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Re: So what do we think about butter?
by Silverdarling » 29 Jul 2013, 19:29

Amazing! I've been out working hard all day - and you lot are still on about butter, girdle scones, farls ................................. :oops:

I feel quite guilty now, a bit like getting caught by teacher, talking instead of parsing sentences whilst her back was turned.........oh ...I am frightened :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
Silverdarling, there's worse. I might not be fasting but I am "attacking". I can't even have a 70 calories pitta bread with a 30 calories thin layer of butter.

Aaaaaah, scones! I wish I had a packet of M&S sultanas scones with some Channel Islands butter. And some Cornish clotted cream. And strawberry jam.
Steady, STEADY!!
Le Pain Quotidien (a bakery/cafe chain) do a lovely spelt and quinoa scone that they serve with ricotta and rhubarb/strawberry jam. You can almost pretend it's healthy.

They also do fabulous but ridiculously large normal scones with jam and cream.

I like drop scones, less keen on potato scones (despite my Scottish upbringing - do love good black pudding though) but I do make a lovely hazelnut, sultana and spelt sourdough that makes the most gorgeous toast that just cries out to be drenched in butter. You can make lovely crumpets with sourdough excess too (the bit you usually chuck when feeding).

Next butter question - in the scrambled eggs, yes or no? I'm a decided yes but I have friends who think it's odd and just mix the eggs over the heat.
@Applespider would you share the recipe for the hazelnut sultana spelt sourdough as it will do just nicely for my plan to make my own butter

This is a very tempting thread at the crest of a Tuesday fast days
I'm same as Silverdarling, been following this thread at work on a fast day. You lot sure know how to torture a person. TML the Scones, jam and clotted cream just about did me in, I've been looking round the cupboards for something nice luckily they are bare, scoffed everything over the weekend. :confused:

I steam my veggies nice and healthy, then chuck them in a frying pan with a portion of kerrygold garlic butter, beautiful with french dwarf beans and mushrooms.

I like goats milk butter too. :lol:

Chris x
Scrambled eggs definitely best in butter. WOW!
Mmmm tomorrow my 10yr old is on a baking course. One of the things she is learning to make is scones. So tomorrow I shall have scones with butter, jam and clotted cream.

Love butter, love scones... and welsh cakes
I may just treat myself to a scone butter and jam tomorrow ... If I can get rid of this stinker of a headache that has crept up over the afternoon ... :dazed: :dazed:

Or a bacon sandwich (with loads of butter) sounds very appealing too ... :shock: :shock:
My full edition of scrambled eggs has butter, low fat cream and cheddar cheese.
My usual one has olive oil and milk.
My Greek edition has milk and feta.
And my fast/attack one, milk and cottage.
gillymary wrote: @Applespider would you share the recipe for the hazelnut sultana spelt sourdough as it will do just nicely for my plan to make my own butter

This makes 2 small/medium loaves. I was inspired by a bread I tasted in a local deli and worked backwards to try to recreate it.

200g starter (refresh night before - 100% hydration)
250g white bread flour
250g spelt flour
1.5tsp salt
300-325g water
200g whole hazelnuts - toasted and skins removed
200g sultanas
fresh rosemary needles - chopped.

Mix the starter and water then add the two flours and the salt. Knead it briefly and then set it aside for 10 minutes in a lightly oiled bowl - repeat this twice. Wait 30 minutes and do a stretch and fold. Wait an hour and do another. On your next stretch - sprinkle the hazelnuts, sultanas and rosemary over the surface of the dough and fold them in. Wait a couple of hours, degas the bread and shape it into two loaves. Let it rise for 2-4 hours (will depend on temperature) and then back at 220C for 30 minutes. Let it cool and then dig in... it's amazing toasted with butter and it freezes really well.
Silverdarling wrote: Or a bacon sandwich (with loads of butter) sounds very appealing too ... :shock: :shock:

My mother, since fasting, has started serving her bacon sandwiches with peanut butter :?:

Hmmm... now I fancy a bacon sandwich for brekkie tomorrow... although I've got some gorgeous berries soaked in limoncello that need to be eaten too...
Stilton and bacon toastie. Better than sex? Perhaps... ;-)
TML I have some Stilton, if I wasn't fasting might be tempted', LOL

@Applespider many thanks, recipe for your yummy sourdough now safely written in my recipe book to wait for a suitable day. The rosemary was a surprise element, will let you know how I go :)
I miss stilton... :-(
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