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Progress Diaries & Journals

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16 Jan 2017, 10:35
Hi all and Hi @Rawkaren - I was interested to read your blog, and lovely to see your photos of your food diary.
Could you tell me a bit more about your smoothie bowl recipe? Do you make it the night before? Could you give me an idea of the quantities / ingredients you use to make a serving?

good luck with the BSD :clover:

Thank You!

16 Jan 2017, 22:23
Hello friends!

Here's Hazelnut reporting in after her first week back on the BSD! Suffice to say, normal service has been resumed and all is well with my world. It has been a great week on the food front - haven't felt deprived, haven't felt hungry or anything. In fact, I seem to have slipped right back into the routine of 16:8 and now tend to use all my allowance at dinner time. No yoghurt has even passed my lips, would you believe (last time, I was having full fat bio yoghurt and berries at lunchtime) because I haven't been bothering with lunch anyway.

To say I'm pleased is an understatement. I fully expected to suffer enormously when I jumped back on the wagon...but no, joy of joys, I now have a week under my belt and have made a flying start. According to my scales, I've lost just over 6.5lbs!!! Thank you very much - I'll take that...I don't even care if it is partly or even all's a loss and will strengthen my resolve to keep going. I've also gone from "13-something" to "12 stone something" - so that's a thrill in itself...because I'm back in familiar territory, though of course, not where I need to be ultimately...but as the saying goes "slowly slowly catchy monkey" :smile:

21 Jan 2017, 11:54
Big hurrah to you Hazelnut, glad to hear you slid right back in to it! Hopefully it's the impetus you need to keep on going. Keep us posted on progress.
I'm slowly getting there, a bit patchy as I detox off the carbs. I found some zero noodles here although they are outrageously expensive. It means I can have things like pad thai though which I've been craving. I also got the rice to try although that isn't so much of an issue. I'm trying to keep to the once a week carb treat and avoiding sugar.
I have three pesky kilos I'd like to see the back of before the end of April!

21 Jan 2017, 12:48
Hello all.
Especially candy, with all that weight loss I'm jumping for joy for you. I get tags via an email candy. Perhaps you could go to your settings and switch em on.

So can someone give me a quick summary of this BSD I missed the beginning and even though I can do a fast day and usually 16.8 I'd like to give it a go. As I'm not good at recording my food anymore the BSD may give me a mini boost
I have lost 7 lb since Xmas though. :oops: so I'm doing summat right.

Candy @Candicemarie, you can find your tags up at the top right where your name is and there's an arrow down backed in orange. Click on there and you will see messages and tags.

22 Jan 2017, 15:39
Glad to hear you ladies are all feeling like you're getting back on the right track!!

I'm feeling like this week was a success too. I stayed within the limits I set for myself, and I'm feeling optimistic for the long haul :-)

23 Jan 2017, 09:01
Big shout out to @carieoates - here is a quick rundown of the BSD as I see it:-

800 calories a day, every day.
Follow a Mediterranean style diet - plenty of veg, some healthy oils, unprocessed meat & fish (usual stuff - chicken is good, go light on the red meats as per general recommendations). Cut out sugar - so watch your fruit intake - generally, exotic fruits are a no no, but apples, pears and berries are OK - though nothing is OK to excess! Ditch the carbs because of the effect they have on blood sugar levels.

Have a look at Dr Moseley's BSD website if you haven't already - it's full of info about the why's and wherefores!

This are some observations as to how the BSD has fitted into my life:-

I would never have believed that I could stick to what I saw as a very rigid regime. I started on it because I needed a quick fix, a way of dropping significant amounts of weight that I could change my mindset. As effective as 5:2 is, I knew I couldn't trust myself to behave on those 5 days - so I'd be sabotaging the good work done on the two days...and get nowhere. Oh yes, I'm not blind to my faults!!

Once I've made my mind up about something...that's it. For me, it's all about getting to that point though. Anyway, in the same way that 5:2 frees you from having to think about food all the time, so does the BSD. I stopped being scared of feeling hungry because it really is no big deal. It doesn't ramp up and up - it comes in waves...and goes again. The fact that I ditched the carbs also meant that the cravings disappeared - which was great.

