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30 Jan 2017, 10:01
That's not odd @TracieKnits that's great! You had a treat allowance - but you didn't use it?! That deserves some kind of award!!

Thanks @Sassy1 - when I say I my weight had gone up. I really meant it. I am about 10 pounds heavier than my lowest weight I achieved last year. I was in a place where I just KNEW the weight would creep up and up and up but STILL carried on eating chocolates and cereal. Anyway, I seem to have calmed down and the last two days have stuck to BSD. I haven't gone much over the 800 cals on both days but my carbs were over 50g - not by much though. So I'm getting there I'd say.

I may even do a 'proper' fast tomorrow. But i'm not committing to it just yet!!

Where are the others now? @Hazlenut20 @Candicemarie? Are you around?!

Have a great day everyone!

Bean :heart:

30 Jan 2017, 23:55
Dear @Nursebean

I understand your annoyance with yourself. I am also (I expect) about 10lbs heavier than the lowest weight I reached when first doing 5:2. (I don't know exactly because I no longer weigh, but that is based on how clothes fit and the one time I did quickly jump on some old scales a few months ago.) However, rather than worry about the weight, I am trying to concentrate on finding ways to reduce the less healthy eating, I am also trying to accept that maybe this is the weight that is right for me at this stage in life. Yes, I would like to have less fat around my tummy and thighs, but part of that is my genes. I think you would still have a BMI that is considered healthy. But of course, if you feel uncomfortable at your current weight, I appreciate you want to do something about it.

Why do you think you kept eating the cereal and chocolates? Perhaps if you can work this out , you can come up with a strategy for eating that will address those issues, rather than quite severe calorie restriction. As you have probably picked up, I am not a big fan of low carb - low added sugar certainly, but there are grains, fruits and veggies with higher carb content that provide important nutrients for our bodies. I do believe that if our bodies are not getting the nutrients they need, then we do crave whatever.

But of course, you know your body best, and I know there are a number on this forum who have done well with low (all) carbs and some low cal as well. As we say, whatever works for you long term (...providing it does...).

Best wishes. :clover: :smile:

31 Jan 2017, 09:13
Hi All,

Yes, BSD for me with odd fast days and lapses! Yesterday was a lapse day, but, and this is a big but, I lapsed with nuts and cream, not with chocolate, aka sugar. I had a stinker at work and laid into the cashews in a big way. Previously it would have been sugary chocolate so I consider that I have come a long way since then.

Bean, as Sassy said, why do you think you are reaching for the chocolate? Is it the sugar or hormonal? I have found that increasing my fat intake practically eliminates my sugar cravings. I do over the 800 cals as a result but I'd rather that than start stuffing myself with Lindt milk chocolate with hazelnuts (or would I? :bugeyes: )

Tracie has the balance right, enough treats to not feel deprived but not so many (well apart from the odd champers :wink: ) to do consistent damage.


31 Jan 2017, 13:37
Hi hazelnut, I saw you resurfaced a few weeks back. So pleased you are back on track.

Despite the best efforts of moogie I still can't log on on my tablet - even Amazon tried to get in on the act by releasing a revamped Silk browser, but those old Fastday cookies are tough, I tell you :lol:

I am pleased you are back on track with the BSD. I hope nursebean gets over her wobble; and good luck to Debs and everyone else trying it out. :heart:
31 Jan 2017, 14:18
Debs wrote: Hi All,

Yes, BSD for me with odd fast days and lapses! Yesterday was a lapse day, but, and this is a big but, I lapsed with nuts and cream, not with chocolate, aka sugar. I had a stinker at work and laid into the cashews in a big way. Previously it would have been sugary chocolate so I consider that I have come a long way since then.

Bean, as Sassy said, why do you think you are reaching for the chocolate? Is it the sugar or hormonal? I have found that increasing my fat intake practically eliminates my sugar cravings. I do over the 800 cals as a result but I'd rather that than start stuffing myself with Lindt milk chocolate with hazelnuts (or would I? :bugeyes: )

Tracie has the balance right, enough treats to not feel deprived but not so many (well apart from the odd champers :wink: ) to do consistent damage.


I agree with Deb -- when I'm craving sugar, and I want to bust that craving, I eat fat and protein -- a piece of cheese is the PERFECT sugar buster for me, and it doesn't even have to be a large piece. An ounce/30g is plenty, often more than enough. When I'm trying to really watch the calories, I might have a couple of slices of sliced deli turkey -- 2 ounces is 0 points on weight watchers, so it's free. Or a devilled egg/oeuf mimosa. Yes it's as much more even more calories than the chocolate would be, but I think it's better for my system. It truly seems to bust the cravings.

I aim for three or four bits of chocolate a week. My current favorite is Dove truffles, which are a bit pricey, come individually wrapped and are 60 calories each/3 weight watchers points. The peanut butter are divine and have a bit more protein and a bit less sugar. I make it a ritual -- pour myself a decaf espresso, get a little dish and sit at the table. Or we take macarons out of the freezer (they're quite small) - I forget how many calories - maybe 80? they're 3 weight watchers points for two cookies. Again, I have them on a plate with a decaf espresso and eat them mindfully and slowly, making a point of savoring them.

