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Well, I am down half a pound since last week. It's not much, but I'll take it! Especially since I didn't have a stellar weekend. Also, not to get too personal, but I think I need to try to get more fiber! Anyway, it's a total of 4.2, so getting there!
@cblasz-Congrats on losing half a pound last week. Remember it all adds up in the long run.

Number 7 reporting in down 1.6 lbs. for the week.

How did everyone else do?
Thank you! It was just half a pound, but still! Congrats on your loss. That's great!!! I'm not sure if you saw my other post, that I live in CT. I see you live in NY, very close!
My sister lives in CT. When my husband was in the service he was station in Groton CT. for 3 yrs. And when we first got married I lived there for one yr. the was over 40 yrs. ago.
Reporting in, with a gain of 1.2 lbs in 2 weeks. It could have been much worse with the way life was, but now routine has settled and I have have to go day by day and for a week till next weigh in. Isnt it daft, I KNOW what to do to lose this weight, and go and do the opposite every so often? Rebellious or dismissive when I ingest the very wrong stuff. This week I'm on my case, now stated here, being accountable.
Best wishes for @Tracieknits mother. I hope the operation has been very good, and your anxiety is very much less.
Good luck to all with their challenges. Its good to have company here.
Hugs @tracieknits for you and Mum xxxxx
Hope she's on the mend x
Thanks everyone! Sorry about disappearing!

My mom is in a holding pattern. She's very much improved and the situation is no longer an emergency. But she has at least one bad heart valve. They are doing an angiogram right now, where they run a camera through her arteries to see what the heart and arteries look like. They'll make a treatment plan then. She definitely needs some sort of surgery but hasn't had it yet.

The good news is her pulmonary test was excellent. Her lab work is great. All of the obsessive exercise she had been doing really made her in the best possible condition for a 72 year old woman facing heart valve surgery. Since she is so low risk, she's also being shoved to the back of the line for things like the angiogram and surgery - the more urgent, dire patients are cutting in line.

So I am hopeful that she will make an excellent recovery. As for now, she is still in the hospital about 2.5 hours away. Aidan has to be here in high school. And my heart is split between two places. I have to be here with Aidan tomorrow as it's his birthday and he sweetly asked me to be with him on his birthday. But Wednesday I may drive down for the day.

On the diet front, this wasn't good for my waistline. I didn't track at all, but honestly, there weren't many good options. I ate four meals at a chain called Au Bon Pain - at the good bread. And I definitely ate too much bread. And too many croissants. They have spinach ones that have a cheesy, creamy spinach filling, as well as hot ham and cheese filled ones. sigh. I was naughty.

I also find myself wanting to stress eat. it's not pretty. But perhaps this is just the wrong week to add the stress of a diet. I will focus on trying to maintain for the next few days.
We're all thinking of you and your Mum @tracieknits. Glad the news is moving in the right direction, but so sorry to hear how far away the hospital is and how you are split in two.

With regards to's the last thing you need to worry about right now. These are not normal times and you will often have little control over what you eat because you aren't physically at home. Stress is a terrible thing too - you're going to worry about your Mum and your family wherever you are - and often you'll just need a quick fix of food...whatever is handy or whatever you happen to fancy at the time.

Be as kind to yourself as you can. We all know that you have this weightloss thing securely under your belt, but cut yourself some slack right now and go with the flow, because you really don't need to add to your stress at the moment...

All fingers are crossed...and here's a big hug for you :high5: xxx
Glad to hear your mum has improved @TracieknitsTake care of yourself at this difficult time. Don't worry about this WOE, that will get back to normal when the stress eases. Hope you have a nice day tomorrow. Sending hugs
Hello are you?

I started writing a post yesterday a long way through it....then fell asleep on the sofa..woke up, tried to rescue the post...but had gone....gah! Such a shame, because as you can was full of wise insights, ha ha.

Think I forgot I was going to try hard starting yesterday! All went not too bad...until the evening, when some Maltesers started calling me from the know the rest! Worse than that, a small Snickers bar joined in the party....

One of the things I wrote about last night, but lost, was the question of the much-mentioned "hunger monster". Well, I don't really get troubled by said monster. Ditching carbs means that hunger is much less than it ever I always reach for the kettle whenever I feel hungry...and that sorts it. No, my trouble is the little-mentioned relative of the hunger monster....the "Oh, sod it" monster. You know the one.....he sits on your shoulder, whispering damaging suggestions such as "Go on, you know you want to" and "Why shouldn't you have those've been good all day" and suchlike. My trouble is, as soon as I hear the suggestions, I suddenly lose my resolve....and obey immediately. Don't even challenge the voice...wouldn't occur to me. It's never about actual hunger. If I was hungry, I'd make a conscious choice to eat something suitable - I wouldn't automatically think chocolate.

