The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Started Jan 14th, weight 11st 10lb

March 2nd 11st 6lb
Feb 2nd 11st 3lb :P
Started 5:2 on 4th February

Start weight 4th February 9st 13lbs
Weight at 2nd March 9st 8.4lbs
Waist gone down from 33in to 31 in

Average weight loss 1.2lb per week
Re: Woop Woop!
02 Mar 2013, 08:07
Hi guys. I've just done the deed and have lost another 4lb this month making a total lost of 11lb! I am thrilled to bits :lol: as I don't feel I have missed out on anything as I eat out at least 3 times a week. My BMI has also gone down though not quite in the normal weight range yet. Thrilled with my progress but my poor hubby has gained 2lb. He's bitterly disappointed :? . Still, upwards and onwards.
Start date: 13/02/2012
Start weight: 8 st 4 lbs
Start BMI: 21.9
Start waist: 34.2 inches

Today's weight ( 02/03/2012): 8 st
Today's BMI: 21.1
Todays waist: 32.2 inches

Total weight loss so far: 4 lbs
Total waist inches lost so far: 2 inches
Average weekly weight loss: 1.65 lbs
Started 5:2 on 14th January
Start Weight - 15st 10lb
Todays Weight - 14st 12lb

Weight lost - 12lb
And today I went under 15 stone and am now classed as overweight and not obese!!! whoop whoop!
2nd March Weight 9st 11
Waist 28 inches

Since 4th Feb lost 2 lb and 3/4 inch.

Crumbs. Not a great deal of progress in those stats but I usually weigh myself on the morning after a fast :oops:
Start date 22 Feb 2013

Start weight 10st 2.5

Weight on 2 March 9st 11.5

Total loss = 5lbs
- YES!
Weight 2nd March 10st 5lb. Waist 33.5 ins
Weight 2nd Feb 10st 8lb waist 35 ins
Loss 3lb, 1.5 ins

Since starting 5:2, Weight loss 10lb, 3ins
To say I'm happy does not come near describing how I feel. My BMI is in the (top range 0f) normal for the first time in 5 years.
Start date 17/02 Weight: 63.4 kg. Body fat: 29.6%

Weigh in 02/03. Weight. 61.9 kg. Body fat: 28.3%

Weight loss so far: 1.5 kg. Very happy, even though I didn't take waist measurement when I started I can see and feel that I have lost tummy fat, usually I don't lose from that part even when I was on low carb diet.
Start date 4th Feb 18st 7lb
Last weigh day 17st 8lb.

Loss 13lb

Normal weigh day Monday, will Edit if thread still open.
Feb 2nd

Weight 11st 11 lbs
Waist 36 ins

March 2nd

Weight 11stone 6 lbs
Waist 35 ins

Weight loss for month: 5lbs
Inches off waist: 1

Really pleased with progress overall. I'm averaging about 1 1/4 pounds per week. Although I had hoped for a slightly quicker weight loss (I have best part of another 2 stones to lose) and I am a little disappointed with the slow inch loss from around my very apple shaped waist, what I wasn't expecting was the dramatic improvement in that feeling of well being, increased energy levels etc. AND not feeling the urge to snack all the time. I'm really into this WOE and so long as the scales and tape measure are going in the right direction, however slowly, I'm sticking with it!
Good luck to all other 5:2ers out there today! X
Hi guys. Great news for all you "losers" :D Am I missing a trick here? I thought we had to update our own progress tracker and that big brother (or sister Coralees or Moogie) pull the info from that. Can someone, anyone, advise a not very techy person please? Good luck with the next month people:-)
18 Feb: 171 lbs with waist of 33.5
2 Mar: 162 lbs with waist of 32

I started dieting on 18 Feb. The first week was really a low calorie diet but I had a couple of 900 cal days to (sort of) try out 5:2 way of eating. I lost 6.5 lbs that first week and the rest on proper 5:2.

Monty - I think we're to post here (if you want to join in the monthly weigh in) and update your own progress tracker too x
2/2/13 Weight 10st 5lbs
Waist 32in

2/3/13 Weight 9st 13lbs
Waist 30.5in

6lbs and 1.5in lost between 2nd Feb and 2nd March
Start date 31/01/13 weight 15st 4lbs 6oz BMI 38

02/02/13 weight 15st 4lbs 2oz waist 40 inches BMI 37.9
02/03/13 weight 14st 12lbs 8 oz waist 37 inches BMI 36.9

Lost 5lbs 10oz and 3 inches from my waist since 02/02/13
Since Christmas I have lost one stone! :D
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