The FastDay Forum

A forum for the 5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting

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by SSure
15 Nov 2014, 09:13
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
Member 26 - 107.4lbs which is within my maintenance range of 105-110lbs so it's OK. (I've had a couple of falls so I'm bruised and swollen in spots and this might be responsible for part of that weight.) Still not improving on my sub-challenge of One Moment ...
by SSure
14 Nov 2014, 09:57
Forum: General 5:2 and Fasting Chat
Topic: We have officially passed half way mark ... CHRISTMAS CLUB
Replies: 2
Views: 265
I'm still maintaining within my 105-110lb range, so that's fine. After a good start, and despite the fact that I need it, I'm having difficulty with my sub-challenge of One Moment Meditation. I'm having a lot of trouble with my back and joints ...
by SSure
09 Nov 2014, 12:54
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining October - December 2014
Replies: 249
Views: 10417
Still within my maintenance range :) It's odd tho', how 'dangerous' 107.2lbs feels tho' it's just on the mid-point of my 105-110lbs range. Unlike P-JK and others, I think I'm a distrustful maintainer - I don't feel safe when I'm anywhere near the top of my theoretical range. I know ...
by SSure
09 Nov 2014, 12:48
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
Member 26 - 107.2lbs so within my weight maintenance range of 105-110lbs. Complete bust on the sub-challenge of One Moment Meditation this week. I'm not entirely sure what went awry because ironically my sleep has been very poor and you might think that ...
by SSure
05 Nov 2014, 21:26
Forum: Weekly Poll
Topic: Weekly Poll: Do you track your weight loss progress?
Replies: 34
Views: 4980
I'm anewbie. Been on 5:2 since 1 sept. Down from 119kg to 105. Really hungry most of the time and sooo tired. Is this loss too fast? I know I was grossly overweight for height (5'10). Should I be expecting it to slow. Welcome, Dulce3000 - well done for ...
by Dulce3000
04 Nov 2014, 22:26
Forum: Weekly Poll
Topic: Weekly Poll: Do you track your weight loss progress?
Replies: 34
Views: 4980
I'm anewbie. Been on 5:2 since 1 sept. Down from 119kg to 105. Really hungry most of the time and sooo tired. Is this loss too fast? I know I was grossly overweight for height (5'10). Should I be expecting it to slow.
by SSure
01 Nov 2014, 16:12
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining October - December 2014
Replies: 249
Views: 10417
Weigh-in of 107.2lbs which means that I'm still within my 105-110lb maintenance range. So, on balance, I'm OK with this. (I've having TMI issues which may be adding 1-2lbs or so plus, I've some joint swelling so it's tricky to interpret this scale weight in context).
by SSure
01 Nov 2014, 16:00
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
Member 26 weigh-in of 107.2lbs which means that I'm still within my 105-110lb maintenance range. So, on balance, I'm OK with this.

I'm managing my sub-challenge of One Moment Meditation.
by Juliana.Rivers
27 Oct 2014, 23:58
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
Member 86 checking in. 105 kg today so 800g loss this week and 4kg loss so far. Going to amend my target to 8kg to lose by Christmas as I'm hoping this might be realistic now that I've worked out I can stick to 4:3 quite happily. Thanks ...
by SSure
26 Oct 2014, 11:50
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
Member #26 weigh-in of 107.2lbs which is maintaining within my range of 105-110lbs so it's OK tho' I'll keep an eye on the trend. (tbh, I think this is a TMI gut thing that will resolve over the next week so I'm not perturbed.) :roll: I was a tad out of sorts ...
by SSure
26 Oct 2014, 11:47
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining October - December 2014
Replies: 249
Views: 10417
107.2lbs which is maintaining within my range of 105-110lbs so it's OK tho' I'll keep an eye on the trend. (tbh, I think this is a TMI gut thing that will resolve over the next week so I'm not perturbed.) :roll:
by Skippy
25 Oct 2014, 15:27
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
Member 86 checking in.
105 kg today so 800g loss this week and 4kg loss so far.
Going to amend my target to 8kg to lose by Christmas as I'm hoping this might be realistic now that I've worked out I can stick to 4:3 quite happily.
Thanks to Juliana for supporting us all!
by Juliana.Rivers
19 Oct 2014, 03:40
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
... all Member 86 checking in. After a slow first 10 days or so things have suddenly moved very quickly -you were right to advise patience! New weight 105.8 so down 2.6 kg from last week ( 3.2kg since Oct 1st start) which I assume is something to do with water and glycogen storage last week that has ...
by Skippy
18 Oct 2014, 14:02
Forum: Group Challenges
Topic: CHRISTMAS CHALLENGERS - Tell us how you went?
Replies: 894
Views: 30597
... all Member 86 checking in. After a slow first 10 days or so things have suddenly moved very quickly -you were right to advise patience! New weight 105.8 so down 2.6 kg from last week ( 3.2kg since Oct 1st start) which I assume is something to do with water and glycogen storage last week that has ...
by SSure
18 Oct 2014, 12:38
Forum: Weight Maintenance
Topic: Maintaining October - December 2014
Replies: 249
Views: 10417
106.2lbs which is maintaining nicely within my range of 105-110lbs so I'm pleased. :cool:
Search found 148 matches Page 4 of 10


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