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Re: March Equinox Challenge
17 Jan 2015, 10:44
Hello MaryAnn thank you very much for starting a new challenge. I have stayed the same at 12 stone 9 lbs this week which is very frustrating after three fasts this past week. I would like to reach 12 stone or even better half a pound below that to break the 12 stone barrier that I seem to have had for the last six month :frown:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
17 Jan 2015, 12:04
My weekly weigh -in confirmed my suspicions. 1lb heavier.
Pft.......I slacked and I know it. Slap around the face with Wet fish needed.
Ho Hum....
Next week.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
17 Jan 2015, 12:19
My weekly weigh in on Friday showed me up 2 lbs! :bugeyes: I was really not expecting that. Been doing 5:2 since Jan 1 and I'm up a bit over 2 lbs for my efforts. Getting a bit discouraged, truth be told. I do a strenuous boot camp workout 3-4 times a week and have just about constant sore muscles somewhere, even though I've been doing boot camp for 2 years! We're always working our muscles in different ways. Anyway.....I know the sore muscles cause some water retention, but COME ON!!!!!!!!! :curse: I really thought I'd post a loss this week as, to my eyes, I look smaller and was feeling quite trim. I'm not giving up......just coming on here to whine a bit, I guess. :wink:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
17 Jan 2015, 12:21
Can I join please? I seriously need to get back on track after Chrimbo. Last couple of weeks have been a bit crappy at work and I've not done great at all. I was 10 stone 1lb - nearly at interim goal - (10 stone) just before Christmas and have shot up to 10 stone 6, so hoping if I have a good week a good chunk of that might come off. For this reason I'm going for a 10lb loss. Might be bit ambitious, but I'm confident I can lose this 5lb of Chrimbo weight quicker than my usual rate of loss.
So my target is 9stone 10lb by 21st March.

Good luck everyone and thanks to @MaryAnn for hosting.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
18 Jan 2015, 22:32
Hi - I'm a it late to the party but will join in regardless!

I have had a rather large gain since early Dec which doesn't want to go away so currently weigh in at 14st 10lb.

By my calculations we have 9 weeks on this challenge so I would like to be at 13 stone 7lb by the end - I know 2lb/week is quite hard going but I am going to give it a go!
Re: March Equinox Challenge
19 Jan 2015, 02:21
Thanks to everyone who joined and to those who updated their progress already! I think I'm all caught up, but if I missed something, please pm me.

Good luck, everyone! :clover: :clover:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
19 Jan 2015, 09:33
Thank you for adding me in MaryAnn I have added number 22 to my signature. I am still struggling to mentally get back into a sensible routine of doing more exercise & eating much less on my eating days. Looking back I had a rather disappointing 2014 weightwise with many ups & downs in gaining weight because of holidays & family celebrations which slowed my overall loss in weight. I have many happy holiday memories & in April/May will become a grandmother for the first time & this year would finally like to crack my overweight problem to get down to my goal. I feel quite daunted at the prospect of having to continue losing weight & this challenge I hope will keep me focused :confused: because getting below 12 stone still seems to be such a mental barrier. I do realise writing it down that it seems quite silly!!
I'm going to take it one day at a time to try to lose some weight this week. Good luck everyone!
Re: March Equinox Challenge
19 Jan 2015, 10:24
Hi there! I just thought that I said what my goal was but didn't actually state my starting point. At the beginning of this year I weighed 12:7. After week 1 I was 12:3, now after week 2 I'm 12:2. I guess its going down in the right direction...slowly! :bugeyes:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
19 Jan 2015, 13:02
Ok here goes, can I join in please??? My goal, well I don't weight myself ,it works for me so my goal is.........another round of Insanity. It's a 9 week programme an hour a day. It helps my lose weight, I enjoy it ( even though it makes me cry). I have ATM no idea how much I weigh ( broken scales) I'm no good at "I'm gonna lose blah blah by whenever" I have discovered that for some reason it sends me into a mild state of hysteria and I'm not good with hysteria. So a realistic goal for me is this! So please can I join in???
Re: March Equinox Challenge
19 Jan 2015, 21:31
Hello@MaryAnn I am very late signing up to the party :dazed: :dazed: :dazed: :dazed: :dazed: :dazed:
Please sign me up for maintaining between 123 to 127 lbs.
Thanks very much for leading this challenge :like:
See you all soon. :clover:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
19 Jan 2015, 21:40
nursebean wrote: Hi there! I just thought that I said what my goal was but didn't actually state my starting point. At the beginning of this year I weighed 12:7. After week 1 I was 12:3, now after week 2 I'm 12:2. I guess its going down in the right direction...slowly! :bugeyes:

Miss Bean ... wow, go you, that's fabulous bean progress! :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
20 Jan 2015, 01:25
@nursebean, So I have you as starting the challenge at 12st3 and losing 1lb at the first weigh-in. Is that right?
Re: March Equinox Challenge
20 Jan 2015, 04:12
Hi @MaryAnn - can I please join? I will weigh tomorrow morning and let you know what I would like to get to.

with thanks,
Maggie :smile: :smile:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
20 Jan 2015, 11:51
First weigh in for me and I have stayed the same this week 9st 9 .. I'm ok with that as I had a very naughty birthday lunch on Saturday which I may have just saved myself from by having 3 fasts last week.

So onwards and downwards now as nothing social planned now till hubbys birthday lunch on 21st Feb :smile:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
22 Jan 2015, 01:38
I've somehow gained 1.4kg! I suspect (hope!) most of it is related to back injury inflammation.
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