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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Moogie wrote: Relating to a little bit of research I've been asked to help with!

In the real world, are you doing 5:2 alone or with a group of friends/family/co-workers?

If you have friends/family/co-workers doing 5:2 with you, how many are in your 'group'?

Is the forum your main network of support, or are your real life co-dieters?

Thanks for this!

I started with the support of two colleagues who are also fasting, and the three of us are great at supporting each other emotionally.

Recently my OH and daughter have also started fasting with me, which makes it easier, but it is more a case of me supporting them...

This forum is my main source of information, progress tracking, plateau-busting help, recipe ideas, and other such practical assistance.
No real life support here (apart from having met up with CarieOates) but that doesn't count because we met here! Hubby wouldn't be able to do this as he is Type 1 diabetic and no friends/colleagues that are doing it yet, although some have been inspired by my weightloss but not enough so to take the plunge! Very thankful for this forum for help, advice and friendship!
@cblasz , I think you said once that you live in Connecticut. Maybe someday we'll be able to meet up. I think there are a lot of IFers in the US, just not too many active on this forum. MM's book has well over 1000 customer reviews on Amazon and was once #1 on the NYTimes best seller list.

Too bad our distances in North America are so great!
Yes @Moogie no need to reply but thinking speedy resolution for you (((((((((hug))))))))

My friends and extended family I introduced to 5:2 fell by the wayside pretty quickly. My close family DH and DS have been fabulously supportive all the way. I lost the most the fastest before joining the forum but the forum has sustained, encouraged and inspired me to keep on going
My OH and I are keen and steady 5:2ers, means good support right here, I also have a close friend and colleague and her husband, various members of our staffroom, friends of OH's and my brother and wife, and younger daughter and husband ( with 3 small children) and their foster daughter also keen and successful with this WOL. There are lots of people I come across for whom this is now a normal lifestyle adjustment.
I am very very thankful for this forum which is a daily support to me personally. One doesn't want to talk about 5:2 all the time to everyone, but here one can!. :heart: :smile:
I'm doing it on my own.I's going very slowly , and sometimes not very easy , and the main support -(actually the onley one) is this wonderful amazing forum.
I get the main information from reading here as well as moral and emotional support. There are a lot of knowledged , clever people here, kind and willing to share and support.
I've bought and read the book - but without the support of this forum i woudn't be able to keep on.
Thank you ALL. :-). :-). :-)

I'm doing this on my own. The forum provides me with a way of being "nosey" about other people's experiences and sometimes gives me recipe ideas. Perhaps it contributes to being able to stay focused, in that dipping in reminds me of what I am trying to do and keeps it at the front of my mind. I'm not sure that "support" is the right word for that.
Moogie wrote: Relating to a little bit of research I've been asked to help with!

In the real world, are you doing 5:2 alone or with a group of friends/family/co-workers?

If you have friends/family/co-workers doing 5:2 with you, how many are in your 'group'?

Is the forum your main network of support, or are your real life co-dieters?

Thanks for this!

Well, it turns out one English chap at my gym started talking about it at one of the bike classes and I chimed in, that was last year around May, we chat about it and shared our successes and supported each other. I talked to another chap about it and it took him from th time I talked about it from end of April last year to November for him to decide to do it, and now he is a royal pain in the tush, because I am struggling and he is hard at me to get back on and he is not being respectful about it.
This forum has more respect for me and to me in my struggle in getting back into 5:2 than the 1 out of 3 doing it at the gym.
The more he is going on at me about it, the more I just dont want to do it. These guys are in their 60's, more sense would be had I thought.
He tried to get one of the others on side to get me back fasting, sounds like high school really,
I certainly was not acting like he was the months I was talking about it, and he was adamant he was not fasting. Now is a 5:2 know it all. :neutral:

I needed to get that off my chest.
I have been quite evangelical about 5:2 and lent my copy of MM's book out to about 4 people, in fact my Sis in Law still has it. I'm not sure how many have properly tried it or stuck with it.

This Forum is my main support and source of information about Fasting, Exercise, Nutrition etc etc etc (the list would be very long).

My husband is supportive and lost a significant amount of weight last year by being more mindful about his eating. Fasting does not appeal to him. I frequently send him links from this forum on diet, health and lifestyle issues.
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