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Ooopps!!! yes probs better to chat BSD on the other thread.
Hello Shelley @johns - great to hear from you. Believe me, I so relate to what you're saying! Thank you for your honesty. I am a great believer in setting yourself a date...that isn't immediately tomorrow! In fact, I posted something similar about getting back on the straight & narrow starting 26th Sept (yesterday) on about Friday! I suggested to Dee that we both get all the eating rubbish out of our systems over the leave the way clear for a fresh start on Monday. Trouble is...only one of us listened to that suggestion....and it wasn't me!!

What can I say? Here are a few things:-

Sometimes, life gets in the way....
Rome wasn't built in a day...
It's not the end of the world...
This is a marathon, not a sprint...
Old habits die hard....

...and so on.

I think your plan to get back to running on Saturday and to start a countdown to Christmas on excellent. I might hop onto your resolve and tie in the fact that now I have a Fitbit...I really should be getting out everyday to do my 10,000 steps. Haven't even done half that today....or yesterday for that matter....I'm good at thinking about doing something...but lacking in the commitment to follow it through...just about always. I used to do a bit of running...and felt really good on it - so I can really relate to the concept of exercising to feel good and ward off depression.

It sounds like you have such a lot on your plate right now, Shelley. Please post as often as you can so we can all support you in your endeavours. Above all, remember that Accountabuddies are there for you throughout the good or bad times...

Take care of yourself xxx
Hello @justdee - glad to hear your day has gone well. Marvellous carb and calorie intake! You should be very pleased with yourself. Hope you are...

My day has gone better than yesterday thanks. It took me a while to get going this morning, but once I did, I jumped on the scales for my daily weigh...and found I'd lost 0.8lb since yesterday. That was a pleasant surprise...considering the Maltesers and the Snickers bar incident...

Went out at about midday - too early for my yoghurt & strawberries...and ended up at Asda - looking for leggings/jeggings. Tried on loads of pairs of 14's (deep thrill for me) and some of them didn't look half bad - even if it is me saying so. I don't always see reality when I look in the mirror - my tree trunk thighs still look like tree trunks to me - but they can't be as bad as I think they are..if they are fitting into size 14' I'll take that! It made me feel great, anyway..Whilst I was there, I bumped into a mother & daughter that I hadn't seen in ages and had a long catch up with them. We laughed so much..for some reason I was buzzing with jokes today...and they kept telling me how amazing I looked - which was lovely! I'm not used to being told such I lapped it up and felt brilliant for the rest of the day. Didn't bother with my yoghurt when I got home...just went straight into roasting vegetables for my dinner. I've made my mind up that I won't be eating anything else now - so can call this a successful BSD day - hurrah!

How are things in your world these days, Dee? Let me know how you are faring when you get a minute. We need to get right into what makes us tick if we're to get back on track, aren't we??
Thanks for your insights @debs - it's always good to hear how other people cope with emotional eating. I think the more we can talk about it, the better we will understand.

Ooh, never mind "a" palm've earned 14 of them by the sound of things! I'll get onto that shortly for you...

How many feral cats are you feeding? Are they friendly or wary?
That's fab Pernelle @Hazelnut20. Sometimes it's hard for ourselves to see how far we've come. So happy you tried on those size 14's today. There's no getting away from if, smaller sizes now fit. I'm the same, I still feel just as fat as I always did, but when I see a pic on my FB page, that was taken back in march, I can clearly see I've lost weight. Even though others don't really seem to have noticed yet. And bumping into people you haven't seen in ages and getting loads of compliments, great timing, will help you focus as you restart.
I've been feeling hungry since about half an hour after eating dinner. I felt I'd had enough and couldn't eat any more, even though I didn't have lots. I'd put it down to the visual gastric band thingy, but the hunger monster is here, although like I said earlier, I know how to handle him now. I've also decided not to have anything else to eat tonight,, I'm making the most of it whiles I feel focused,,, and it will do me no harm to go to bed hungry,,, it's been a while.
Things are about to change for me next week. My summer job will be coming to an end soon. That means A LOT less moving around and a lot more time to do nothing. On the plus side all the tempting cr@ppy bar food that I've been eating for the past month will be no more. I hope stopping work will help me to stay focused on the BSD, I'm so afraid I'll regain with the reduction in activity. :fear:
Do you know what, @justdee - we need to get to a stage where it doesn't particularly matter whether people notice or needs to be enough that we know what we've achieved and we are proud of ourselves for it.

