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Made it through fine and got extra housework done last night with the wirey energy that I find comes with fasting, but at 11 pm I felt suddenly shattered so went to bed and slept like a log. Normally sleep can be a bit erratic for me after fasting.
woke up , just before alarm went off and thoroughly enjoyed my breakfast of fruit salad, walnuts and Greek yogurt, with freshly brewed coffee, heaven !!!!

Now 2 days to appreciate and enjoy food before resetting my appetite on Thursday!

Well done fellow 36'rs :smile:
Good morning!
Well I feel fab today the 36 hours certainly worked for me and I shall do it again although I will do my 500 cals on Thursday. And yes it is cheaper :like:

Yesterday I watched my usual cooking & cake programs, went shopping and even did some baking with no problems at all - I was just focussing on eating this morning. The funny thing was I woke up this morning and thought about what I was going to eat and my mouth started to water at the thought of food, which hadn't happened at all during the fast so I am wondering if this is why I found the fast so easy - my body protecting my mind lol

Hope everyone else had a positive fast x
Well I did it & pleased that I did. But not feeling great this morning - very drained & my chronic pain is bad today. Don't know if its linked to 36 hr fast or taking my meds all day with no food but my pain can flare up on its own. I was hoping to feel that buzz of energy & feel good feeling I've got with other fasts. Don't know if I will do it again but you never know.
All good here too!! :oops: just finished a 2hour dog walk (just can't tire out these cocker spaniels!!) am going through to 42 hours and aiming on having my poached egg lunch at 1pm but if I feel as I do now, I'll probably go through until dinner as not hungry at all. Well done to everybody, very proud of all of your achievements, Scotty, sorry to hear your chronic pain has flared up this morning and I hope you settle down and feel better during today. Am fasting again Thursday as usual and will, again, do the water fast-I agree, it's so much easier not having to faff with the 500 cal evening meal :grin:
Will look in on all of your news today and will see many of you on Thursday no doubt! Xx
finished my 2nd 36 hour fast this morning. This one was easier, and I managed without only one coffee at 3 pm to stave off a headache. Actually went fo 39 hours, should have eaten at 0930, but was busy at work and didnt get a chance to eat until 1230. If Id thought I should have tried to go for 40, but had another meetimg at 1300. Had 1 poached egg an 2 pieces of toast which I really enjoyed.

Will do a standard 24 hr 500 cal dinner fast on Thursday, tho, might try and keep the cals below that, will see how I go.

I dont envy those who still have to cook for a family, I make my husband fend for himself!!
Thanks Sarah - it may be just a coincidence - I do get good & bad days throughout my week anyway. Today is a non work day for me (a rest day - my own sort of repair day for my condition) so I'm going to take it easy & enjoy the sunshine in Scotland! I had forgotten what it looked like :lol: still cold though but it's great to see the sun :like:
I sneaked in a crafty extra fast day on Saturday, and managed a full 36 hours! My husband was not too impressed when he found out (went racing all day) as he thought it was bad for me? Me - I was really chuffed with myself and felt great!!
I really thought it would be difficult as by 3pm I am absolutely starving. However, before I knew it I was getting ready for bed and hadnt really dwelled on it too much. Having a really busy day helped of course. :)
In the 35th hour of my second 36 hour fast. This one was a little more difficult than the first one was for me. I got really hungry late last night and the hunger pangs lasted longer than they normally do. I managed to make it through to bed time though. Slept like a log and woke up feeling great.

One thing fasting has made me realize is that there are a lot of food commercials on tv in the evening. All seem to be for pizza, burgers, fried foods, and sugary snacks. Mind you these commercials are on late in the evening well after dinner time. It is no surprise that the U.S. is obese as it is.

The commercials do trigger a desire to eat those foods in me. I think that one thing fasting is teaching me is self control. After not eating for a day I've come to realize that when I start craving food my body is not really hungry, but my mind is.
I'm jealous of those who have a normal life during the 36 hour fast! My brain didn't seem to work as well toward the end of the work day yesterday, and when I got home I was too tired to do anything other than watch tv or read. I did sleep really well tho and woke up before my alarm :) I think I need to have light snacks rather than do a true fast, at least for now.
I can't argue with the results, tho - I'm down 5# after a 48 hour fast last week and a 36 hour fast yesterday, with birthday and anniversary celebrations over the weekend.
Just to check in, managed my 36hr fast and could even wait until work for my toast which was a first, felt quite normal so think my body is adjusting just as it did to 500 cal fasting. Next fast on thurs and will continue on I think! Part of my motivation is money saving as I was buying m&s ready meals which were expensive! Just cooking a roast dinner and can't wait! 3lbs down on Mondays weigh in this morning so this could halve my weight loss time frame! Happy days!
It really is amazing how many of us are finding this way of doing 5:2 is really resetting appetite, boosting energy and working for weight loss. I am thinking of starting to tell people about this in the 'real' world. So far I'm just telling people I've cut out junk food (which is true, but not the whole truth obv). My husband says I should say nothing in case people don't understand/ think its dangerous/ a fad etc. but I'm starting to feel very selfish for not sharing this with friends I know are desperate to lose weight. I think I'll point them in the direction of normal 5:2 first though and if they take to it, then suggest our water/ liquid version.
Redhead I know what you mean, you just want to tell everyone about it. I have told a few friends that noticed the weight loss and asked what I was doing. I told them that for 5 days you eat normally like what they are eating now since they are not losing or gaining and for 2 days you eat 500 calories a day. They are interested but have not started yet, haven't told anyone about the 36 hr water fast. I guess if they start, after a while I will tell them about my experience on the 36 hr water fast.

I will be doing my second 36 hr fast tomorrow for the week, anyone joining me?
I'm going to try my first 36 hour fast tomorrow. I'm slightly nervous (don't know why) and hoping it goes as well as my 500 cal fast days.
I am sure you can do it JanetM, whenever you feel tempted drink water and if you can log in the forum, that will keep you occupied.
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