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Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 08:46
Well done on your run and in the rain, you can hold your head up high today! Hummingbird-power - love it.

Last year I was training for a 10km, and my after my first long training run, my shins were on fire.. After that run I put in nice thick insoles and I never got it again. So I would give that a shot as it might help you (I think shins get sore by the repeated impact on the ground and having some more cushioning in the shoe helps).

Anyway happy house viewing :-)

Oh FIFA is a play station football game. I had not played it in years. (I mastered the 1998 one). So it was just a fun night - A real blast from the past.

Well done josie50 congrats with you your fast yesterday – great to hear that your garden is coming to life :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 09:03
Hi All,

Janeg would you share your potato bread recipe if it's not too much trouble. I love to bake bread and recently bought myself a breadmaker. I could offer a good banana bread recipe in exchange if you're interested.
And yes, it is possible to grow veggies organically in hydroponic systems, although the yield might be a wee bit poorer. I haven't used comfrey tea, but I've heard people have had good results with that. The whole veggie growing thing is quite new for me. Stinging nettles/onions can be used in the same way as comfrey, so I've heard.
Legoman, thanks for filling me in on the FIFA-thing.
Hummingbird, the advice re soles seems a thing to consider. You might even want to consult a physiotherapist or other bone expert, who can have a computer calculate a tailor-made sole for you. Ailments of the musculoskeletal system are not fun and you want to keep it in as good a condition for as long as you can. Please don't damage yourself. Signing off for now. Back soon.
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 09:05
I'm going to decontaminate myslef after exercising - sorry TMA and then I'll stick the potato bread recipe/guidelines on the recipe bit. No calorie count or anything sorry, but it was sooooo good- lovely texture.
Nettles work too
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 09:06
Thanks Janeg and Legoman for your shin splints info -

I had them so badly last year (from dancing so much) that I ended up actually having to have scans and then super expensive physio and acupuncture etc. They finally felt better at Christmas, but if I over do it in a dance class, walk too far, or (it turns out) run, they start nagging me again!!

I have really good insoles and always come back and stretch after a run and normally that does the job, but today they're not happy with me at all... Think I'll take a few days off!

It's annoying when you want to do more running/dancing and its your body that's letting you down :( at least they're not as bad as last year. At one point the doctor said I might not be able to dance without pain again!

I really should do some work :p so easily distracted!!

H x
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 09:12
Hummingbird ,
When I used to do highland dancing I would get really extreme shin pain from constant hopping on a floor that wasn't sprung. It was really horrible and each lesson all the girls and I would be hobbling around the floor. Somebody explained to us that rather than proper shin splints what we were probably getting was a build up of lactic acid around the bone to protect it from damage. We could tell if that was the case by running our fingers along the front of the shin - the bone felt like it had lots of little bumps. We were told to use a muscle rub (or something like Voltaren gel) to massage up and down the shin bone to release the lactic acid and then lay on the floor with our legs against the wall to allow the acid to flow back into the body.
Okay, so when I write that out it sounds totally like some old wives tale, but it really worked. I have since given that information to my big sister who experiences a similar pain when she starts exercising. I don't know if this is the case for you but maybe it will help!!
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 10:01
You all impress me with your exercising - I'm still going slow and steady at it. Plus I find it hard to fit it in around having a young family and work deadlines. I had a bad twisted knee at Christmas which took three months to fully recover, so I've been going carefully.

I'm fasting today - we usually do Thursdays but when events require it, we do Wednesdays instead. I'm finding it a little hard on the head today, but I think it's more due to two late nights working rather that only having one day between fasts. I don't usually feel like this when I do Monday/Wednesday. Took a paracetamol half an hour ago so hoping that will kick in soon and sort it out. I'm not a big fan of analgesics and rarely take them, but I'm finding it hard to work with a woozy head. :dazed:

I have also made a decision today that on weeks when I fast on a Wednesday I'm also going to do a half fast on a Friday. I have noticed that on weeks when it's Mon/Weds I end up not losing as much weight as there is then a big gap before the next Monday fast. As we eat with the children our evening meal is usually done by 6pm, and I only have a cup of tea after that. So that will be Thursday evening, then I'll skip breakfast on Friday morning and see how long I go. I'm not prepared to do a full fast on a Friday but I reckon this might help. My normal fasting pattern now is liquid during the day and just an evening meal, but I don't want to restrict calories on Friday evening as it's one of the few days when I have a glass of wine.