When I first went on the BSD last May, I split my calories into two meals and also decided to go 16:8 every day. I didn't eat til at least midday - when I'd have some strawberries and plain full fat bio yoghurt (mixed together). For dinner, I'd roast some broccoli, red pepper, red onion and mushrooms in garlic and olive oil and have it with salmon or chicken or pork (my favourite!). I'm a bit of a creature of habit - but obviously, there's a load of veg you could roast - though you must watch their carb content. I think root veg are quite high in sugar - so I tend to avoid them - but I have roasted cauliflower and beetroot (the latter as a treat).

In a matter of months - 5 I think - I'd ditched nearly 3 stone. It became a way of life for me during that time - you can eat out and you don't have to have carbs! Who knew??!! It's all down to free choice.

Anyways, to bring you up to date:- my weight is linked to my emotions - so when the going got tough, I stopped the BSD, put on weight, obviously and eventually (9th January this year) got to the point of no return once more. In my case, it always boils down to "Oh dear, those trousers are too tight. You either buy the next size up...or you take control right now!" I do...

I totally expected to drag myself kicking and screaming back into the BSD regime. I thought I'd suffer enormously. I was certain I wouldn't be able to stand the relative deprivation - having been used to scoffing carbs right, left and centre....not to mention Maltesers and hazelnut nougat on a nightly basis. What I didn't expect was to get straight back into it without a backward glance - but I have. In week 1, I lost just over 6.5lbs. The week 2 weigh-in is this morning. I went to a dinner party on Saturday and knocked back way too many gins, proseccos and glasses of I weakened and ate some pudding - a chocolate orange panna cotta that I'd made. I didn't have potatoes and I didn't have any of the chocolate mints that got passed round the table. What I did do was make conscious choices. Deprivation is a difficult thing to stomach at times! Yesterday, though, I was as good as gold, only ate one meal of the usual roasted veg & some meat...and turned down the offer of some more panna cotta - even though it took a lot to refuse it!

I'm trying my best, but I'm a work in progress. To be honest, I'm chuffed that I have taken myself in hand so early in the year! Normally, I give myself all of January off...and more! Of course, it would be so much better if I didn't have such an issue with food, full stop, but I do...

Really hope the BSD will suit you as well as it has suited a number of us on here. Best of luck with whatever you choose to do - please keep us posted!

Have a great week!
I think you did a fabulous job!!!! I think it's important to find a middle ground *sometimes*. I have treats occasionally, but I make myself super conscious of them, I make them smaller than they used to be and I enjoy every single bite or sip. I have set limits, reasonable ones, so I can enjoy life without it destroying my progress. Good for you for having a dessert but skipping the chocolates and skipping the second serving the next day (it's never as good as the first, anyway :-)

26 Jan 2017, 06:40
Hi All,
Nice summary on the BSD there Hazelnut!
Two weeks into my new job and I don’t think I shall be here long given the quality of the management here, decidedly dodgy brothers! Typical in this neck of the woods unfortunately.

My weight has been slow to drop off after the excesses of December but that is partly of my own doing. Back down to 57.4kg, 400g off where I got to. Not bad though. And therefore two kg off my 55kg goal. I don’t know, it just seemed a nice round number, and completely unattainable when I started. My issue is toning though, we have no gym where we are. My food is up and down, two good days and then I get ravenously hungry again. I have to confess I devoured a jar of peanut butter over two days and made myself sick, interestingly my weight still fell despite the carbs. I need to have more fat at work for those moments. At least it’s a drive to the supermarket from here which deters me from nipping there every lunchtime. I am definitely not doing the unhealthy comfort eating any more which is a big change, and if I do, it is cream, nuts, which is a far better option. I have also invested in some zero noodles and rice to provide interest and bulk to my meals, zero rice kedgeree tomorrow. And yes I do mean invested, they cost a bomb here but it isn’t cost effective to buy them on the internet due to the weight.
To satisfy my sweet craving, I am having diabetic chocolate with stevia at night, it is actually better than I thought, and part of my sugar elimination at the moment. I have several bars of Montezuma chocolate in reserve but I am saving them for special occasions. I went mad and bought a pack of four ‘libraries’ of Christmas flavours, I gave one to a friend for Xmas but I still have two more with my name on!
The other interesting part of this is that I am losing despite having a lot of stress, it was hard before, and I’m not sure why.

