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Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
06 Mar 2015, 10:05
Oh @MaryAnn crime shows are my favourites! Mind you, it wasn't the same when Gil Grissom left CSI (I had a bit of a crush on him :oops: )
I'm fasting today. D'you know, I've found it very easy this week. I haven't felt hungry at all. I was very good yesterday and didn't over indulge and I'm still not hungry now. Mind you, I'm sure it'll be a totally different story by 6 o'clock tonight :confused:

Bean's Tip of the Day: Don't go anywhere without a glass of water by your side! But don't just leave it by your side: Make sure you drink it too :wink:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
06 Mar 2015, 15:39
I soooo love crime tv. Particularly Criminal Minds. I could watch crime tv all day.
I'm loving the tip of the day Beanie, do I have to take it to the loo??
Glad it's bean an easy fast week so far, I'm feeling really empty at the moment and my stomach is howling, need to find something to take my mind off it because for some reason I'm thinking about food but I'm not hungry!?!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
06 Mar 2015, 20:06
Er? No, its ok @Minsmum. You really don't need to take water to the loo!!
How's Min's head by the way? And wrist? How is she coping with not being able to play sports this week? I guess it must be torture for her.
So, how has your fasting day gone? I must say this has bean pretty easy for me today. At 6 I had my chicken in wine sauce and mash thing from M&S. It was pretty tasty and only cost me 304 calories. I'm just about to have an Aero mousse now. Or should I just have a bigger bowl of Cheerios...hmmm thats quite a dilemma I've got there? :?:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
07 Mar 2015, 13:37
Just a quick update for all the other DoDo's just weighed myself for the first time since Jan 17 and have lost 9 pounds, very happy indeed!!!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
07 Mar 2015, 13:42
Oh wow!, Wow! and Wow! Thats brilliant @Supernoodle well done indeed!!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
08 Mar 2015, 23:24
It's late and I'm just in from work, thought I'd pop by to say hello before I go to bed. Another fast day drawing to a close :) I had freezer surprise tonight. Wasn't that surprising but was very welcome come my break time. I never label the single portions of food i freeze!! I have felt light headed all day and am now craving food. But, countdown to hols has commenced and I will keep the kitchen door firmly shut. I will be a golden goddess by the pool, I will, I will, I will!
Beanie Mins head and wrist are doing well, still has a slight lump on her wrist but I think she's itching to get back on the rugby pitch again, so I shall unleash her this week and see how it goes!!
Supernoodle well done :) x
Hope you are all well and the DODO life is good xx
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
09 Mar 2015, 08:34
Glad to hear Mins is doing well...and back in the ring, so to speak!
I'm afraid to say that I will be leaving the DODO tent for a while. I thought I'd give 4:3 a go and leave weekends free. I don't know why, really but I thought I'd give it a go and see whether it makes any difference to my weight loss at all. I definitely don't eat as much as I used to or obsess about food quite so much (a work in progress). I just thought it would be nice to have 2 days in a row of freedom eating. I still don't have breakfast anymore. I just literally don't feel hungry AT ALL when I wake up.
Anyway, there are no hard and fast rules are there so I shall just see how this little experiment goes. @Minsmum this sadly means that we will no longer be in sync but with you going on your hols it was bound to happen sooner or later. When ARE you going on your hols by the way?
I shall still pop in here to encourage you guys. I may only do 4:3 for a week anyway and then scurry back to the safety of the DODO! :wink:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
09 Mar 2015, 08:57
:( sob

