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Re: Not drinking alcohol today
10 Sep 2013, 23:28
I've been/being naughty this week too.
ONE vodka, lime and soda at the pub yesterday. Not too bad?
Tonight however I am going out for dinner and there will most definitely be wine.
Tomorrow I'm fasting so that's a no-no but then it's Friday :razz:
Lil :heart:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
11 Sep 2013, 18:18
I'm finding that at home it's getting less "necessary" to reach for the bottle while I'm making dinner, if that makes sense. With both my kids back n school it almost doesn't even occur to me I'm so busy helping them with homework and getting them fed. I really hope this can break the cycle. Long may it continue!
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
11 Sep 2013, 18:25
I've been out in London today with a friend, for lunch and a show. I had a glass of wine with my carb overlaod lunch.
Back on the wagon tomorrow
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
11 Sep 2013, 18:58
Slipped off the back of the wagon briefly today, but jumped back on before anyone noticed! I had half a glass of wine with my spag bol (well I had to open a bottle to put some in the sauce, so as the bottle was open anyway... :oops:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
11 Sep 2013, 19:21
Went a bit mad with the wine last night, and suffered the inevitable 3.00am sleeplessness. Not drinking today, as I'm fasting, but then on a 4 day round of socializing, so today is a welcome break.
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
13 Sep 2013, 08:34
I am in a week off concerning fasting but didn't drink a drop of alcohol since sunday lunch. We may have drinks with friends tonight but I am not sure I will be part of it as I don't like to drink in the evening, don't know why. I prefer when it's for lunch. I am strange sometimes.... :razz:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
16 Sep 2013, 16:52
I'm not drinking today after a few boozy but not crazy days over the weekend. I managed 3 alcohol free days last week, and am aiming for 4 this week.
How is everyone else doing?
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
16 Sep 2013, 17:13
Doing pretty well here... Not quite sure how it happened, but we didn't have wine with last night's roast!! So that was a def success. I don't really count today, as it's a fast day. I'm aiming for four this week too, can I start from yesterday? :lol:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
16 Sep 2013, 18:12
Not doing brilliantly - only had my fast days off booze last week, and a fairly heavy weekend (eldest went off to uni, and we saw him off with a bang :grin:)

Going to try really hard not to drink till Friday this week, today is easy as a fast day, and will work hard to stick to the plan for the reat of the week.

Interesting podcast on the way home

16 Sep 13 Booze Free Bars - Mon, 16 Sep 13 -Duration: 24 mins
With an increasing number of us giving up alcohol, new bars are popping up across the country to provide an alternative to pub drinking. Presented by Hardeep Singh Kohli
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
16 Sep 2013, 19:09
Even though i am not fasting today, it was pretty easy abstaining as my husband wasn't home for dinner and he is usually what sets me off. Tomorrow I will be fasting and it will be a little harder because I have an event at my son's school where wine will be served. But I have gotten through these before without succumbing, so although I don't look forward to the challenge I am confident I will meet it.

I won't manage 4 alcohol-free days this week, I know already - I am having dinner with my husband and a business associate of his on Thursday, and it would be very odd indeed for me not to drink at all. As it is I am going to have to double up fasting days - Tuesday and Wednesday instead of my usual Tuesday and Thursday. Had I known this morning I was going out to dinner on Thursday I would have fasted today. Oh well. I have been fairly diligently calorie counting this week so even if I do have some wine I don't think it will do a lot of damage.

Good luck this week, everyone!
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
16 Sep 2013, 21:04
Minumonline wrote: Interesting podcast on the way home

16 Sep 13 Booze Free Bars - Mon, 16 Sep 13 -Duration: 24 mins
With an increasing number of us giving up alcohol, new bars are popping up across the country to provide an alternative to pub drinking. Presented by Hardeep Singh Kohli

I heard this on radio 4 the other day. Well worth a listen. But I was irritated to switch the radio yesterday to find it was repeated. That happens to me all the time.
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
16 Sep 2013, 22:59
I had a few on Sunday but nothing major.
Yesterday no as I was fasting. Was thinking about buying a bottle today and having a couple tonight but I'm not going to. Tomorrow I will also try not to. Thursday is a fast day so that's a no. Friday I am off on a girls night but I will stick to vodka, lime and soda instead of sugary mixers/wine/cider. I will then try and have a booze free weekend but I doubt it will happen. If noone else is drinking I can manage it but I can't sit around drinking lemonade whilst everyone else is on the vino. Sad I know.
Lil :heart:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
17 Sep 2013, 06:32
I'm feeling naughty. I'm going to buy a bottle of wine and have a glass or two with dinner tonight :/
Lil :heart:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
17 Sep 2013, 06:47
Enjoy it! I'm feeling mischevious, I'm doing to buy some diet ginger beer :wink:
Re: Not drinking alcohol today
17 Sep 2013, 07:19
Thanks :)
I'm just happy because I was over estimating on wine a lot but just googling a bottle is coming up at 500-600cal. I'm happy using up 200-300 on a feast day.
Lil :heart:
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