leave a job just because they can't be bothered. There's always somewhere looking for someone. I'll find something.

Tomorrow I'm going to do a real BSD day, I know I keep saying this,, but I'm either doing it or I'm not. I'm going to plan my food in a minute and boil some eggs. The weight isn't just going to drop off without any effort. We need to get another forum challenge started.

Enjoy your fish and chips Shelley. Go easy on the batter and chips though, I'd hate you to get the stomach pains I had after eating pasta. A little bit really will feel like a lot, so enjoy. Hope all goes well at the hospital.
Ooh, sorry Shelley @johns - I've been rushed off me feet these last few days and haven't had much of a chance to post. I'm still here!

Re the fish and chips....if it's a takeaway...take your own dinner! That's what I'd do...and I'd make no apologies for it either - especially as you'll be with family. Many people use other people as their excuse to eat foods they probably shouldn't - but it's definitely in your hands. If it's in a restaurant - fine if there's a variety of food other than fish and chips - if it's only F&C...then ask if you can go elsewhere! They can go another day...

This may sound rather harsh, but honestly, I wouldn't let anyone derail me from what I'm doing. I've been out for coffee loads of times with friends since starting the BSD nearly 8 weeks ago....and I just sit and watch my friends eat cake etc if they want it. It doesn't affect's up to them. I just keep reminding myself that I got into this state by eating too many cakes in the first place...!!

Oops, evangelicalism alert!! Am in danger of becoming a bore. What's a bit of fish and chips in the grand scheme of things??! Follow your instincts Shelley - none of it will be the end of the world...The most important thing is spending the time with your son & his girlfriend...and of course, the cat!
Forgot to say, Shelley - my sister didn't really comment about how I looked. I wasn't at all surprised, because I probably was a similar weight back in April 2013 when she last saw me (whilst I was doing 5:2) - so she hasn't seen me at my recent heaviest.

I'll know I'm doing well when my postman resumes calling me "skinny" which he last did 2 years ago when I had lost nearly 4 stone on 5:2! He sees me much more often than my sister...
Hello @justdee - I'm so sorry you are having a tough time at work. The boss is clearly an idiot and doesn't remotely deserve you. He's obviously not going to change, either. So you'd be wasted staying there...I have my fingers crossed that something better comes along soon. Hope it does, because it's awfully hard doing this typing with my fingers all wrong.....

You're doing a fantastic job with your carbs! To keep them so low is no mean feat. Also, to find you're not feeling particularly surely down to the lack of carbs. You've made a lot of changes just lately and a number of them are sticking, so keep going...because you can do it! I have full faith...and am sending positive vibes your way!

I'm a bit despondent at the moment. Have only lost 0.2lb since Monday...are the scales having a laugh?? Haven't done anything different, so I'm really peeved. Peeved enough to go 148 calories over my 800 allowance this having extra vegetables and a large serving of pork chop - my favourite! It's the first time I've done such a thing....and I've done it as a protest. Could've been so much worse - normally I'd jack it all in and reach for some reassuringly sweet carbs...and then some more - so I suppose I should be a bit philosophical about it. I also think I'm rather bored with the lack of variety in what I'm eating, so maybe I need to mix things up a little...
good afternoon skinny @hazelnut20 :) what a lovely postman you have. hes obviously noticed the change in you :)
dont blame you for having that pork chop. & like you say, it could have been so much worse than 148 calories. trying to stick to 800 calories can be really hard, although I must admit that based on my latest choices eating 800 calories is proving difficult.
dont feel despondent. am sure that by the end of your 8 weeks the scales will be smiling at you.
dee @justdee hope your bsd day is going to plan. will check back later on to see how you got on. you seemed a bit more positive on your last post. what sort of forum challenge are you thinking about? is it just going to be bsd based?
grandad is ok. have been back about half an hour since picking him & auntie up at 9.15. he had another 2 skin cancers removed & now looks as if hes been in a fight as he has a black eye & a load of stitches on the top of his head.
off for a little power nap before we head over to sons place.
bye for now. shelley xx
Hello, my BSD day has been ok. I had 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, yoghurt for lunch and chickpeas, bolognese and cheese for dinner. I'm really loving chickpeas in the place of pasta or potatoes with my meals. I think this will stick as I like them more. I didn't even consider having pasta today after the pain last week. Cals today were near 1000 again, carbs were 34. I know this will slow weight loss but I'm not going to stress out about it. I'm still eating much better than I was.

Hope you ladies have had a good day
Sounds like you're all doing really, really well! Don't worry, Skinny @Hazelnut20 - everyone has plateaus when they diet. It is perfectly normal. Does the good Doctor say anything about it? Or perhaps this is why he suggests 8 weeks?

