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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Ballerina, well done on the 36 fast. Don't know about the waist issue but can only suggest measuring again tomorrow to see if there is a change. BTW where in the world are you, I had assumed you were in the UK (and what are you doing awake during the night).

Minumonline, it might be a good idea to start a new thread on the fasting board tomorrow for the 36er's. It would be a lot easier to support each other on a day by day basis. Glad to hear twitter response. I had read in 'the book' that Dr M chose to eat twice a day on fast days as he felt it was the only way he could sustain it and the inference was that there were improved health benefits of not eating.
Was hard today but I am glad I stuck to it, it's after 8 pm now so won't be eating now for sure, I survived until now so won't give up. I think I will go to sleep soon feeling tired. Well done for everyone doing it today and good luck for everyone fasting tomorrow.
I am trying a 36 hour fast. Began 11 PM last night and will go till 11 AM tomorrow morning. I am finding this difficult. This morning a headache. Now diarrhea, I feel tired, irritable and toxic. Could I be needing this cleanse? Hope I last but I plan to simply stay with it and see how my body reacts to this.This is the first time I have had the courage to fast for this amount of time. Its a water fast although this morning I had my usual organic coffee with cinnamon and some milk (light). :clover:
I am grateful for all of the support on this site.
I've made it to almost 9 so I'm not giving up at this point. I need to go until noon tomorrow, but I'm rarely hungry in the morning so that's fine. It hasn't been too bad. I did have a couple of moments where the thought of food was very strong, but it didn't last long. I do feel a bit weak and fuzzy headed. I will be very happy to have a small bowl of raisin bran tomorrow for lunch.
Lilirose, well done for sticking it out, but don't be ashamed to give up on a 36 and call it a normal fast day if your body isn't coping. My first 36 was fine but earlier in the week I just couldn't do it. Today has been pretty easy, and I've even been for a run this evening.

Well done Janet, I'm sure you'll be fine tomorrow. I found last week that I almost had to make myself break my fast after the 36 hours. I can see why some people do longer, but 36 is enough for me at the moment!!

Good luck to all doing 36 tomorrow.
Hi Wildmissuss,

Like you I hail from north of the border but live in the midlands now. I just found it impossible to sleep last night so I got up to keep the cat company. Not too bothered about the waist size it was just that as I'd lost such a HUGE amount of weight I assumed that my waist would have gone down a bit, NOT UP for goodness sake. No doubt tomorrow will see the 1/2 stone back on but that will be fine as I never intended to lose this much anyway.

Off to bed soon for what I hope will a good night's sleep, see you all tomorrow, :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:

Ballerina x
I'm water fasting again tomorrow. And I agree a new thread probably is a good idea! Well done everyone who fasted today. Think of me tomorrow when you're having your delicious brekkies!!
I'm set for tomorrow too. See y'all then :-)
I"m going for 36 again this fast (Thursday).
I'm in for the 36er again tomorrow, Thursday - last ate tonight at 8pm, so I'm on the road already - can someone start a thread tonight pls, otherwise I'll start one in the morning (leave the house by 7.15 so it'll be early) :smile:
I've decided to do a normal 400cal fast day tomorrow instead of a no food at all fast as I've been feeling really poorly over the last couple of days, vomiting and cold symptoms so I'll definitely need a little something tomorrow.
I'm all over a proper 36hr water fast next Thursday though, all being well :-)
Well, today was my second water-only fast of the week. Suddenly going all day with no food has been incredibly easy. I barely thought about food at all. Weird how the body adjusts to fasting!
Nearly finished my first ever 36 hours. It hasn't been too bad at all, apart from late last night when I was so hungry I probably would have eaten my own leg if my boyfriend hadn't persuaded me to eat the last of my low calorie stew.

On my next fast day which will probably be Friday I will give the 36 another go, it really hasn't been too bad and I would love the scales to nudge below 64kg (10st1)! Good luck everyone, and well done to those who have done it! :D
Well, I can't believe I did it, but I did. I had a substantial lunch on Friday and the next time I ate was yesterday, Sunday, at lunchtime so, I DID A 48 HOUR FAST!!!! :like:

I didn't set out to do it, it just sort of evolved as I was busy, not very hungry and realised that it would be very easy to do a 36 hour fast but as I never eat breakfast it just carried on til lunchtime, hence the 48 hours. I felt wonderful, both physically and mentally and unlike my 36 hour fast, where I lost 7lbs, I lost a more modest 1 lb. I didn't do it for the weight loss, it was more of a mental challenge but when you think about it, it was only one day without food, but still, I DID IT! :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina, I admire your efforts! I am waaay too much of a wimp to try the liquid only 36 hour fasts for now though!

Will do one this Friday on only 500 cals, then if I don't feel like mass murdering everyone afterwards maybe I will give the 0 calorie one a bash!
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