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Malteserr wrote: Redhead I know what you mean, you just want to tell everyone about it. I have told a few friends that noticed the weight loss and asked what I was doing. I told them that for 5 days you eat normally like what they are eating now since they are not losing or gaining and for 2 days you eat 500 calories a day. They are interested but have not started yet, haven't told anyone about the 36 hr water fast. I guess if they start, after a while I will tell them about my experience on the 36 hr water fast.

I will be doing my second 36 hr fast tomorrow for the week, anyone joining me?

I'm actually slightly worried about telling a good friend I haven't seen in a while because I think she might actually be cross with me for not telling her sooner! I'm fasting again on Thursday. Good luck for tomorrow!
Fantastic work today 36ers! Can't wait for Thursday.
Hey! i have done a 36hr.. no problems at all. I did have a coffee & a tea with milk. I think it is easier than eating 500 cals as soon as i eat something i need to continue.. I am goint to try again on Thursday and stop the 4:3 and continue with 5:2 36ers. good luch to all that are doing it tomorrow....
Redhead - hopefully your friend will understand that you needed to try it for yourself first before spreading the word. Me & OH told friends right from the start what we were doing - a few of them watched from the side lines and are now openly joining in (how strange was it the other day to listen to hubby and his best mate chatting about diets :lol: never thought I'd see the day, made a change from football :bugeyes: ) You can admit to being a guinea pig for her - that's what good friends are for isn't it??!! :smile:
I was 500g down after my 36 hour fast, taking me only 900g away from target. My second fast of the week tomorrow and I usually eat 500 cals for that one, I will take some soup for lunch but see how I feel.
In the event the walk and the pub were deferred - so I had a normal breakfast at 11 o'clock. Making my fast - on 87 cals - 40 hours. :like:

I was very careful about what I ate! :grin:
Well, here I am at 2.30am, just having a coffee, unable to sleep, but at 4 am I will have done my 36 hour water and black coffee fast. I didn't actually set out to do it even though I fancied having a go, I've done a few 24 hours but never envisaged doing this. It just sort of crept up on me. I had a very busy day, walked about 9 miles, had coffee with a friend, did some shopping and before I knew where I was it was bedtime and still not hungry. I did not do this for the weight loss but it has been an enlightening experience about my own capabilities. See you all at 4 am, til then.........

Ballerina x
I found the 36 hours relatively easy to do on Monday, but wow I've eat a lot of crap yesterday and today.
Hi KateMac,
I bet the 'crap' won't affect your weight so don't worry. Less than an hour to go for me and I will have done my 36 hours and still not hungry,

Ballerina x
Well, I've done it, 36 hours without food, never thought I could do that, just shows you what you can do when you put your mind to it. Off back to bed now and hope I can finally get some sleep. Not sure when I shall be eating again as I don't usually have breakfast but we shall see how it goes later,

Night, night all,

Ballerina x
Good morning World,

Its now 9 am and I have yet to break my fast, will probably have bacon and eggs at 11 or 12 ish, well into 40 plus hours of fasting. Haven't had much sleep, it was gone 6 am before I eventually nodded of for about an hour but I feel surprisingly awake, at the moment. I have dropped 1/2 a stone which has shocked me so I shall have good fun putting that weight on again, my legs which looked like drumsticks now look more like chopsticks and my 28.5" waist, which I am desperate to get smaller, now measures a magnificent 29"! :curse: and :shock: !

So, apart from the mental euphoria of achievement, I didn't get what I wanted from this, :confused: oh well, I've got the Actiderm trial looming so we shall see if that reduces my waist. :neutral:

As its such a lovely morning I'm off to sit in the garden with a coffee and ponder where I went wrong!!!! :starving:

Ballerina x
Did a 36 hour fast yesterday (my second 36 hour which finished at 5am this morning!)and I feel so much better than last Friday! I managed to keep really busy,all day, even doing my OH dinner, whilst sipping water!! The forum has really kept me going, as I have enjoyed reading how everyone else is doing and it keeps me on the straight and narrow.
I am planning to do another 36 hour fast tomorrow, although I always have a 500 cal meal ready just in case it all goes 'pear shaped'. I won't know how much I've lost till Saturday as that's my weigh in day, but energy wise I feel great! :dance:
I'm in for a 36er today :smile:

Yesterday was a non-fast day for me and for the first time ever I calorie counted the entire day, just to see how what I wanted to eat fit with my TDEE (about 1800) OMG I was shocked how much good food (including some good sourdough bread and white wine) you can eat for that amount of calories :shock: however, I felt tired and lethargic all day :confused:

Just to test my resolve, I've a ton of sugary stuff to do today (I'm a member of our local sugarcraft guild) and have spent all morning torturing myself by sculpting marzipan :bugeyes: and yes, I LOVE marzipan :cry: Next job; mix and mess with royal icing... Eek!

Good luck to all fasting today - may the temptations and tummy rumbles be small ones :cool:
Are we going to have a new thread for tomorrows NF fast, or carry on with this one?

I see Dr M answered a question on Twitter last night about zero calorie fasting

"are there any negatives to not eating anything on a fast day? #fastdiet.” not that i know. Google 'Brad Pilon'"
Well in contrast to earlier in the week, this 36er is going really well. I would normally be eating this evening at 19:00 and I'm already past that and doing fine :smile:

How is everyone else doing? It's been quiet in here today!
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