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TML13 wrote: Did anybody say "cheese"??? God, how I miss good English cheese!!! from Shropshire to Caerphilly to Lancashire to Cheshire... YUM!!!

OK @TML13 - you bring the cheese. Tonight. Late. You know who we are and where we are :cool: :cool: :cool:
You'll have to settle with greek cheese but it will be better if YOU come and join me because there is a very interesting cheese buffet here.
The pizza's are cooking as I speak. It was eldest son's day today for housework and he decided to make it an easy day for himself. So a quick roll around with some dough, a bit of frozen, leftover, homemade, tomato soup as the pizza base and we raided the fridge. Youngest son had ham and pineapple, I have ham, salami, pepperoni, mozzarella and smoked Austrian cheese. Hubby has everything I have plus some jalapeno's and the eldest has everything.

Afternoon snack was toasted crumpets and butter. I still am amazed at how much we talk about food and so called sinful food that we will be eating or have eaten that week, with no feeling of guilt or remorse.
Hey there sleepover party peeps!
You are all looking gorgeous tonight in your PJs!
I hate to be a party pooper but no sleep last night or the night before..
Not only do i need zeds but i want to forget about my rumbling tum....had 540 cals today..v v good,but i am so hungry,i could eat a horse between two bread vans...
Enjoy the party and hey save something for me to have tomorrow morning...feed day or as i like to call it..nourish day! Mmm cannot wait!
Night night and God bless x
Drat, lost my post, now what was I going to say?
Night, night Candice. Ahh! that was it, 11:30pm already, what a fast day its been today as in quick day today.

Xmas puddings. Hmmm! I happen to have 6 of them from last year stockpiled in the cupboard. I bought them cheap after Xmas this year. They get better with age as long as they are sealed.

P.J's are a no no here as I don't own a pair... well I actually do, but they are for when I go into hospital, they still have their tags on and are stuffed in a bag in the cupboard ready for the day I go in for surgery. I sleep in the buff and have done all my life.

Tomorrow is hubby's birthday and we are all skint, so he is going to have to buy his own steaks and booze I'm afraid. But we may go out to the car boot or somewhere, just to get out of the house.
Now I'm really sulking, poor me hard at work on the night shift, busy weekend and all, no time to eat ( mmm not a bad thing) soooo much paperwork, overworked, too many staff all wanting something and you're eating pizzas and nice food and drinking something called ushu what???, I don't like sloe gin so don't mind missing that. Lots of girls giggles in cosy pjs, well maybe not julieathome, naked ( as usual ) tippy toe waggling around down her alley!
Well I'm just gonna have to party by myself and eat TOAST.
Actually now I said it I'm going to have to make some before I go to bed cos I'm hungry. (pout,sulk,pout)
Where was everyone last night? Here I was with my cheese (goats), toast, red wine (a nice merlot), and buns (!) waiting for you all to turn up but apart from Minsmum popping in for a moan, I was here alone at 1.30am :-(
Ballerina wrote:
MaryAnn wrote: Hmmm. I might need to trade for something stronger. My wrist really hurts tonight.

:shock: :lol: :grin: :victory: :cool: :shock: :smile: :wink:

Ballerina x :victory:
that's nothing. I could tell you about my special finger exercises
:shock: :shock:

Seriously though, I think I finally passed out from pain. Or perhaps it was the virtual sloe gin :wink: (for anyone who doesn't know, I broke my arm about a month ago and got the cast off on Thursday. It hurts more now than at any other point since I first broke it)

naughty ballerina :smile:

Caroline, my night time works out to your morning. I hope no one's insomnia is ever that bad!!
@carorees - I think we probably realised that we are too old to burn the candle at both ends for TWO nights in a row :bugeyes: - even @Ballerina was not in evidence :shock: - however I'm sure there will be more midnight munchies to come :lol: :wink: once we have recovered our strength

@MaryAnn sorry to hear about your arm giving you gyp - hope it starts to feel better soon, and you get some sleep - nothing worse than pain at night to keep you awake :cry: :curse:
Mary Ann i love your cats! And so sorry to hear about your arm..being in pain is horrible..hope it will soon be better x
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Julie's hub..we will be round later to give him the bumps!
Sorry Min you had to work,and sorry that you were on your own Caro...
i was there in spirit but body was busily sleeping and dreaming about grub x :sleepy:
Thanks Silverdarling and CandiceMarie. Mimei-chan and Sumi-chan say thanks too! My arm feels a little bit better every day.

I slept like a baby last night, so didn't join the all night party. To anyone suffering tonight, I can offer some virtual treats to go with the ume she. Let's see... there is ume-boshi (pickled plum) and shiso (a mint relative) sushi, ikura (salmon egg) and unagi (eel) sushi, and edamame, of course.
Thank you for those exotic-sounding treats Mary Ann! Its now 3.30 a.m.,My party friends must all be snoozing,and no sleep yet for me
so a few snacks are very welcome and being virtual are calorie free- yippee! I am also sipping a very large virtual G and T ..cheers big ears! X
Aww Candice! Sorry you aren't sleeping but it's only 19:43 for me so I'll do my best to keep you company as I watch american sunday night football. :grin:

ps obviously my team is ahead right now. :lol:
Ohhh hi there my party pal!
Sorry i didnt see this sooner
I got fed up with my virtual G n T and wandered into the kitchen to make a real cup of tea
Carefully averting my eyes from any treats that might be lying around waving to me and saying Eat Me!
Los angeles eh! Sounds kinda glam! I am addicted to crazy show called Real Housewives of Beverley Hills! X
Lol CandiceMarie, hardly glam in my area of LA but not far from the beaches in the South Bay, grew up on Redondo Beach. Not an easy thing for a strawberry blonde with tons of freckles in an era when there wasn't any such thing as sun screen! I still manage to visit the beaches but don't really get to spend much time on them or in the ocean.
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