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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I' m in a choir, and after a quick chat with my fellow altos, I found out that five us us are on 5:2!! My friend works in the NHS, and I got her onto the diet two weeks ago. I have another friend who has bought the book and is thinking of trying it, inspired by my 8.5 kg loss so far. It is far better to have friends to support you. I also find that some people find the diet 'weird' and so it's good to have people to talk to who share your views.
I'm doing it with my partner, though I'm probably following it more scrupulously than him. So he sticks to 600 cals while I worked out my TDEE and eat 400 cal on fast days. I'm the one who works out what to eat and how much we can both have as he doesn't have much patience with calorie counting. But I'm v glad for his support - it would be hard otherwise. And I still like to check in with this forum regularly to keep motivated
5:2ing with my husband. We've been at it for three weeks. Telling friends and family, and one out of state family member has joined us. The forum is my main support system when loss is slow and I need encouragement, or when I'm trying to better understand the program. Otherwise, my husband is my best support. We are retired and both need to lose about 50 lbs or more.
Ive been doing this alone,but have been reading mumsnet threads, from where this site was recommended. This site seems to have more info and I shall probably spend rather a lot of time here, especially on a fast day(thats when Im not going mad cleaning the house to keep busy).
I didnt even tell my hubby until today until I was sure it wasnt going to be yet another diet. Ive done about 8 fasts now, so feel pretty confident I can keep it up, infact this feels more a lifestyle than a diet.
One of my real life friends and her mum are also doing 5:2, but we dont live in the same town so dont see her too often sadly, but we text.Hope this helps your research Moogie
I am going it alone and know absolutely no one else who is doing this. The internet is my only support.

My husband is showing interest in this, and I really feel that as he sees the weight peel off me, he'll dive into the plan. I am very overweight,needing to lose about 50 lbs., and so far I've lost 3.5 lbs. I figure I'll have to lose at least 10 lbs. for any weight loss to be visible.

I used to go to Weight Watchers meetings. I hated the diet but loved the meeting support. I wish there were 5:2 meetings! I love interacting with others who are doing this. This forum is the next best thing to meetings.
Just joined tonight and doing it on my own - hubby doesn't believe in diets!
Still trying to find my way round the site.
I don't know any-one doing this diet. I am pleased to say my DR is very supportive and I am finding it easier each week.
Doing it on my own. So far so good. I am going to use this site for support.
I am doing this on my own. I am trying to get my husband to do it too but he is reluctant. I have told only a few co-workers. They had not heard about this diet before (I live in U.S.). I may tell others if they notice weight loss. This forum is my only support and I appreciate all the effort to keep it going. Thank You!
Hi moogie,

I'm doing this diet alone with very few people that know about it. I think that's the great thing about this plan, it's easy to do without telling anyone about.

although my oh knows i'm doing it he doesn't really understand and is only supportive of exercise and not diets. I can't wait for him to start noticing the results and realise it's not just a fad.

i use this forum everyday for support and guidance and rarely venture outside this forum as there's so much here about the science and practicalities of the plan.

Thank you for all the support, long may it continue.
I'm doing 5:2 on my own, with my husband's strong support. He tried it for one day out of curiosity and nearly went insane from hunger. He's not fat, so he doesn't need it.

I prefer to be a loner in this. Well, I'm a loner by profession as a novelist!
Hi. I am doing this by myself but with the support of my OH although last fast day, he did sit by me in the evening with a large slice of chocolate cake and a beer!

I am trying to get my mum to give it a go as well.

I really appreciate the work that you all put into the forums though, it has answered so many of my questions and has provided valuable support. Thanks to you!! :-)
Hi Moogie. I am doing it with my OH who isn't as enthusiastic as I am as he's not losing weight. Poor thing. I have encouraged a friend of mine to do it, but as she doesn't keep in touch it's not like having a buddy. No matter, I find the forums and blogs on this site just the thing I need when hunger gnaws (as it is now) :starving:
I am doing it alone and am beyond grateful for the support on this site. My sister and mother know what I am doing and are supportive but I have hidden it from my husband for the last 8 weeks as I don't want him to be disparaging of yet another "fad". One of my colleagues started doing it last week with his wife and we are supporting each other too. Almost a stone of and loving it
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