I have a long history of weight gain and weight loss...and depression. I have been told recently that both losing and gaining weight serves a psychological purpose for me....I lose weight to get some positive strokes from someone/anyone...because these strokes have been generally missing from my life/childhood. Then, when the compliments diminish (people get used to seeing the new & improved me..& stop commenting) I pile the weight back on in a depressive stupor....just so I can be complimented all over again when I lose it...again...and so on and so on...

I think there's more than a grain of truth in that. It also fits with my tendency towards perfectionism in everything I do. I'm better than I used to be though...nowadays I do sometimes aim for "good enough", so with age has come a little bit of wisdom about the futility of it all!! I used to almost make myself ill in the quest for perfectionism...but I have a better perspective these days, thank goodness.

Let's also remember a slightly ugly truth...some people will have their reasons for not commenting. You may look better than they do, you may make them feel uncomfortable about their own weight issues, there may be a touch of the green-eyed monster...who knows? Equally, they may not be all that observant at the best of times...and there's always the chance that many people see you as a whole person....kind, funny, helpful, thoughtful the shell that is your body...if that makes sense? When I first embarked on 5:2 back in 2013, I was at a Christmas party, talking to a very nice (and very skinny as it happens) lady. I was telling her of my latest quest to lose weight...and she said something that has stayed with me ever since "Do you know, Pernelle, I never think of you as overweight - I only ever think what a lovely person you are..." Blimey, talk about a reality-check! I spend my life habitually berating myself for all my many shortcomings...whereas the person I think I am is not remotely how the majority of other people see me! I'm telling you this because I'm sure it will resonate, Dee.

Ooh, apparently, I have to get off the forum now....orders from The Wanderer Aka my twenty four year old! She's just told me the forum is taking over my life! Not true....these youngsters are prone to massive sweeping generalisations...but I do need to get on with my day and achieve a few things before daughter two returns from school! Let's catch up later! Xx
oh pernelle @hazelnut20 how lovely that people are noticing :) size 14s eh?? fabulous. & I bet you looked fab in them too. Im struggling to fit in all my size 14s all of the time now so back into them comfortably & not having to undo my button when I sit down is one of my goals hehe

@justdee dee it sounds like you are back on track & doing really well. keep up the good work.

went to yoga today. 2nd week of a 5 week booking. not done yoga before (well, maybe a couple of classes years ago) & am defo feeling the stretch in the back of my legs this evening. it was nice to relax, especially the 10 minute wind down at the end where I got so cosy I thought I was gonna start snoring.

on a countdown to saturday now. 3 sleeps to go. have sorted out my running stuff & am getting myself all geared up to go as soon as I finish work at 8am.

tomorrow will be a quiet day. & friday is pay day so car will be getting a valet whilst me & hubby have a romantic breakfast out. any excuse for food :) will be my last supper!!

anyways, just a quick check in as got stuff I wanna do before my early night ready for work tomorrow.

have fun. shelley xxx
Today has been another good one. I had half a fillet steak at work at 3pm (lucky, yummy mistake by chef hehe) and a pot of cottage cheese, then pork ribs with roasted veg for dinner at 8:30pm. Think I've gone over a bit on cals because ribs were quite fatty, carbs 49. Happy with that.
I think I might be at a point where I'm not really that bothered if anyone notices my weight loss. Don't get me wrong, I'd enjoy the compliment, but it's not about anyone else, I need to do this for me. I say that now, but if no one mentions it when I'm at a healthy weight it may be a different story. I feel so much better in myself when I'm on plan. I mean, I'm the same size I was a few days ago, but now I'm on plan for some reason I feel slimmer, more confident, more attractive and happier in my own skin. It's got to be all in my head but a great reason to stay on plan. Wonder if others can see it. TBH I think my friends and family are sick of me losing a bit of weight only to put it back on soon after. It's getting a bit embarrassing. The good thing is, this year I've lost 22lbs so far (about the usual amount after a good weight loss attempt), had time off plan and not regained it. That's the first time I've ever done that. We are going to do this this is time.
Ps loving your count down shelley @johns, you got this :like: :clover: :clover:
@justdee dee, positivity all the way. you definitely got this. sounds like you are back on track & on plan. loving it :) xx
Thanks very much Shelley @johns for your kind words.