I have a plan to allow a full bottle of champagne every week. Usually that means two nights a week we share a bottle. Sometimes that means we share a bottle one night, and then two other nights each I have a 187ml split. And it's champagne for two reasons -- champagne has the fewest calories/least sugar of all wines and also because it just feels special. It feels like a luxurious treat, even when it's a cheap cremant or petillant (which honestly, it usually is). And I am taking my treats very seriously :grin: But I count the calories/points and I make sure I'm mindful of what I'm doing.

It works for me. I don't believe I could stick with any plan where there are no treats.

31 Jan 2017, 14:23
Ugh @barbarita -- I wish I knew how to help. I'm glad you found your way here today though
Re: Re:
31 Jan 2017, 18:11
Tracieknits wrote:
Debs wrote: Hi All,

Yes, BSD for me with odd fast days and lapses! Yesterday was a lapse day, but, and this is a big but, I lapsed with nuts and cream, not with chocolate, aka sugar. I had a stinker at work and laid into the cashews in a big way. Previously it would have been sugary chocolate so I consider that I have come a long way since then.

Bean, as Sassy said, why do you think you are reaching for the chocolate? Is it the sugar or hormonal? I have found that increasing my fat intake practically eliminates my sugar cravings. I do over the 800 cals as a result but I'd rather that than start stuffing myself with Lindt milk chocolate with hazelnuts (or would I? :bugeyes: )

Tracie has the balance right, enough treats to not feel deprived but not so many (well apart from the odd champers :wink: ) to do consistent damage.


I agree with Deb -- when I'm craving sugar, and I want to bust that craving, I eat fat and protein -- a piece of cheese is the PERFECT sugar buster for me, and it doesn't even have to be a large piece. An ounce/30g is plenty, often more than enough. When I'm trying to really watch the calories, I might have a couple of slices of sliced deli turkey -- 2 ounces is 0 points on weight watchers, so it's free. Or a devilled egg/oeuf mimosa. Yes it's as much more even more calories than the chocolate would be, but I think it's better for my system. It truly seems to bust the cravings.

I aim for three or four bits of chocolate a week. My current favorite is Dove truffles, which are a bit pricey, come individually wrapped and are 60 calories each/3 weight watchers points. The peanut butter are divine and have a bit more protein and a bit less sugar. I make it a ritual -- pour myself a decaf espresso, get a little dish and sit at the table. Or we take macarons out of the freezer (they're quite small) - I forget how many calories - maybe 80? they're 3 weight watchers points for two cookies. Again, I have them on a plate with a decaf espresso and eat them mindfully and slowly, making a point of savoring them.

I have a plan to allow a full bottle of champagne every week. Usually that means two nights a week we share a bottle. Sometimes that means we share a bottle one night, and then two other nights each I have a 187ml split. And it's champagne for two reasons -- champagne has the fewest calories/least sugar of all wines and also because it just feels special. It feels like a luxurious treat, even when it's a cheap cremant or petillant (which honestly, it usually is). And I am taking my treats very seriously :grin: But I count the calories/points and I make sure I'm mindful of what I'm doing.

It works for me. I don't believe I could stick with any plan where there are no treats.

I aim to eat three or four bits of chocolate a week.
My hubby thinks there's something wrong with me as im not bothered by Chocolate at all.
I agree re the champagne though, a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend is my sugar treat. Switched to white during my Atkins days and that's when I discovered gin and vodka. So it's gin, vodka or wine but love a champers

01 Feb 2017, 03:50
You know, I used to not understand how someone could possibly say they're not bothered by chocolate. I used to eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY, and honestly, far too much of it. I craved it constantly.

Now, I sometimes realize it's been 3 or 4 days where I haven't had any chocolate because I had something else for a treat or even no treats at all. Blows my mind that I've gotten to this point!
I was never bothered by chocolate and I also have a DH who thinks there is something wrong with me too !!
I'm not bothered by chocolate either..... WINE, on the other hand....
I SO agree - wine is my thing and my downfall - but I love it !!!!

01 Feb 2017, 19:22
Hi gang have so enjoyed just reading the posts left here ..but i am now really really fancying an alcoholic drink! :razz:
Havent been online much so far this year but still on 50g carbs a day,higher cals...lost eight and a quarter pounds in January,so higher cals seem to be ok,long as the carbs stay low..over five stone gone now..5 stone three altogether,back now to the weight i was 20 yrs ago,before i got ill ..i was still a bit plumpscious then,but put loads on thru years of illness and inactivity..BSd hasnt helped any of my symptoms but has deffo done a lot for my blood sugar/ blood tests AND for my wardrobe! I kept a lot of things from back in the day and they fit again tho many are a bit dated!hehe!
Nutty @hazelnut20i' m so glad youre back,and Barb @barbaritapls stick around if you can! and downwards folks!xxxx
five stone 3 - that's almost 80 pounds?!?! Candy that's amazing!!! You must feel like a new woman! Congratulations <3

Sorry for contributing toward any delinquency >. < LOL Thank you for popping in with your inspiration :-)

03 Feb 2017, 10:50
I firmly blame Tracie for the fact that I am getting severe champagne cravings which I am unable to satisfy as I don't currently have an infidel licence to go and get booze :grin: . We have two bottles of wine in the house, a red and a rose, the red we are having tonight with pizza. I also have a bad chocolate habit which is currently being suppressed as far as I am able but it ain't easy.
You have really done well CandiceMarie, love the fact that you can revisit your clothes. And don't worry, fashion always comes round again!


03 Feb 2017, 14:32
I am a TERRRIBLE influence :grin:
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