The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

62 posts Page 4 of 5
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
19 Apr 2014, 10:48
Hi GillyMary. Thanks for the update. Really nice to read that you are getting back on track again. Great attitude you have. :heart:
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
26 Apr 2014, 22:15
Thanks for the encouragement @rawkaren @Sue.Q and @Ballerina it is now nearly 2weeks of ADF and I have been amazed that it s easier than I thought. So I am back on tract from my 2 month stint of mainly 6:1. Have stopped the gaining.

The fall back position becomes an eating window if I find I can't do the distance on a fast day. So my method is fluid fasting of low cal tea, salty drink, proper coffee and water which takes me to at least 2pm. Then depending how I feel might have my low cal soup and when prepping DH dinner some times I keep fasting and sometimes I choose to make it an eating window day. So flexible :smile:

Still fitting all my new sized clothes. Keeping up with gym and odd long walk and enjoying my kitchen cook ups with the eye to developing healthy habits . At home eating lower carbs, minimal wheat and smidgen of honey or maple to sweeten. Plant based diet the majority with some meat but not the hero in the meal. Seem to be more in control of craving/ binging breakouts. Fingers crossed.

Oh and I feel great
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
26 Apr 2014, 23:42
Your plan sounds great gillymary. You sound like you are so in the zone and focused. Enjoy your soup and I'm glad you're feeling great!
Xxx julianna
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
27 Apr 2014, 08:45
Great to see you back in the saddle, keep going.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
27 Apr 2014, 09:43
Superduper Gilly Mary! sounds like you've cracked it and found your own unique WOE that allows you to lose weight yet still enjoy your food at the same time! Well done!
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
27 Apr 2014, 09:46
Hey Gillymary - you've obviously found the secret - which is to keep going, experiment, don't get stressed, find your own way that suits you and enjoy life (and a bit of what you fancy) along the way! :victory: :heart: :victory: :clover:
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
27 Apr 2014, 11:28
Sounds like you have found what works for you gillymary! Keep up the good work!
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
27 Apr 2014, 14:27
@Julianna thanks for more detailed recipe for your super roast chicken soup. Definitely to try once I source good chicken carcasses. The vinegar it s good point as well as I want to purposefully glean as much goodness to compensate and remineralise my bones

Aw thanks everyone. Don't want to spoil the good work. Very motivating that. Disappointingly still a bit of a stretch to get BMI down a notch. That's the plan.

Any solutions for more wrinkles on my face. A twinkle in the eyes and mega moisturiser and lots of water isn't yet working. All suggestions welcome
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
27 Apr 2014, 20:17
@Gillymary don't know if you have Liz Earle in Oz?? Used her stuff for quite a while, and leaves your skin feeling (and I like to think looking) a lot better ...
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
28 Jun 2014, 13:34
Wow 2 months have slipped by. It is blowing a gale here. Having a break of sorts so thought it timely to catch this thread up. I am maintaining while using the scales to dictate when I throw in a fast. Decided to take up the spring challenge and see if I can shed 5lbs. Just going gently for a few reasons

Have begun culling 3 bags await my next burst of energy to go to their new homes. Op shop mainly. It is good but time consuming but I can do it. I have a lot to do!!!! My winter wardrobe has spaces. I have eyed what is next to go as well. Also going to help a lady who has a lot of clutter in one room to tuck into her decluttering as well next week. She got inspired by my 3 bags and asked me to help her. I have the roll of big plastic bags at the ready

Busy preparing next semesters learning plan. Most exciting though is that I am heading to Hobart to meet up with my buddies from student days and misspent youth :oops: These days we behave and just love catching up. They are skinny Minnie's but am proud I have maintained the weight loss I had achieved when I say them July lady year. MONA here I come oh goody and Salamanca markets and Hobart harbour :smile: :heart: :heart:
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
28 Jun 2014, 14:53
Great job with the decluttering and inspiring someone else! I plan to do a lot of that this summer too!

Have fun meeting up with your friends!

What do you teach?
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
28 Jun 2014, 15:14
Hi @gillymary buddie :heart:
Put the kettle on GM make mine a black coffee while we catch up, well done on your declutrering and inspiring and helping your friend, not sure when you're off to meet your pals enjoy catching up i'm sure you will.
Moving into the colder weather plays havoc with our fasting routines, but its good to have a challenge to aim for, we don't lose friends or membership by not getting there so I really don't think it adding stress to us as fasters because I've always had goals all the way through my journey mostly the numbers as goals then you think I wonder if I can reach that target by
a certain date.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend catch up next week.
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
29 Jun 2014, 00:03
@cblasz I teach now at TAFE in welfare area. A late bloomer as teacher and chuffed as have always had a dream to teach and am doing same from my experience working for a long time in the specific industry, Finally there in my 60s. Never to old to reach a dream. Cross eyed with the planning and prep, so I appreciate it when you say you are having a break as background work for new to teaching is time consuming. But so far am enjoying it and colleagues and family wonderfully supportive. Today will be at the PC

Dear @Sue.Q buddy kettle on shortly beans in the grinder as it's a fast day for me sticking to fluids as long as I can and nice little meal with my dearheart :heart: tonight. Will take a leaf out of @Ballerina 's book and have my coffee with cream today.

Sue I always have goals of sorts. Plateau still exists for me and fasting harder throws up issues so I just go with the flow as I am one to really listen to my body. So am a bit of an intuitive faster. I trust my instincts. Like I never in my life gave up butter, and I always believe to eat what you have cooked from scratch and grow some of your own herbs at least and salad leaves, fruit and veggies. IF has been marvellous tool as well loosing the weight which had bugged me for 20 years or more . So now I am balancing things sensibly
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
29 Jun 2014, 01:21
I remember at the start of the year when you were preparing to start you're new job teaching( as I was too ) and it was so unknown and overwhelming. Now you seem so confident, experienced and relaxed about your job ( and fulfilled ! ) GM , isn't that wonderful! That you stepped outside your comfort zone and now you have the reward of being paid for something you love to do. I call that " living the dream!"
Re: Gilly Mary's Journey
29 Jun 2014, 01:40
@julianna I am amazed to be in this position but a series of choices which I made when my lovely old job which I just adored was axed has set me off on an unexpected and lovely journey.

Mind you this new career experience has not been without angst and there was sleeplessness but all good now with first semester completed and students sent on their merry way seemingly happy about our shared journey. I have been given more work. It's a giving back at this stage of my life that I like and it sure helps to be paid :smile:
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