Ooh, it's all happening, isn't it? Tomorrow is Saturday, your countdown is nearly over - whoop whoop - so we'll all eagerly await your report of how its gone!

So glad to hear that you are back in the groove, Dee @justdee! Isn't it great to feel back in control? I can't wait to hear more from you!

@sassy1 very kindly posted a suggestion for me on the exercise thread that I consider cycling as a way of targeting my thighs - historically my problem area as I am a classic pear - and do you know what? Just having someone put the thought into my head might be enough to make me actually get up off my backside and get on with it! Honestly, I am a classic avoider! Ive got 6 weeks til I am dragged kicking and screaming onto a plane (v.nervous flier) to Mauritius....and I really could make some significant progress in that time if I just grit my teeth and get the heck on with it! Please could you all keep tabs on me with that? I would be so grateful....

Hoping all the lovely Accountabuddies have a wonderful day! Lets keep in touch - whatever's going
Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a good week. I'm a little frustrated because I am being so good and the scale is not my friend. It is not my official weigh in day yet and I should probably stay away from it. Hopefully my body will catch up eventually. I do think I need to work on drinking more water and getting more exercise in. I'm working a lot of hours right now though and am very tired all of the time.

Just needed to vent. We'll see how my weigh in goes on Monday. Although, on Sunday I'm going to this huge fair and there's a lot of food there, so I am going to splurge a little. So we'll see.
Afternoon all,
I have to confess, I had an argument with a pound cake and the cake won :confused: I've been doing so well but Thursday I'd had a bad day and just shoveled down four pieces without blinking. I've been reasonably good apart from the odd spoonful of peanut butter so I'm fasting properly tomorrow to reset myself.

Well done justdee on getting back on the horse!

Hazelnut, I recommend squats as well for your thighs, there is a free app for doing them everyday. I do them during the day when I think no one is watching! My favourites (!) are sumo squats where you do them with your feet splayed sideways rather than forward. It works, especially if you hold a heavy weight at the same time. Another is laying on the floor and squeezing a fitful between your thighs, a couple of cushions also work, and the added advantage is, you are laying down :lol:

Hazelnut, we are feeding about 20 stray cats outside our apartment, animal neglect and cruelty here is rife unfortunately so we are doing as much as we can. We have an adopted feline that is going to a friend in the UK when he has had all his vaccinations and tests.

Keep up the good work all!
Hi my Beautiful Buds,just calling by,want to see how our palm tree gardens are growing..
only reading last post for now...@debs you made me laugh about the fight with the cake! Ive lost many a fight with one! Thank you thank you thank you dear Debs for looking after the cats..i cant bear to think of animal neglect :( why are people so cruel ..thanks again DEbs xx
back soon to catch up on challenge ees much to read! ..
cannot report anything as havent been weighed since sept 21 but am sporting trousers that didnt go over my thighs a few weeks ago..and i want to get some wear out of them coz they are rooooomy!HEHE! X and my DD laughed coz the top i had on was so massive but i hadnt realised..
Need to weigh soon x
evening all

@candicemarie it sounds as if you are still seeing the old you in the mirror & wearing clothes too big as you havent realised that you have shrunk :) no wonder they were laughing hehe

@cblasz think I will take some of your advice & aim for more water too. should keep me fooled into thinking Im not hungry & the added exercise will be there with loo trips.

@hazelnut20 pernelle I have this picture of you on a traditional bike with a wicker basket on the front & mudguards (why is it that they are considered extras now?) if you are gonna venture out onto the roads with all that horrid traffic, please be careful. Ive told my kids to keep to the paths. the roads are just too busy round here.

down to one sleep to go. well, one sleep until I start running again but three sleeps until my new WOE starts. I think I will go back to bsd as I liked the quick kickstart that gives. my belly will be flat again :) have had to buy a new belt today as my current cheapie is beginning to fray & its only a matter of time before I end up with a belt split in two :(

am feeling rather positive which bodes to a good start

hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend. talk soon. shelley xx
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