Thanks my old pal @barbaritayeh it does feel a bit unfair..but then a lot of the folk ive met online have got oedema as a result of surgery for breast at least i can be grateful i havent gone thru breast cancer.
My Doc thinks its happened coz my lymph system is sluggish,due to M.E. and underactive thyroid.
What struck home was she said that blood has a pump to move it round,but we have a lot more lymph fluid than blood,but there's no pump in the lymphatic system.
So i am doing all i can to get that fluid moving. I wd love to know how much more weight i wd lose if i " drained" thoroughly!
Thanks for the good advice B x I do go up to 900/ 1000 cals these days,and will try yr 5:2 suggestion
I want to lose about ten more pounds, then just maintain and will be looking at yr old posts for guidance doing that,coz you are the Queen of Maintaineers,along with our friends @pennyforthem @merlinand @callyanna hope all you guys are doing well xxx big hugs all round!
@debs how are you,are things any better yet...i read this in an email from Deepak Chopra today..which bears out what@sassy1was saying a few posts back..
"Cravings are often at the root of letting your portions get out of control. Many cravings are due to the fact that you’re not getting the proper amount of nutrients you need at a given meal. Filling up your plate with a heaping portion of mac and cheese and garlic bread is not going to satisfy you, no matter how much you eat. Your body needs more:
Make sure you’re not overeating because you’re nutritionally deficient. A good way to do this is to fill your plate with different natural colors. For example, add a salad with:
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil"
XX happy Easter everyone XX