@Nursebean good luck with 4:3. I totally understand about keeping weekends free. I think it's easier for me as I usually work most weekends so don't get that "yay it's the weekend" feeling . But if I'm off and fasting, yep I feel deprived! I shall pop over to the 4:3 occasionally to see how you are doing x
Holiday is the 2 weeks school hols over Easter. I will continue to DODO until then, not fast over my holiday ( didn't this last year and only put on 2lb) I allow myself this break and what will be will be, ADF is intense and I need the break! When I get back I'll do ADF for a bit to get off any holiday flab, then assess my weight loss, which means I'll have to weigh myself! GULP!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
09 Mar 2015, 09:02
I shall DEFINITELY be keeping a beady eye on you Minsmum! You are doing SO well with ADF. I'm not that fussed about weekends really so I can mix and match to see what suits best. The main thing is to get as many fasts in as poss, although I've not tried back to back yet (have you?)
I've just bean reading some inspiring stories from the FastDay newsletter and on Twitter (there's nothing on Facebook!) The only trouble with those stories is there never seems to be anybody I recognise from this forum. I guess we all live under different names don't we!!
One day I shall be 10 stone. Just wish it was tomorrow! :confused:
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
09 Mar 2015, 09:14
Hey Dodo'ers
I have got a crazy week ahead of me so I am breaking the DODO cycle for the week.
I put in an extra fast on Saturday - 2 days in a row was a little tough and I am back to fasting today...... then it'll be Wednesday and Saturday this week.... so that makes me breaking the DODO cycle a few times now in 3 weeks .... err, gives me the impression that I cannot fit DODO into my normal lifestyle so I am going to fast 3 or 4 days a week over the next few weeks, fitting the fasts around my social life and see how that fairs.
@nursebean don't feel sad at leaving the tent .... as you say, it's all about fitting it in when you can. I think the beauty of intermittent fasting is that it is flexible. If it is dictating to you then you may as well be on one of those regular boring diets . Good Luck with your new way of eating x
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
09 Mar 2015, 12:55
Of course, you're so right Kelly. Thats what is so great about can tailor to your own requirements/needs! I mean, you say you've bean messing with ADF this week and will for the next 3 weeks...and yet you're still fasting at least 3 times a week. I don't see anything wrong with that AT ALL!! Keep going girl, you're on a roll!
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
14 Mar 2015, 15:22
@Nursebean@Kelly25-tr I did it, I weighed myself and boy oh boy have to tell you about this one. Well having DODOd this year apart from school hol week, 1 failed fast and that's it I have religiously 500cald my way through 2015 I finally put the batteries back in the scales of Satan and stepped on!

11 lb up!! WTF? really, you're having a laugh right?

Well I had a quick look around and no there wasn't anyone on the scales with me! I am at a loss to see where this weight has gone. I am smaller all over. I have a waist, I am down 2 dress sizes, my boobs have shrunk, my double chin has gone. Ahh my hair is longer, but surely it's not that heavy, I know its thick, but come on!! Seriously at a loss as to where I am hiding this increase! Maybe I need to shave my legs a bit closer ( no I'm not a hairy gorilla) just a wild thought. I mean really you'd think I'd notice if I was going up not down. I need a belt now, in the past the sheer size of my butt held up all things, but no longer. No stones in my pockets, not wearing hob nail scales. Sooooo....... This morning at 5:30 I jumped on them again, had to get up for work and what.... Nothing, the scales are dead, no amount of poking, prodding, jumping,stamping gnashing of teeth would bring them back.!!
My bas!&ar/ scales are dead, but before they died they flicked me the bird big stylee and said f you!!
I will never ever ever weigh myself again.
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
14 Mar 2015, 21:47
Oh @Minsmum that is SO depressing for you. However, I think your scales must be faulty. There's no way you could have put on 11lbs and the fact that you've dropped two dress sizes and found your waist and most brilliant of all, your boobs have shrunk, the scales are wrong.

Stay strong and just rely on your physical changes. After all, how you look and feel is what counts most, not what the scales say.

I haven't weighed for a while because I feel I'm losing weight but the scales tend to disappoint!

Hope you're having/have had a good shift :)
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
14 Mar 2015, 21:55
@minsmum i think the fact your scales have died says a lot about that eleven pounds
Like Bean said,they were faulty when you got on them
Hurl them out of the window and dont give them another thought..think of the evidence instead in yr smaller bum,and boobs,lost double chin,two sizes down.THOSE things tell you the truth,not the Satan scales x
@nursebean i must say, i did a double take at your last sentence to Minsmum! :lol: x
Re: ADF Attic (or DODO's Den)
14 Mar 2015, 22:06
You should have seen my first draft Candy! Luckily I spotted the missing "f" :confused: :wink:
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