Returning to 5:2 after nearly four years, (painful foot problem resulting in long recuperation after major foot reconstruction), I read this thread with great interest.
Not wanting to develop diabetes like my Mother, towards the end of last year I read Dr. MM's BSD book with forward by Newcastle researcher Dr. Roy Taylor, (and bought the BSD cookbook with great recipes), and was inspired to once again try to reach a healthy weight. Reading BSD made me much more aware of the effect of carbs., and logging into FastDiet again made me realise that perhaps I did need to weigh my foods and calorie count for portion control with the effect that increasing age has on TDEE. I thought I would find this a chore but it isn't now am using the Australian Easy Diet diary (thanks to @merrymelb).
I did debate whether to do BSD or return to 5:2, but decided at this stage to do 5:2 - I had lost over 8kg in 4 months back in 2013. My TDEE means fast days about 350 calories and I rarely reach my TDEE of 1400 on non fast days, but at this stage without much effect so am considering whether to give BSD for eight weeks to try and kick start an inspirational loss. Admittedly it is early days (today is only the fourth fast but must check my earlier diary to see how and over what time period the figures changed).
I do eat 'good' food and since the beginning of the year cut out bread, potatoes and pasta etc., which wasn't a problem and I haven't really missed them. I was a little concerned when I read @carorees 14 Jan 2016 interesting post about 're-feeding syndrome" but realise that I can take those concerns on board if I do decide to move to BSD.
Anyway thanks for all the interesting insights from those doing BSD (I am new to tagging - thanks to @Sassy1 - so to do all those names would probably mean I would make lots of mistakes

) - Anyway I will continue to read with interest while I work out what might be best for me.