The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Welcome to all of you who would like to join our monthly weigh-in. You may now start entering your reports!

Please enter the following information:

Weight and/or waist size on 2nd March (+/- 1 day)
Weight/inches/cm lost since 2nd Feb (+/- 1 day)

Please also enter this same information on the Progress Tracker as we hope to be able to extract the data to create some pretty graphs!

This topic will be locked on Monday 4th Feb and results posted soon after.
Start date: 31st Jan 2013
Start weight KG 109.1 Stones 17.2
Waist 50.5 inches (messed this up on tracker will have to fix it later, it shows waist increse).

First weigh in after 1 month and 5 fasts

New weight KG 104.20 Stones: 16.5 and a half
New Waist 48and a half

Loss for the month:

Weight: KG 4.89 Stones and Lbs 10 and a half pounds
Waist: Lost 2 inches

I am a very happy bunny I will be quite satisfied with 1Lb loss a month as I am in this for the long haul and I don't feel I'm on a diet but just eating a little more healthily.
May go to one fast a week, depends what happens on a daily basis.
Weight and/or waist size 2nd March (+/- 1 day) Weight 58.9kg Waist 68cms
Weight/cm lost since 2nd Feb (+/- 1 day) Weight: Lost 3.9kgs Waist: Lost 5cms
Weight at 01.03.13 157 lbs Waist 32"
Weight at 01.02.13 165 1bs Waist 35"
Toatl weight loss of 8lbs
Total inch loss off waist 3"

I'm thrilled with the progress so far :)
Weight 01/03/13 142 lbs
Weight 02/02/13 150 lbs, loss of 8 lbs. Also entered in Tracker.

Cheers, Pete
1/3/13 Weight 12st 12lb, waist 36.5"
Loss since 2/2/13 Weight 7lb, Waist 1.5"
Start date : 25/01/2013
Date weighed : 01/03/2013
Starting weight : 253.0 lbs
Current weight : 246.2 lbs
Total loss : 6.8 lbs
Weeks on diet : 5 weeks
Avg Weekly loss : 1.36 lbs/Week
Last Month date : 01/02/2013
Last Month wt : 251.0 lbs
loss last month : 4.8 lbs
Start date 01/02/2013: Weight 77.2kg; Waist 100cm; Fat 40.4%
4 weeks in 01/03/2013: Weight 76.8kg; Waist 99cm; Fat 36.8%

I've only lost about a pound in weight but over 3% body fat (which I'm really pleased with) and 1cm off waist size.
01/03/13 weight 10st 6lbs waist 30"
Loss since 01/02/13 4lbs waist 2"

Very happy with my progress in the first four weeks
Start date 04/02/2013 started 2 days after 2 Feb.

Weight and/or waist size on 2nd March (+/- 1 day) 11st 6lb waist 35"
Weight/inches/cm lost since 2nd Feb (+/- 1 day). 4lb waist 35" see note above

Waist did go down to 34" but gone back up - bloat?
Weight on 02 March = 10 Stone 7lbs
Weight on 02 Feb. = 11 Stone 0 lbs
Weight loss. = 7 lbs

Diet started 21st January 2013
Weight 2 March 68.1 kg
Weight 1 February 72.2 kg
Started Feb 5 so using this data

Weight Feb 5 11st 12lbs
Waist 36"

Weight March 2 11st 3lbs
Waist 33.5"

Loss 9lbs and 2.5"

Very happy Faster :lol:
2 March:
Weight : 73.8kg
Waist : 96.9 cm

2 Feb : 74.39kg
Waist : 103.51 cm

Steady progress, but most loss was in Jan before hand. 0.59 kg in the four weeks. Missed 3fast days due to illness. Waist: loss of 6.61 cm.
2nd March
Weight 15stone 12 lbs

15th February
Start weight 16stone 1 lbs
Weight 49 inches
Waist 50 inches
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