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@nursebeanMissed wishing you luck. Bet of luck beanie :victory:
I'll look after her!!
OK. I'm officially afraid of this thread. WAY too much chocolate for a fast day ;-)

Carry on...
Went way over my TDEE today by about 500 calories, but I was more interested in my mix of food. Chicken and avocado for lunch, and salad and piece of hot smoked salmon for dinner, plus the raspberries and creme fraiche for pudding. In total my carbs were 24%, protein 16% and fat 64%!!!!. I was surprised at that outcome.

I bought several ready meals coming in at about 300cals each and a tin of carrots to have with each, again convenience and I know the calories. That way I can also leave sufficient calories for my tea.
Debs, good luck with this and be kind to Beanyweany. You got off to a great start, at this rate you will be falling down drains etc. one word of warning though. BEWARE the chilled chilli chocolate, it's an awesome beast, ask what's left of my teeth if you don't believe me,

Ballerina x :heart:
Right, trying this again as I lost the first one :confused:
Anyway, five days in and going ok. Weighing every day and here are the first few:
21/1 64.7kg - uuurrrgghh
22/1 61.9kg
23/1 62.8kg
24/1 61.8kg
25/1 62.5kg
So the trend is down and the highs are getting lower.
I have been exercising every morning, HIT on fast days and weights on eating days, altohugh this morning I had no energy for some reason and struggled a bit. Getting up every morning at 4.30am may have something to do with it, but there's nothing I can do about that, nature of the job.

I have been eating well, fruit and yoghurt with flaxseed and chia for brekky or scrambled eggs and then salad with chicken, avocado or smoked salmon for dinner. Not too much choccy ( :bugeyes: ), and a lovely coconut pudding. I bought too much food in Port Hedland and don't think I'll manage to eat it all!!!

Anyway, on my first fast day I ate nothing, on my second I had a ready meal and carrots. This led me to wonder what Dr Varady said about not eating on a fast day on ADF so I asked her. She said that it was ok as long you kept hydrated. My problem is that as soon as I eat in the evening, I just want to keep on eating, and eating, and eating. You get the picture. So, I have decided to alternate my fast days, one eating, one not and see how that goes.

Now, I know this sounds a bit drastic, but the reality is, it isn't that hard for me. I have no one to eat with, the food is pretty darned average, and that's on a good day. I have no ill effects from not eating, and actually feel sharper a lot of the time. I shall try this until I fly home on the 10th February as an experiment. Whilst at work I will do this, and whilst at home I shall eat normally, all the goodies I miss from Tassie when I'm away. I'll probably do 16:8 at home so I don't undo all my good work but if I want a pie AND a cake from Sweet Envy, I shall have it!!!

I am low carbing and upping my fat and have kept my carb intake to a minimum. I will have been off statins for about three months by the time I go home and am having my cholesteral levels taken, so that will be doubly interesting.

So, all good so far!!
Good morning Debs, you seem to be doing quite well. It's interesting that you are doing ADF as an experiment as I am doing VERY low carb as a personal experiment. I am finding it quite easy and am amazed at how much sweeter a lot of foods taste naturally, odd, but it does tend to reign in my sugar craving. The belly fat and ginormous waist however, have remained as determined as ever to stick by me through thick and thin.........mmmmmm! I have lost weight but no idea from where as there is no change in the inch tape measurements, boo, hoo. I was hoping to lose fat, not weight, but as I am no thinner it doesn't seem to matter. Oh well, keep up the good work, it will be interesting to see our conclusions at the end of our little experiments.

Ballerina x :heart:
As you know I am with you on this one Debs! Keep it up - your doing great! Bed time for me. Cant wait for a big breakie!
Hey there ballet girl!!! Funny how we are now happy to experiment with ourselves without anyone tut tutting and passing comment! WHERE is all that loss coming from then?! I look and feel like a barrage balloon tonight after so much liquid; would hate to stand on the scales at this moment!
I'm not missing the carbs at the moment, but that is because the food is rubbish. I suspect it might be a different story when I get home!!!
Nice one Tim, the buttery scrambled eggs are beckoning already!!
I know what you mean about the fluid!! I drunk more than I have in years today! And boy am I peeing a lot...

Its amazing how quick you start to dehydrate on this diet - I didn't find this the same with 5.2
That's actually very true; I drink a lot anyway, but because I work in the desert I drink even more than usual and I don't actually wee that much. Apart from during the night when I don't want to :wink:
Hi Debs,
Back to your first post- flaxseed (are they linseeds?) I think you put them on your yoghurt for brekky? I want to introduce them ( because i think they're good for our brains? )but I'm not into yoghurt too much lately. I used to get the linseeds in burgens soy Lin bread but now I don't eat much bread and when I do I want sourdough (with BUTTER!) So how much do you aim to eat a day please-is a teaspoonful enough and could you just eat it like that. Any other ideas of how to get it down my gob?
HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!!! Are you fasting today? I wonder if the canteen will have pavlova?
Xxx julianna
Morning Julianna and Happy Australia Day!! Not very happy here, it is lashing down with rai nand we're trapped in the office!! Pav? I hope so, but doubt it, the cooks aren't that skilled, they even burn the veg :confused:

Yes, it is flaxseed/linseed, and I have a dollop on my yoghurt, my preferred way, but I also sprinkle it on salad too. I have about a tablespoon as I am currently not counting calories. Is it yoghurt in general you are over, any one in particular?!
hi @debs, i'm following your journal with interest! Imagining life in the Pilbara surrounded by blokes!

re:linseeds - my understanding is that it's good to grind them up a bit immediately before you eat them - I use a cheap coffee grinder bought off ebay for about $20 - otherwise they tend to pass through you unchanged!
I buy them already ground, as you are right they don't do much othersise! The other thing I like is the LSA mix, which does taste nicer and has ground almond ans oy as well. My hubby won't eat it though as he says it will emasculate him (soy)!!!!!

Bloke, yes, lovely :confused: At the prestart meeting this morning the machinery drivers had to be reminded about flushing the loo and correct aim. You get all sorts here :bugeyes:
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