It's only three months to our summer holiday, so I'm wanting to increase the weight loss - I'm still not going to be a stunner on the beach, but I'm determined not to be a whale! :wink:
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 10:09
shin splint advice hint number qanteen- yarrow balm. It may be the massage action (As Fredi says) but could also be helpful.
Love the mental image of lassies and not so young ones lying on the floor with hteir feet on the walls! If you've been to some of the country hall dances I've been to....well, say no more!
Sounds like a sound plan No_More_Mrs_Michelin- and look after those knees.
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 14:45
Ha ha ha! What a picture janeg!
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 15:28
I have had so much energy lately that I did a beginners version of HIIT which I found on the internet and it was all going well until I upped the pace and incorporated running on the spot at full steam ahead. my right knee hasn't been the same since and now I fully understand all the warnings about taking things slowly (or at least sensibly!) I live in an old 4 storey house (help ma boab!) and the stairs are my enemy at the moment. Am still mobile, but don't think I will be doing much exercise until sore knee is mended. Am still doing some callanetics for my arms and tummy and I think they're working! Janeg, I'm trying to resist your lovely bread recipe - honestly if I didn't know better I would be thinking sabotage!! :smile: Josie, my beans are still not showing any signs of wanting to enter this world, parsley is just appearing and lettuce and radishes also. I'm new to growing veggies, but hopefully I will be eating some of them soon. I do grow lovely raspberries and strawberries and gooseberries though and I usually get a good crop of apples and potatoes. This year I've not planted any spuds as I know they will be too tempting :smile: great to hear about everyones progress with exercise - and I do sympathise with all the splints and strains!
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 15:54

Wow looks like most of us over did the exercise.. But Hopefully nothing serious and we can be back on track soon.

Oh wow Hummingbird sorry to hear that your shins are an ongoing issue for you. I read an interesting book on running a while ago. It’s called Born to Run (by Christopher CcDougall). He puts forward some interesting views on running. It is well worth a read and it could prove useful to you.

I am similar to you No_More_Mrs_Michelin – In that I do my best figures when I do the 36h fast on Monday and Thursday. I have done less well doing Monday / Wednesday and worst weeks are the one I did back to back fasts (Did that twice and not very fun). Where are you going on your holiday?

Anyway I hope my hamstring holds up as I am going to this office personal trainer tonight from 6 to 7.
Re: *Marvellous May*
15 May 2013, 20:02
How did the personal trainer go Legoman? I don't get any office perks anymore, as I am now freelance, but I much prefer working for myself and not having any bosses telling me what to do.

Anyway, just having a cup of tea and that's my fast day done. The paracetamol did the trick this morning and I've had a really productive afternoon workwise. Feels like it might have been a good fast as I've got the jellybelly feeling, but we'll see when I hop on the scales in the morning.

We are off to Menorca for the first time. First holiday abroad in more than five years, and the first time our youngest has ever been abroad. New passports arrived last week, so it's feeling ever closer. We're sticking to simple beach holidays whilst the kids are young. Neither of the boys can quite get the concept of just how warm the Med can be in the middle of August. I keep telling them the sea is like a bath but they don't believe me (but then our eldest was quite happy in the North Sea last year!). Before children I would never have seen myself spending two weeks lazing by the beach/pool, but they love the water and the sand, and happy kids makes for happy parents :grin:
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 06:48
Good morning team,

Yes yesterday's personal training went really well. My hamstring is fine too yay!

Woke up this morning, sun is out and i am feeling great, it's my second fast of the week. I am using my phone so can't reply to everyone, I will do that while drinking some water at my desk :-)
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 07:19
Hi Marvellous Mayers,

Coldish day here, looks like rain. Fast day for me today.
Dhana take it easy on the knees. As for exercise, you might perhaps be overdoing it a little in your enthusiasm. There is a quite drippy daily exercise programme on Dutch tv, specially geared towards the elderly. Exercises are doable (even for me, and I am hopeless at all things sporty), 15 minutes every day, which is perfect for me because I am awfully lazy. I seem to remember that the NHS have an exercise programme as well, with special exercises geared towards back/knees etc.
Parsley is irritatingly slow to germinate. As is my basil, no sign of germination there either.
Legoman, good to hear that the hamstring is holding out. Off to find some distraction and to shops later (have to buy some eggs & yoghurt). Have a marvellous day all of you! :clover:
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 12:03
Afternoon Team Marvellous amigos!
Lat eon today as went out ot the fantastic emporium of the Dragonmart after breakfast. Was looking for weights but no luck. Did the shred when I cam back and managed so much better than I do after a fast day. Don;t know if the breakfast had longer to get into the system or if I'm just getting stronger but it felt good!
Really hot and I needed to go out and it just wipes me- ugh!
Glad your hamstring is good Legoman
The telly exercises sound good josie- in the UK years ag it was the Green Goddess and Mr Motivator!
Thinking to start basil off indoors - need to get compost...
Off to make brioche now as I have a recipe that needs it and I can't get unsliced one here.
Then we can have a luscious Saturday breakfast.
I've looked at the calendar and decided to maybe weigh and measure on Sunday which is 2 weeks early and then start 4:3 for the next 4 weeks before the holidays. This is not shifting and I'm getting fed up. Added in exercise so will possibly have increased ....but we'll see, Haven't decided yet..
Have a great day amigos and looking forward to hearing what you're allup to
Re: *Marvellous May*
16 May 2013, 12:23
Last night I mowed the lawn - took over an hour. So I went and got take out pizza (ate 2 slices), veggies, then ice cream for dessert. It all tasted wonderful! Fasting today...

Iris are blooming, yellow in fill bloom with white with purple edging just opening. Also just opening are the peonies. I gave up and bought basil and parsley! It never germinates well for me.

Hope all have/had a wonderful day. Take Care!
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