So really, I'm talking about emotions...not physical needs. I need the tools to challenge my monster. I need to see him for who he is...a saboteur! I can be very strong when I need to be...but I become a bit of a lamb when he's around. And, it's habitual...I've done it all my life - tried to fill a void that can never be filled...because it's all about my emotions. Does that make any sense? Why do you think you are having trouble at the moment? Let's talk!! Xx
Accountabuddy 1 checking in with yesterday's weigh-in. Jumped on the scales and was 172lbs exactly. So I've earned 3 palm trees in total. Pretty happy with that, as I am a bit of a half-hearted challenge member at the moment (see my post above). Last week was full of indulgences - so I'm lucky to have lost anything. 6 packs of butter will do me nicely...but I really need to get my mojo back pronto. Hoping Dee can help me and I can help her get back on track....

Will write again later as I need to get on with my day a bit first. Big wave to you all, my dear Accountabuddies - have a great day! Xx
Hi there,
Ah yes, the sod it monster, one I know well, along with the can't be ar***d monster and the chocolate monster :bugeyes:
I know I'm in a better situation than most as I am not surrounded by family, friends and temptations; social occasions are rare so I can generally avoid all that. I've had a bad couple of days menopausal wise and in regards to the many feral felines we feed outside our apartment and was tempted to comfort eat. I even got as far as driving to the shop In search of Galaxy milk chocolate. However, I couldn't find anywhere to park so gave up and came home where I concocted a low carb pud in a mug. So in the end I probably had about 1200 calories, of which about 35g were carb based, so I didn't feel too bad, although nothing had changed but my attitude to how I deal with it. A few of my colleagues have noticed here which also gives me that extra impetus, but I can imagine if you have stressful family 'stuff' going on it wouldn't help.
So I guess what I am saying is that I know how tough it can be and I have no doubt that if someone puts a family tub of Maltesers in front of me, my little monkey hand will be in there! But at least I can know I can fast the next day.
How do I win a palm tree please, I'm exactly a stone down?!
You've hit the nail on the head Pernelle @Hazelnut20, yes it's the OSI monster that's the problem. I've made friends with the hunger monster, he pops up now and then, but I now know how to handle him. The OSI monster does keep bothering me but I'm (so far) giving him the cold shoulder. I've had a good day today, will be back later to chat more. Now time for dinner,,, Oh, I'm ready for it :) Chicken and veg yummm!!!
hi all. just checking in but dont have any stats to post as havent weighed myself on purpose :) hehe

the "oh sod it monster" has been by my side for the past few weeks. he has been my faithful friend :)I have made all the wrong choices. I havent run since the first 3 days of september but am planning to give him the push on the 3rd october. that will be my go for it day. its a monday & am starting my running again on the 1st which is saturday so only 4 more sleeps to go :)

my problem is that I KNOW I can lose weight now if I put my mind to it. doing BSD & losing all that in the first week has given me the confidence to feel that losing weight is easy. well, losing weight is the easyish bit. its the keeping it off thats the hard bit. I spose I want to settle at a certain weight. I have this ideal weight in my head. problem is once I get there I let myself get carried away with food again. sweets. like you pernelle @hazelnut20 my weakness is chocolate. not just malteasers. anything chocolate. even the kids school packed lunch stuff if Im hungry & the monster says yes. (its the monsters fault!!)

anyways. just checking in & letting you all know that saturday Ill be the one with the bright red sweaty face who is hoping to run/jog 3 miles & start a running streak. & monday, well monday is day 1 of my countdown to christmas & feeling better in my clothing & with a flatter stomach & in control. overall I want to be feeling better about myself & in myself.

things at home are still a nightmare. daughter is still camping out in the front room with gorgeous grand-daughter who is now smiling as soon as she sees you & started giggling too. so sweet. no hope of her moving on any time soon. am going spare as there is no-where to hide/relax as the front room is taken up with all their things.

am blaming the situation on my lack of willpower (along with OSI monster)but as my mood is getting lower I think that finding the time to run again & concentrating on eating better may help things.

am sorry for the life story... just putting my plans out there so that I will become accountable to myself if they fall through.

hope everyone is doing ok. @tracieknits havent had time to read through the last few pages but hope that your mum is on the mend. & @justdee dee see you are being good too. will try & keep posting here as know that the support I got when I did BSD was fantastic :)

accountabuddies are the best :like: shelley xx
Hi Shelly @johns, it's good to hear from you. Sounds like a good plan you have there. Look at your running as a bit of 'me time', away from the craziness at home. Good luck for your restart, we all hope to see you on here much more next week :like: :clover: :clover:

I've had dinner now, it turned out to be a roast chicken thigh, broccoli, carrots and a corn on the cob. Ok the last two things are not the best choice but all is good. I couldn't even finish it and I've only had a small tuna salad for lunch (1pm). 750 cals and 45 carbs. Kitchen is closed but I may have a few nuts or bit of yogurt if needed. How's your day been @Hazelnut20?
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