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Weight Maintenance

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And suddenly it's end of October. Had one fast somewhere some weeks ago, but currently one month in 'winter season' (meaning speedskating which seems to be enough to stay on weight without fasting). :cool:
First day of the last month already and done a fast today to do away with some slow increase of weight over the last weeks. Instant success :victory: Nice to be in control in such a simple way. Perhaps a couple of weeks with one fast to make sure to be able to celebrate the feasting days in style.
Finishing the year in style at 63 kg, not fasting this week, leaving that for next year :smile:
Time for a new entrance. One month in the new year and back on 63 where I left last year. Had to move 1 kg from overeating at festivities, but hey, what do we have these fast days for. One fast a week was enough to do the trick. This week on 63 without a fast, but after a couple of days with lots of teaching, which implies walking for some hour rather than sitting behind my desk :smile:
Well done, @P-JK, you're an example to us all! :like:
You've got a very inspirational tracker! Thanks for sharing it.
And another month gone. Stable weight without fasting. :cool:
Walking in class seems to help, as compared to only just training the brain behind a desk. :smile:
One quiet week gone and one more to come, so we'll see what happens.
More than a month gone and weight has been creeping up. No fast after Easter was perhaps a bit over optimistic, so had to begin this month with a fast on Wednesday after seeing number on the scale I promised not to see again. So back on track now, but expect to need a couple of fasts to get back to really assuring numbers again :cool:
Mid May, so maintenance report is long due. In April fasted 6:1 on 4 weeks (really needed that), skipped fast in first week of May, but took another one this week. Weight nicely in the middle of maintenance range. Fasting still done in traditional way, results are still rather predictable (it just works :smile: ) and no change in the motivational section as well (not really difficult to fast, hence no real willpower needed to take a fast).
Skipped a few fasts some weeks (one on holiday in Spain), but seem to need one fast each week to stay on track, so that will be the plan preparing for the real holiday season. :cool: Currently it's raining :cat2: :cat2: and :dog: :dog:
And finally it's summer, and more important, I could celebrate my 3 years fastiversary last Saterday (away from home in Norway :grin: ). No real change over the last year, still fasting successfully in the most classical way possible in case it is needed. All under the motto 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it'. The only thing that appears as some kind of trend is that it seems necessary somewhat more often (on a regular 6:1 strategy the last weeks). Perhaps some influence of burning less calories with growing age... :shock: Anyhow, I still consider myself a lucky guy compared to those who need 2 fasts every week to stay on track. That being said, from the beginning it was the idea that fasting when needed is a way of life, rather than a strategy for short time weight and health control. So apparently, tha's just what it is. If fasting does not become more difficult then this, this should remain doable for certain. On to the next year :like:
Back from holiday and the first fast after holiday (together with substantial cycling during holiday) has just been enough to stay within the maintenance range. So much for month 34 of maintenance, two more to go towards three years :cool:
Wow! @P-Jk this is impressive stuff! It's one thing to reach your target - but to stay there(?!) that IS impressive - well done!
Your holiday sounded lovely. Where did you go?
Bean :heart:
Thanks, @nursebean. Different short cycling trips in east, middle and west (coast) of the country. The good thing about a small and flat country is that you can cover most of it with ease and do not have to care about steep roads :smile: Infrastructure for cycling is really the best in the world, only the weather could have been slightly better...
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