Glad you made a plan and you got hubby the chef on board, @Johns! It must be nice to have a man who will just whip you up a batch of ratatouille :-)

I'm sure you'll find a better job soon @justdee - you're right that resort towns always have plenty of openings. Sounds like you are doing really well with so few carbs! Well done :-)
Today has been a good BSD day. Stuck to plan and all went well.

Work has not been so good. Today the lovely chef walked. I really don't blame him but now there's no one to cooking the breakfast. Not my problem but I could find myself cooking tomorrow. Not something I want to do. A waitress also walked. The boss has been funny with me since I asked too many questions the other day. The guy actually said to me the other day that he thinks staff work harder if they're unhappy, if you treat them well they take the p!ss. I told him I don't agree, I think you get the best out of people who are happy. I know I'm cheeky but I won't let him intimidate me like he does the others. I've been in business and understand how difficult it can be to manage staff. Today I asked him "are you going to fire me?" , he said 'probably'. I said ' give us a clue then, are you thinking the end of the week or today? , he said he's not sure yet. Half an hour later the chef walked, then a waitress. Think my job is safe, but do I really want to stay? He said he may only open in the afternoon/evening now. He thinks I'm stupid,,, in other words he was saying I'll be in the kitchen or I won't have a job because he won't be open. The place is falling apart. I'll go in tomorrow, I know it's not very nice but I want to see how this plays out hehe :oops: . Karma's a b!tch as they say, You get back what you give out Mr boss man.

Sorry for posting this on the BSD thread but I really had to tell someone.
Anyway, back to BSD chat. Tomorrow will be 16:8 BSD, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a loss on Sunday.
Hope you are all well xx
Hello everyone!

Well, I've cheered up a bit since feeling rather despondent earlier in the week. Can't say why. Probably hormones. Can't say the scales are being brilliant though - I'm only 1.4lbs down as of this morning...for the week. It's been quite a struggle not to give in and eat nice things these past few days. I should recognise that this is significant progress for me!

It's also funny how out of perspective I got things. Instead of being thrilled at the progress I had made to date, I allowed myself to get upset at the scales, for once, not moving. In fact, the scales even went up by about 0.4lb this Tuesday...ooh I was so unhappy about that, I can't tell you! I'm now wondering if it really makes sense for me to weigh myself daily. I don't like seeing that I haven't lost anything or have even stayed the same (guess I'm in good company there!) after going without what I consider to be loads...but I think I'm a bit skewed in my thinking/expectations.
So after week 8 you'll ease your foot off the gas a little @hazelnut20? (8 bloomin' weeks, you go girl). Great idea, much better than just trying to jump to another plan. You have done so well Pernelle, To only feel like you need a little bit more in week 8 is amazing. Don't worry about the scales, this is way more about gaining control than lbs lost. Yes the weight loss is important, but you're already way ahead of where you thought you'd be by now. Allow yourself a few more cals a day (if you want them) and you'll feel like you had a real treat. You'll be shocked at how little you can eat even when you choose to. As you know your weight loss will slow as you change things, but the change in habits and self control is massive and tbh what we really want to achieve. Stay strong, the next few weeks may be a bit bumpy but you can handle it, I've seen what you're made of. :fighter-f:
I'm not really on any strict plan at the mo, just doing the best I can. I can honestly say I haven't had one single binge since starting BSD. Or even eaten anywhere near what would be considered normal amounts. Even on a really bad day I haven't gone over 1500 cals and carbs are always low. I just can't eat like I used to, it was worth me doing a few weeks BSD to gain control of my eating. I've hardly lost anything this week but I haven't gained either. I will get back in the zone and on one plan or another now the new challenge is on.
ps. I do believe 1.4lbs is about 3 packs of butter :wink: :like:
You do talk such sense, @justdee & just what I need right now. Thank you for your wise words.

I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to say what I was going to about your work. What a rough ride you are having....and what a complete tw#* the boss is. Sorry to hear the nice chef has walked & a waitress has gone too. Doesn't sound like the man deserves to have any staff....I know what award I would give him...and it wouldn't be Boss Of The Year, that's for sure. I do hope you can get out of there quickly...though I am curious to know how tomorrow plays out too....

Congratulations on your mastery of low carbs - I do hope the scales reward you on Sunday! It's so wonderful to read about your changing attitudes & habits - 2 crucial areas that have definitely eluded me over the years.

I'll look forward to catching up with you more over the weekend. Have been a bit neglectful of late, but I know I need to keep posting...and grit my teeth and get on with it!
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