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Re: March Equinox Challenge
30 Jan 2015, 09:15
Still feeling poorly this week and 1/2 lb loss so not unhappy with that as I haven't done any running or other exercise.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
30 Jan 2015, 09:34
I hope you feel better soon, Brand-ie
Re: March Equinox Challenge
30 Jan 2015, 10:39
#30 checking in and I have lost 1.3/4 lb so that leaves me with 7.1/4lb to lose by the march equinox . very pleased with my results so far.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
30 Jan 2015, 18:15
#10 reporting UP 1.2 this week. Going in the wrong direction! :cry: I'm having a bit of trouble with this WOE even though I think I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Not giving up.......
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 08:55
No 22 reporting in with a measly 2oz lost having had three fasts this week & really identifying every calorie I ate & keeping within my TDEE! My OH on the same regime has lost two pounds with also not doing any exercise!! He also has only 12 pounds to lose until his ideal weight & I don't :confused: :frown: I feel very cross & frustrated because we are going to lunch with friends today where there will be wine & puddings & will be away next week for three nights & dinners in a hotel with the temptation to just eat what you like!
Oh well it is pretty outside in West Sussex with a light layer of snow but I hope it doesn't get worse because we will be driving down to Portsmouth this morning.
Well done anyone who has lost weight!
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 10:50
#8 reporting in at 106.8lbs which is an uptick but still within my target range of 105-110lbs so :cool: but I'll keep an eye on it.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 10:55
20 checking in, 90.2 kg so down 0.3 kg. Not a great week but not a disaster either.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 12:47
@Isis, if it were me, I would enjoy your lunch today (actually I've just seen the time and I hope you already are!) and your three days away and eat everything that you want to - without worrying about what you 'should' or 'shouldn't' be eating! Give yourself a break, knowing that you will come back weighing more but also knowing that most of it will be fluid retention, then make sure that you get right back to your particular form of IF as soon as possible. Your body will get a bit of a shake up, you will get a break and you will probably find that you lose your temporary weight gain plus a bit more when you get back on it. Life is too short to miss out on yummy food on special occasionss, so just enjoy it and deal with the consequences later. You may be pleasantly surprised! :smile:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 15:45
Woohoo, dancing, singing, a bit more dancing. I have lost 3lbs this week - 11st 4lb. As you can tell I'm really chuffed. I put it down to writing everything down, not the weight and calories but just what I ate and a rough quantity, eg. a large handful of nuts. It made me lazy as I couldn't be bothered writing so much down so I didn't eat as much and also writing things down made me more aware/mindful of how much I was eating. My plan for next week is to make that loss stick.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 15:54
Well done @wildmissus really happy for you, I agree writing everything down is a great idea. :like:
Re: March Equinox Challenge
31 Jan 2015, 19:26
Thank you StowgateResident I have had a lovely lunch & day meeting with friends & I plan to enjoy my time away next week.
Also very well done Wildmissus with your fabulous weight loss!
Re: March Equinox Challenge
01 Feb 2015, 09:57
Hi all, no 28 reporting in - 12.0.75 yesterday morning, 2lbs lost so far.
Delighted with this - Wednesday morning, post-fast, I was under 12 stone - woo-hoo!!! Then my colleague (whose husband manages a chocolate shop!) brought in the most amazing bag of treats; Thursday ended with a great reading-group evening with piles of yummy hummus & pitta ... and Friday I simply didn't realise how much I'd eaten. Could hardly believe my weight was still on track on Sat morning! Then the most amazing thing happened - I was so busy running about yesterday, I suddenly realised it was 3.30pm & I'd only had about 120 calories all day - turned it into an un-planned fastday (I'm 'declaring' yesterday morning's weight for the Challenge). So pleased with how its going - if I can keep on track then by next Sunday I could be properly under 12 stone!
Re: March Equinox Challenge
01 Feb 2015, 12:41
Very well done WarrierPrincess breaking the 12 stone barrier & good luck with your next weigh in on Sunday.
Re: March Equinox Challenge
01 Feb 2015, 12:57
#23 checking in. Another dismal week and a measly loss of .25 lb, not sure what happened as I had two good fast days but something's obviously going wrong somewhere. Maybe I need to start logging again. Well done to all the losers and to those that are struggling like me - I suppose we just have to keep at it. Good luck everyone :)
Current weight 10 st 5.5lb
loss of 0.25lb
Re: March Equinox Challenge
01 Feb 2015, 13:54
egregious wrote: #23 checking in. Another dismal week and a measly loss of .25 lb, not sure what happened as I had two good fast days but something's obviously going wrong somewhere. Maybe I need to start logging again. Well done to all the losers and to those that are struggling like me - I suppose we just have to keep at it. Good luck everyone :)
Current weight 10 st 5.5lb
loss of 0.25lb

Yes keep on going! Good luck for next week :smile:
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