How’s everyone else going?

26 Jan 2017, 13:14
I'm sorry you're having a struggle Debs. But with how little you have to lose, 400g is a job well done. It's slow and painful losing the last few pounds.

I've lost all of my holiday weight, and now I'm chipping away at the "my mother is in the hospital" weight. I'm sure those 5 pounds will be gone soon enough and I'll be back to making progress :-)

26 Jan 2017, 13:19
How are you doing @Hazelnut20? And has anyone heard from @JustDee or @Wildmissus?

28 Jan 2017, 07:39
Morning all,
Fasting here today to augment my BSD.
Tracie, it isn't too much a struggle really, other than the fact I make it so tbh. I get ravenous at certain times and then blow it with peanut butter but the overall trend is down so I can't really complain too much! I occasionally have the urge to cram chocolate into my mouth, and nine times out of ten I can resist it, but I do get shocking sugar cravings, it really is a drug as far as I'm concerned. That's why I keep a tub of cream on hand for emergencies. I'm not beating myself up about it too much as I never thought I'd get to where I am, it's just a bit slower than it should be.
None of my trousers now fit me, my work jeans fell down around my ankles the other day without my undoing them :lol: and teeshirts that were tight when I bought them now fit comfortably. I need to go shopping for new trousers. I suspect I shall be doing this for the rest of my life, with occasional blow outs such as fish and chips and OTT afternoon teas! And I don't stint on holidays, especially as we usually do huge amounts of walking. However, we have tentatively booked our first ever beach holiday to the Maldives at the end of April (dependent on job changing and house selling), so I have something to aim for!!

So, what is everyone else up to? :heart:

28 Jan 2017, 22:28
@Wendy darling and I are resetting on Monday watch this space........

29 Jan 2017, 16:10
Hi everyone! How are we all doing?

I've bean struggling like crazy and have put on weigh too much weight (you see what I did there?!!) and can't get back into the "zone". Yesterday I nearly blew it all again and was about to go out and buy several bags of chocolate (like wispa bites and chocolate buttons) However, I didn't blow it and controlled myself. I ended up having around 750 cals and 60g carbs. So not too bad. Today I'm still being good!

Is anyone else doing the BSD or fasting any time this week?

Bean :heart:

29 Jan 2017, 21:53
Hi @nursebean

You must feel pleased that you were able to resist the temptation - well done you!

Are things as bad as they seem? When you say you have put on "weigh" too much, is that because your clothes no longer fit, you feel uncomfortable, you aren't happy with what you have been eating - any/all of the above??!

Perhaps you need a break from trying to lose weight, just concentrate on healthy eating and reflecting on why you overeat or eat the less healthy foods. The break doesn't have to be for long.

I think a few are doing BSD or some variation - Debs, maybe Pernelle @Hazelnut20 but we haven't heard from her for a little while, presumably Candy @candicemarie, haven't heard from her lately either I don't think, and there are others. Certainly quite a few fasting, you know to check out the "fasting today" threads of course.

I am doing okay. My latest info is generally in the weekly challenge and fasting today threads.

Good luck and best wishes for getting back in the zone! :clover: :smile:

30 Jan 2017, 02:04
Hey @nursebean! Glad to see you made it here and are getting back on track :-)

I did well on my three light days last week and was rewarded with a good drop in weight. I hope to repeat the performance this week. My husband will be on a business trip, so it's just me and the kiddo. I tend to have a bit more control then because kiddo never suggests we have a couple of glasses of wine ;-)

I don't quite stick to BSD - I allow a few treats during the week and I have a small portion of carbs on non light days. Well, comparatively, right? Much, much smaller than a normal American or than I'd have eaten in the past, but probably larger than most BSDers.

I have the calories available for another treat tonight, but I'm not sure I even want it. Isn't that odd?
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