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Progress Diaries & Journals

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51 posts Page 1 of 4
Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 15:57
Ok i'm going to do this as a bit of a food diary and also a progress diary - when are my fast days going well, when are they not etc, what was I eating on a good fast day etc.

I'll start with yesterday, I did go a bit over my 500kcals but i'm only aiming for up to 1,800 kcals on a normal day so it should all balance out in the long run.


Sachet of porridge made with water (def adding in some cinnamon next time!) - 100kcals

Egg and turkey salad with a chicken noodle cup a soup - 190kcals

Quorn and mushroom stirfry - 195 kcals
S/F Jelly and mixed berries - 39kcals

Miso soup

Total - 548
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 16:04
Tuesday 26th Nov - normal day

40g Shreddies
125 ml skimmed milk
1/2 banana

Seeded pannini roll
Homemade chorizo and bean stew
Steamed broccolli, baby corn and sugar snap peas
20g gorgonzola

Homemade spicy cajun turkey burgers in a bun with a little cheese, salad and home made baby wedges


2 x satsumas
Medium skinny latte from Nero's
Curly Wurly
2 x fruit shortcake biscuits

Total - 1829

I know you are not supposed to count on the inbetween fast days but i'm used to doing it and prefer doing it that way so i'll continue doing it :)

I thought I would go a bit nuts over food today but I haven't which is good :) I really enjoyed my breakfast too! looking forward to Friday's treat of a bacon and egg roll.

Having my second fasting day tomorrow - i'll see how it works out having 4 consecutive feed days - I may end up breaking it up a bit more if things arnt budging.
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 16:47
What do you do with the other half of the banana?
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 18:23
janeg wrote: What do you do with the other half of the banana?

Good question!

Just popped in to say, I love the title of this thread! ;-)
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 18:56
Ha! Yes it is a good question, ill just have the other half on Thursday, I half it with the skin on and when I want to use the other half I chop the end off that's been exposed to the air and the rest of the banana is fine :-) cheers, I felt stuff and things summed it up quite nicely x
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 20:09
A little butter on the end of the banana seals and protects it from air exposure. :)
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 21:42
Betsysgr8 wrote: A little butter on the end of the banana seals and protects it from air exposure. :)

Ooh great tip.
Re: Stuff and things
26 Nov 2013, 22:17
Cheers for the tip :-) every day is a school day eh! I'm a bit hungry right now but trying to ride it out as I'm going to bed soon..... I think I may have a high light drink see if that takes the edge off.
Re: Stuff and things
27 Nov 2013, 07:18
now I know!
Half bananas just don't exist in our household! :)
Re: Stuff and things
27 Nov 2013, 07:29
There is only me that eats them here :-) I end up making a lot of banana muffins lol
Re: Stuff and things
27 Nov 2013, 07:40
Good banana tip and like your thread title too. :smile:
Re: Stuff and things
27 Nov 2013, 09:36
This is what I have pencilled in for today, it will likely change:

Leftover bean and chorizo stew with salad leaves - 215kcals

Roasted butternut squash pan fried with chilli, garlic, spring onion, ginger and onion and a little crispy ham topped with a little gorgonzola, served with mediteranian roast veg (no oil) - followed by sugar free lemon jelly and frozen berries 311 kcals

Dash of milk in morning tea - 8

lots of fizzy water, black decaff coffee and herbal tea

534 kcals

* today is going well so far (3pm) I decided not to eat breakfast and had my lunch at 1.30 - I ate it slowly with a big glass of fizzy water to wash it down and I still feel nice and full.

* im sitting as over on my calories today but i'm not too concerned as I was under my 2k yesterday and plan to be so each day by aiming to eat 1,800 kcals a day.
Re: Stuff and things
28 Nov 2013, 09:30
Ok! so yesterday went really well - I planned to have breakfast and then decided not to. I found yesterday that I wasnt getting the mad hunger pangs that I had on Monday. I think next week i'm going to try a Mon/Thurs fast rather than a Mon/Wed fast - I think giving my body 4 feed days in a row may get it all confused but we will see how I get on.

Thursday 28th November

40g shreddies
1/2 banana
125ml skimmed milk


Leftover turkey burger in a bun with salad and baked beans and some cheese (they needed using up...) 456 kcals

We are going to the German market so I have decided to save about 700 kcals as we are sharing a bratwurst and sharing another dish and I am having the first mulled wine of the season :)


2 x small satsumas
1 x rice cake with philly light and a couple cucumber, carrot, celery sticks
3 x cafe snaps

221 kcals

1,645 so far - aiming for 1,800 or thereabouts - not that bothered if I come in under as it gives me more to spend on wine this weekend :)

On a side note - I popped on a pir of trousers that were a little snug last week and they are a little looser this week :) I know its because you lose water in your first week but i'll still take it! :)

On another side note - I am bloody starving! and its a feed day! :( I had my breakfast at 9.15am and its 10.28 and im really hungry - going to have a big glass of fizzy water and ride it out....... its now 10.58... I gave in....

Dagnammit! Went out for a few drinks, had 5 pints and 2 jäger bombs :-/ didn't eat as much as I thought I would though , going to put today at about 2600 locals.....oops
Re: Stuff and things
29 Nov 2013, 09:47
Feeling rough so,it has to be a bacon and egg buttie for breakfast and there will be an orange lucozade and a San peligrino orange drink being consumed very soon!

Bacon and egg roll with red sauce


Cheese and crisp roll


Rotisserie chicken with salad, crusty bread, home made potato wedges and home made light potato salad.



Nibbled on a bit of chocolate cake trimmings from the cake I was decorating today 150
Wine 250

Re: Stuff and things
30 Nov 2013, 18:29

2 x slices homemade chocolate chip and cranberry bread toasted with butter






Egg and chips :-)


Toast and pate
Total 1,935
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