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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Ok I'm in then. And there Was I thinking I couldn't join. As I'd hate to fail I'm being conservative with the goal of 12 stone 9 or 82kg that's a 4lb or 2kg loss. Because I'm having surgery in 7 weeks I will probably gain through not being able to exercise.
Yes,me too!
(Although, I don't expect to make it by Christmas - maybe by my year anniversary.....)
Good idea though!
Over in the titchies tent, we were talking about a 5% goal by Christmas, so looks like we are merging a few tents into a big Christmas marquee. For me this means 3.1kg and if Santa can deliver me that, I would be a very happy elf. :cool: :cool:
I am struggling this week and I've gone UP 1.5kg :-(

I had a total carb binge over the weekend after eating very few in recent weeks. I scarfed my way through pretty much a whole loaf of posh artisan bread on Sunday (possibly PMS). Then Monday I woke up feeling rough and although I tried to fast, it being a regular day, I failed. I was just too hungry. Tuesday I was floored by a cold and although I attempted to fast, to make up for Tuesday, I failed again. Yesterday I didn't even bother trying to fast - I still felt cold-ridden and was ravenously hungry so I ate. And ate. And ate.

I am fasting today - it's a regular day for me. I wasn't surprised when I stood on the scales this morning but I hope it'll drop off again soon. I've not eaten anything yet today although I'm about to make myself a little something. I'm glad to be back on track.
Hey Vildekhaya. We can cry on each others shoulders. I have had a very carbiferous (and wine fulled) week and stood on the scales this morning to find a 1.5lb gain AND I'm going on holiday tomorrow. :cry: :cry: :cry: So I have decided to ignore it, enjoy myself next week and then deal with it when I get back.
No 10 reporting in. I started daily weigh ins on 9/10. Won't bore you with all the figures but I started at 72.7 have gone up and down since then. Highest was 73.3 but today is my lowest 71.9. Yay I'm back in the 71's. Won't stay but I'm happy I'm going downwards again. :smile:
Help I'm confused. :confused: :confused: We have two Christmas Club threads and I would like to join pulleeezee. I'm feeling left out :cry: :cry:
loversghost wrote: Can I join please? I'm not sure I cn mke the 70kg as I'm 75.8 now but would love to have it as an aim!


Yep sure. you are Member 54 Loversghost

to make it attainable how about a goal of 72 for Christmas?
nursebean wrote: Oh please count me in! I really need a boost as I've been stuck on 11:13 for like ever. I've only just started this fast diet (day two today) is I'd DEFINITELY LOVE to join you all

Here's to a slim Christmas! :-)

your in nursebean, member 55
rawkaren wrote: Help I'm confused. :confused: :confused: We have two Christmas Club threads and I would like to join pulleeezee. I'm feeling left out :cry: :cry:

this is the right one rawkaren for registrations.

i think on a forum sometimes people overlook threads that are miles long and you havent been in there before. so i took the plunge of starting up a new one and to also remind everyone it was , then only 69 days to christmas. its like 67 or 68 now. ill head everyone in that "other tent" back here.

anyway yep your in . number 56 rawkaren
Wineoclock wrote: No 10 reporting in. I started daily weigh ins on 9/10. Won't bore you with all the figures but I started at 72.7 have gone up and down since then. Highest was 73.3 but today is my lowest 71.9. Yay I'm back in the 71's. Won't stay but I'm happy I'm going downwards again. :smile:

the figures never bore me. especially if you tie into detailed figures what you did the day before (fast, feast, 16:8, liquid fast, oyster party etc)

down is good
#26 here: also confused by the numerous threads. This is response to things I read on the other thread from people complaining about being on plateaux. Last Wednesday I hit 70.7!!! Whoohoo! - first time under 71!!!

All those on plateaux, take heart from my story. I am almost continually on a plateau. Every now and again, for no apparent reason, my weight drops another kilo and I'm on a different plateau. My weight loss has been very slow but steady. I hit my lowest weight this week which means I have now lost 7.3 kgs. Plateaux do shift and there's no telling how long you will be on that plateau. Just keep religiously doing your fasts and believe!!
Can you please count me in too.

Well I wont be here for Xmas I will be in sunny Australia.

I want to lose around 2 stone, but I know I'll be putting on some weight when in Oz for a month. Its our first big holiday in 5 years so want to make the most of it. I will probably do 6:1 not 5:2 when in Oz.

Thanks Graham.
#15 reporting. I just calculated that I have to lose 400g a week to reach my goal. I'm feeling disheartened by the weight going up, but I'm hanging in there. I already do 4:3, so I can't really add fasts, but I might try low carbing.

I'm having a rough time at work lately, so I really need something to be happy about.
Domane wrote: I'm in! I want to maintain and be the same weight at Crimbo as I am now... or maybe a couple of pounds lighter so that I can indulge a little and not be a big heifer at the end of the season of goodwill!!!

Domane you are member number 60!
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