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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Congratulations everyone! :heart:
Congratulations to those who have met their target, very well done! To those of you yet to achieve included....let's keep trying! Good work all round to everyone regardless of meeting your target or not. :reindeer:
YES!!!!! 69.9! I MADE IT!!!! Shouting from the roof tops! I never thought I would move from 71. something, but I have!!!!! Yipee!!!!
69.8 today woohoo, though I'm mostly 70.2. Having lost a filling eating is not appealing right now!
Azureblue wrote: 69.8 today woohoo, though I'm mostly 70.2. Having lost a filling eating is not appealing right now!

Gosh fillings are heavy :)
Wow, that's 1400 replies! Nice on maintenance and sure that I will be stable until Xmas. The Dutch only over-eat at Xmas, not in all kind of parties before the big days. :grin: So I already indicated my weight gain prevented until Xmas. It will be 1.2 kg. So the number can be added as my final contribution to the club.
Sallyo wrote: YES!!!!! 69.9! I MADE IT!!!! Shouting from the roof tops! I never thought I would move from 71. something, but I have!!!!! Yipee!!!!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ... S A L L Y

Well done @Sallyfor making it to that 69 club and GOING GREEN. Such a good feeling isnt it.

Enjoy your Christmas. you will be smiling right through looking fabulous.
P-JK wrote: Wow, that's 1400 replies! Nice on maintenance and sure that I will be stable until Xmas. The Dutch only over-eat at Xmas, not in all kind of parties before the big days. :grin: So I already indicated my weight gain prevented until Xmas. It will be 1.2 kg. So the number can be added as my final contribution to the club.

your 1.2 is recorded and in.. thank you @P-JK for your contribution. making up our total 194 thus far for those reporting in. i know i will make the 250. just gotta get some more responses and checked the 2nd two lots of 50 members which i will do later today for sure.

haha re 1400 reckon we will get to 1500 by december 24. prize to the 1500th poster.
Help, no 50 here. I'm stuck in the corner and I can't get out,eek too many people!

I haven't seen the scales from over here,but I do intend to burrow my way out and report in hopefully before Xmas.......dig,dig,dig
Azureblue wrote: 69.8 today woohoo, though I'm mostly 70.2. Having lost a filling eating is not appealing right now!

no good about the fillling but good on you re the weight @Azureblue

what was your start weight when you joined the club so i can record the total lost as at today.
Azureblue wrote: 70.2!!!!!!

thanks. .4kg loss now recorded well done
Minsmum wrote: Help, no 50 here. I'm stuck in the corner and I can't get out,eek too many people!

I haven't seen the scales from over here,but I do intend to burrow my way out and report in hopefully before Xmas.......dig,dig,dig

hehe keep digging. you will find your way out

would you like me to organise Ballerina to send out search party.

theres a few others stuck in a corner too i think. at least 50. and weve even saved some yummy and healthy and slimming food for you all.
CC member 92 here - dropped another kg.
Happy Holidays everyone!

Christmas Club member 92
Started - Oct. 23
Christmas target - 3 kg
Loss to date - 4 kg!
Updated - Dec. 18
checked 2nd lot of 50 members

Calling the followng for any results good or bad - may have missed a random post as this is mainly based on signatures

member 51 @lady-muck lady-muck-u3001/
member 52 @mariajes mariajes-u10377/
member 53 @ckk1 ckk1-u10144/
member 54 @loversghost loversghost-u8620/
member 58 @trini trini-u1325/
member 59 @edflo edflo-u4109/
member 62 @thelovelysqueaky thelovelysqueaky-u8053/
member 63 @minumonline minumonline-u738/
member 65 @Emsy44 emsy44-u7567/
member 70 @katrina75 katrina75-u10761/
member 71 @LastPush lastpush-u6995/
member 74 @Maddysee maddysee-u3848/
member 77 @chriso57 chriso57-u1677/
member 78 @Melanie-Cheeks melanie-cheeks-u2597/
member 81 @imcountinufoz imcountingufoz-u5037/
member 83 @chichil2 chichi13-u3985/
member 87 @jj309 jj309-u10477/
member 93 @pjcox pjcox-u6376/
member 95 @alexandravr alexandravr-u11500/
member 97 @hate hate-u10410
member 99 @louise-wai louise-wai-u11173/
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